We are made up of atoms
over 99 per cent empty space
called the Zero Point Field
An infinite source of potential
energy at quantum levels, the
fabric of existence, the basis
of the energetic universe
Permeating the 1 per cent
physical of the human body
Memory - no single location in
the brain, no matter which area
destroyed, animals remember
what was learnt before
Non-local aspect means memory
works like fields of energy, spread
through an entire being, like a radio
transmitting and receiving
Not stored within one space in the brain
like a hard disc data device, there is no
ghost enclosed within, everything is
consciousness active in reality
Light Coherent…
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Pensée Intuitive, Créative
Je prépare pour la classe de conversation
française, je lis un article La Psychologie
de Transformation
‘Quand vous êtes déprimé dans une attitude
self-défaitiste, c’est le résultat d’un langage
intérieur négatif fluctuant
en-dessous de votre seuil de conscience -
implantées en vous de force au cours d’une
expérience douloureuse - trop inconfortable
à se souvenir, les ressentis étaient dans l’in-
conscience, une énergie mentale considérable
justifiée à l’aide de conclusions
irrationnelles et généralisées concernant soi
et les autre gens, reconsidére vos sys-
tèmes de croyance avec un œil neuf
débarrasse-vous des traumatismes refoulés
pour meilleur accès à votre potentiel réel
concernant votre pensée intuitive
holistique, créative’
Je prépare pour la classe de conversation
française, je lis un article La Psychologie
de Transformation
‘Quand vous êtes déprimé dans une attitude
self-défaitiste, c’est le résultat d’un langage
intérieur négatif fluctuant
en-dessous de votre seuil de conscience -
implantées en vous de force au cours d’une
expérience douloureuse - trop inconfortable
à se souvenir, les ressentis étaient dans l’in-
conscience, une énergie mentale considérable
justifiée à l’aide de conclusions
irrationnelles et généralisées concernant soi
et les autre gens, reconsidére vos sys-
tèmes de croyance avec un œil neuf
débarrasse-vous des traumatismes refoulés
pour meilleur accès à votre potentiel réel
concernant votre pensée intuitive
holistique, créative’
Physical - Isolated, Soundproof

In trance communication Seth explained
nature of reality perceived from another
plane and mankind’s future potential to
develop spiritually and morally
Being human is a passing stage for forms
of consciousness, before entering more open
reality systems - learning through physical life
playing with clay, humans form civilizations
Leaving physical after many reincarnations when
lessons are learnt, in advanced systems thoughts
and emotions immediately automatically manifest
as reality and matter - lessons must be completed
Responsible creation clearly understood, physical
life on earth is isolated and soundproof, destruction
is created by hate, destruction follows destruction
in deep agony, to teach how to create responsibly
Earth life trains emerging consciousness, if sorrow
and agony were not really felt, the lessons won’t be
learnt well in this educational play, in other realms
emotion and thought create immediately
Through the causative consciousness of the power
of intent; objectively real, concrete environments
are formed - entities only allowed if developed
enough to create lovingly, considerately…

In trance communication Seth explained
nature of reality perceived from another
plane and mankind’s future potential to
develop spiritually and morally
Being human is a passing stage for forms
of consciousness, before entering more open
reality systems - learning through physical life
playing with clay, humans form civilizations
Leaving physical after many reincarnations when
lessons are learnt, in advanced systems thoughts
and emotions immediately automatically manifest
as reality and matter - lessons must be completed
Responsible creation clearly understood, physical
life on earth is isolated and soundproof, destruction
is created by hate, destruction follows destruction
in deep agony, to teach how to create responsibly
Earth life trains emerging consciousness, if sorrow
and agony were not really felt, the lessons won’t be
learnt well in this educational play, in other realms
emotion and thought create immediately
Through the causative consciousness of the power
of intent; objectively real, concrete environments
are formed - entities only allowed if developed
enough to create lovingly, considerately…
The Plane Of Illusion

Seth taught humans reincarnate from
the plane of illusion, learning through
existence in physical reality until they
pass beyond – with no need for further
He communicated through Jane Roberts
that consciousness undergoes training
through physical embodiments
humanity is a stage of development
On completion we move to other planes
with more opportunity for expression of
love based on the ethical lesson:
When ignorant, undeveloped persons treat
others with hatred and cruelty they are
subjected to hatred and cruelty in return
While treating others with selfless,
unconditional love and kindness results
in the same loving treatment – this lesson
leads to spiritual development
Once beyond physical embodiment, entities
evolved enough to use creative power in ethically
responsible ways leave behind the unevolved
who still need to control injure, exploit or

Seth taught humans reincarnate from
the plane of illusion, learning through
existence in physical reality until they
pass beyond – with no need for further
He communicated through Jane Roberts
that consciousness undergoes training
through physical embodiments
humanity is a stage of development
On completion we move to other planes
with more opportunity for expression of
love based on the ethical lesson:
When ignorant, undeveloped persons treat
others with hatred and cruelty they are
subjected to hatred and cruelty in return
While treating others with selfless,
unconditional love and kindness results
in the same loving treatment – this lesson
leads to spiritual development
Once beyond physical embodiment, entities
evolved enough to use creative power in ethically
responsible ways leave behind the unevolved
who still need to control injure, exploit or
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Trapped Inside

Trapped inside my head, I don’t mind
knowing the universe is a hologram
existing in my head - but when every-
thing disappears, only my mind is left
the feeling of interconnection is lost
where did every other presence go
I imagine the world as a conscious
entity, but it does not seem that way
when sinking under the waves, no
amount of positive exhortation can
pull me up, the narrative in my head
stops - suddenly there is nothing left
except breathing in an unnatural way

Trapped inside my head, I don’t mind
knowing the universe is a hologram
existing in my head - but when every-
thing disappears, only my mind is left
the feeling of interconnection is lost
where did every other presence go
I imagine the world as a conscious
entity, but it does not seem that way
when sinking under the waves, no
amount of positive exhortation can
pull me up, the narrative in my head
stops - suddenly there is nothing left
except breathing in an unnatural way
Not a Musical Universe

Resist the temptation to do anything under
duress, my guru declares; wonderful - no
form of duress has ever tempted me, it al-
ways is a horrible duty ending in tragedy
If you can get away with not doing it, first
imagine what it would feel like to have it
done, spend a day to see it completed in
a way that pleases you, then take action
It will be a lot easier – there is the problem
I can’t imagine myself doing translation work
in a pleasing way unless I can change it to
state things in another way - meticulously
Following the source text is an offence against
rhythm and sound, violating the laws of music
feels worse than producing lines that are
rejected by Puritans who want to see
A faithful rendition of the original curt, offensive
staccato tone or irritating drone or litany of pitiful
complaints, admitting no changes to grammar
and terms dictated by rhythm and melody
My poor mind cannot understand how this works
and simply gives up, the only thing that counts is
sound - but this is not a musical universe…


Resist the temptation to do anything under
duress, my guru declares; wonderful - no
form of duress has ever tempted me, it al-
ways is a horrible duty ending in tragedy
If you can get away with not doing it, first
imagine what it would feel like to have it
done, spend a day to see it completed in
a way that pleases you, then take action
It will be a lot easier – there is the problem
I can’t imagine myself doing translation work
in a pleasing way unless I can change it to
state things in another way - meticulously
Following the source text is an offence against
rhythm and sound, violating the laws of music
feels worse than producing lines that are
rejected by Puritans who want to see
A faithful rendition of the original curt, offensive
staccato tone or irritating drone or litany of pitiful
complaints, admitting no changes to grammar
and terms dictated by rhythm and melody
My poor mind cannot understand how this works
and simply gives up, the only thing that counts is
sound - but this is not a musical universe…

Monday, March 29, 2010
Vreemd, Betowering , Skoonheid

Die oggendpredikant maan ons nou weer
om ‘n sonnige geaardheid te kweek, hy sê
ons brom en kla te veel, in plaas daarvan
om onsself fisies mooi te maak, moet ons
ons geaardhede aanspreek en glimlag vir
‘n ieder en ‘n elk – hoe wil hy nou hê ek
moet glimlag as die lug betrokke bly en die
son nooit kans kry om vir my ‘n oggendkus
te gee nie, die marmerwolke van vandag is
darem baie beter as gister se staalgrysnag
Ek probeer steeds om my oë na binne te
keer – na die rustige eensaamheid in my
denke, die woelinge in my binneste wan-
neer allergie my ontsenu, veroorsaak dat
my huppelkindgevoel en sonskynlag weg-
raak; weereens wa-inspanteologie, al wat
saak maak is gereedmaak vir sondebely-
denis, niemand word ooit die kans gegun
om verder te gaan as verdediging teen die
vurige pyle van die ou duiwel nie
Geen lewe van oorwinning in die vooruitsig
nie, net ‘n nimmereindigende stryd teen die
sondes wat ons daagliks bekruip, solank ons
nuwes ontwikkel om die oues te vervang kan
ons sondes uitroei tot in aller ewigheid, goeie
land, dankie tog die Protestante Kerke glo nie
in reïnkarnasie nie, ‘n totale herhaling van die
sondesoekteologie leeftyd na leeftyd sal enige
siel se moed breek, ek sal liewer vreugde put
uit die Ontelbare Universum Teorie van die
Kwantum Fisika – waarneming het ‘n invloed op
dit wat waargeneem word, die aksie beïnvloed die
waarnemer ook - met sulke interaksie tussen my
bewussyn en sub-atomiese ‘quarks’ gegeur as Op
Af, Vreemd, Betowering , Skoonheid en Waarheid
en die kennis dat die universum bestaan uit energie
intelligent en liefdevol, is dit maklik om te verstaan
waarom aandag aan ‘n saak ‘n verskil maak…
«Les hadrons sont composés de quarks, confinés
par 2 ou par 3 à l'intérieur des hadrons (on n'a jamais
vu un quark s'aventurer tout seul dans la nature).
Ils possèdent deux attributs spécifiques: la saveur (ou
parfum) et la couleur. Il existe 6 saveurs: Up; Down,
Strange, Charm, Bottom (ou Beauty) et Top (ou Truth)”


Die oggendpredikant maan ons nou weer
om ‘n sonnige geaardheid te kweek, hy sê
ons brom en kla te veel, in plaas daarvan
om onsself fisies mooi te maak, moet ons
ons geaardhede aanspreek en glimlag vir
‘n ieder en ‘n elk – hoe wil hy nou hê ek
moet glimlag as die lug betrokke bly en die
son nooit kans kry om vir my ‘n oggendkus
te gee nie, die marmerwolke van vandag is
darem baie beter as gister se staalgrysnag
Ek probeer steeds om my oë na binne te
keer – na die rustige eensaamheid in my
denke, die woelinge in my binneste wan-
neer allergie my ontsenu, veroorsaak dat
my huppelkindgevoel en sonskynlag weg-
raak; weereens wa-inspanteologie, al wat
saak maak is gereedmaak vir sondebely-
denis, niemand word ooit die kans gegun
om verder te gaan as verdediging teen die
vurige pyle van die ou duiwel nie
Geen lewe van oorwinning in die vooruitsig
nie, net ‘n nimmereindigende stryd teen die
sondes wat ons daagliks bekruip, solank ons
nuwes ontwikkel om die oues te vervang kan
ons sondes uitroei tot in aller ewigheid, goeie
land, dankie tog die Protestante Kerke glo nie
in reïnkarnasie nie, ‘n totale herhaling van die
sondesoekteologie leeftyd na leeftyd sal enige
siel se moed breek, ek sal liewer vreugde put
uit die Ontelbare Universum Teorie van die
Kwantum Fisika – waarneming het ‘n invloed op
dit wat waargeneem word, die aksie beïnvloed die
waarnemer ook - met sulke interaksie tussen my
bewussyn en sub-atomiese ‘quarks’ gegeur as Op
Af, Vreemd, Betowering , Skoonheid en Waarheid
en die kennis dat die universum bestaan uit energie
intelligent en liefdevol, is dit maklik om te verstaan
waarom aandag aan ‘n saak ‘n verskil maak…
«Les hadrons sont composés de quarks, confinés
par 2 ou par 3 à l'intérieur des hadrons (on n'a jamais
vu un quark s'aventurer tout seul dans la nature).
Ils possèdent deux attributs spécifiques: la saveur (ou
parfum) et la couleur. Il existe 6 saveurs: Up; Down,
Strange, Charm, Bottom (ou Beauty) et Top (ou Truth)”

Must Bide My Time
Darkness descending in my head, spreading
all over from my ears, darkness clouding all
my thoughts, I am not myself, right now I am
someone else, dumb, compressed, pained
no escape, darkness everywhere
How to deal with this, what to do to pass the
time while I cannot work or create a fantasy
developing a strategy to handle the situation
without causing any trouble, eschew words
of sympathy that would make me angry
I am losing time, must make a list of things
I would have done if I were well, catch up as
soon as I can think again and deal with noise
and sound, I made a mess by eating all kinds
of things my system can’t digest
Now I must bide my time till I am well again…
Darkness descending in my head, spreading
all over from my ears, darkness clouding all
my thoughts, I am not myself, right now I am
someone else, dumb, compressed, pained
no escape, darkness everywhere
How to deal with this, what to do to pass the
time while I cannot work or create a fantasy
developing a strategy to handle the situation
without causing any trouble, eschew words
of sympathy that would make me angry
I am losing time, must make a list of things
I would have done if I were well, catch up as
soon as I can think again and deal with noise
and sound, I made a mess by eating all kinds
of things my system can’t digest
Now I must bide my time till I am well again…
Share My Experience

Goodbye to today, nothing worked
everything turned out flat and grey
like the sky, menacing, tried to wake
up, overcome myself, staring at pic-
tures of Pavlova, all encouragement
sounds like threats, dreaming seems
menacing, leaden weights filling my
head and ears, I am weighed down
ready to sink under the sea
A stiff hood tightening around my head
back and neck - how do people keep
working when they feel like this or don’t
others share my experience, the bottom
falling out of my world, muscle spasms
adding to the whole Spiel – the superb
advantage of feeling this bad is that I
shall appreciate feeling well so much
more than before
Most people don’t know the elation of
feeling well because such attacks of
pain teach the sufferer to take indes-
cribable pleasure from existence
when the pain abates…

Goodbye to today, nothing worked
everything turned out flat and grey
like the sky, menacing, tried to wake
up, overcome myself, staring at pic-
tures of Pavlova, all encouragement
sounds like threats, dreaming seems
menacing, leaden weights filling my
head and ears, I am weighed down
ready to sink under the sea
A stiff hood tightening around my head
back and neck - how do people keep
working when they feel like this or don’t
others share my experience, the bottom
falling out of my world, muscle spasms
adding to the whole Spiel – the superb
advantage of feeling this bad is that I
shall appreciate feeling well so much
more than before
Most people don’t know the elation of
feeling well because such attacks of
pain teach the sufferer to take indes-
cribable pleasure from existence
when the pain abates…
Saturday, March 27, 2010
6. ‘Réalité Physique - Image Télévisée’
La réalité physique donnent l'illusion
de percevoir objets en trois dimensions
le cerveau est ordinateur holographique
Forme la réalité de la conjonction de deux
champs d'ondes émise par le subconscient
et l’environnement captée par les cinq sens
La réalité émerge d’une troisième onde
résultant de la rencontre des deux
Informations enregistrées dans la mémoire
sont partout dans le cerveau holographique
peu importe les parties qu’on enlevait
Les cinq sens et le cerveau captent les vagues
d'ondes et les reconstruisent comme la réalité
matérielle qui n'existe que dans la tête
Le cerveau donne une signification aux structures
d'ondes - le monde objectif n'existe pas – il ya
Un océan d'ondes et de fréquences qui prend une
forme concrète aux yeux comme une image
télévisée - reconstruite par le cerveau
--- En trois dimensions!
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
7. Changements De Comportements Bizarres
«Le corps humain est un système ouvert
d'échanges d'informations»
Paul Pearsall, Gary Schwartz (professeurs
de psychologie et psychiatre à Yale University)
soulignent phénomènes étranges, changements
de comportements bizarres auprès transplantés:
Changements de comportements alimentaires,
nouvelles passions pour activité artistique,
sportive, nouvelles phobies - liés aux
personnalités des donneurs
Il existe mémorisation au niveau cellulaire –
mémoires cellulaires stockées dans
organes transplantés
Le corps humain n’est pas un complexe assemblage
d'organes et des réactions chimiques – mais un
système ouvert
Un système d'échanges d'informations…
-----Bienvenue dans l'hypothèse Matrix-----
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
6. ‘Réalité Physique - Image Télévisée’
La réalité physique donnent l'illusion
de percevoir objets en trois dimensions
le cerveau est ordinateur holographique
Forme la réalité de la conjonction de deux
champs d'ondes émise par le subconscient
et l’environnement captée par les cinq sens
La réalité émerge d’une troisième onde
résultant de la rencontre des deux
Informations enregistrées dans la mémoire
sont partout dans le cerveau holographique
peu importe les parties qu’on enlevait
Les cinq sens et le cerveau captent les vagues
d'ondes et les reconstruisent comme la réalité
matérielle qui n'existe que dans la tête
Le cerveau donne une signification aux structures
d'ondes - le monde objectif n'existe pas – il ya
Un océan d'ondes et de fréquences qui prend une
forme concrète aux yeux comme une image
télévisée - reconstruite par le cerveau
--- En trois dimensions!
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
7. Changements De Comportements Bizarres
«Le corps humain est un système ouvert
d'échanges d'informations»
Paul Pearsall, Gary Schwartz (professeurs
de psychologie et psychiatre à Yale University)
soulignent phénomènes étranges, changements
de comportements bizarres auprès transplantés:
Changements de comportements alimentaires,
nouvelles passions pour activité artistique,
sportive, nouvelles phobies - liés aux
personnalités des donneurs
Il existe mémorisation au niveau cellulaire –
mémoires cellulaires stockées dans
organes transplantés
Le corps humain n’est pas un complexe assemblage
d'organes et des réactions chimiques – mais un
système ouvert
Un système d'échanges d'informations…
-----Bienvenue dans l'hypothèse Matrix-----
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
The Tension Will Last
Special gift wrap intensely passionate bought
yesterday, soft pastel gift wrap this morning
fitting symbolism for my secret stories, a new
heroine today, soft, pliant, compassionate
A new intrigue presented itself, characters with
a different attitude to examine the value of com-
patibility, an exciting theme - I wonder about
synchronicity, did the stories come first
Then I found the right paper reflecting the mood
or did the universe conspire to present the right
paper as soon as I offered my thought - it is not
important, the real purpose is determining
Which kind of story I want to apply in my life, the
answer is the story of today, the tension is immense
feelings building, more emotional obstacles have to
be overcome in the unfolding events
More mystery and suspense, will the characters keep
fighting for supremacy – I allowed them freedom and
for a short while the story derailed, I reversed the
story to where rational calm still prevailed
With a stern injunction not to allow such aggression
again, if they fight like children I will abandon all, they
agreed and started from there, this time there is
more control - I am holding thumbs that
The tension will last to the end…
Special gift wrap intensely passionate bought
yesterday, soft pastel gift wrap this morning
fitting symbolism for my secret stories, a new
heroine today, soft, pliant, compassionate
A new intrigue presented itself, characters with
a different attitude to examine the value of com-
patibility, an exciting theme - I wonder about
synchronicity, did the stories come first
Then I found the right paper reflecting the mood
or did the universe conspire to present the right
paper as soon as I offered my thought - it is not
important, the real purpose is determining
Which kind of story I want to apply in my life, the
answer is the story of today, the tension is immense
feelings building, more emotional obstacles have to
be overcome in the unfolding events
More mystery and suspense, will the characters keep
fighting for supremacy – I allowed them freedom and
for a short while the story derailed, I reversed the
story to where rational calm still prevailed
With a stern injunction not to allow such aggression
again, if they fight like children I will abandon all, they
agreed and started from there, this time there is
more control - I am holding thumbs that
The tension will last to the end…
Friday, March 26, 2010
Private, Confidential Space
Today my heroine had such a wonderful time
she refuses to start a new adventure tonight
she earned a break after serving all day as the
delighted protagonist of a love story that ended
in triumph in a tale much too Gothic to reveal to
earthly ears - although the spirit world
Apparently can read our thoughts, I hope they
forgave me the fireworks and storms, I hope
my guardian angels had the decency to with-
draw when thought-forms became too graphic
and detailed - psychics say people who
passed on linger around us
It is a worrying thought, do they respect my
privacy when I construct dramatic events in
my head or are they shocked by the wild and
wicked ways in which my characters behave
insisting on experimenting with all kinds of
practices to gain experience
I allow them freedom to try out anything they
heard or read about, afterwards they decide
what to add to their repertoire of enjoyable
events, seems like today’s rendezvous
is cherished by the dramatis personae
living in my mind, so please
I ask all disembodied consciousness, indulge my
little cast, it is wonderful to create a myriad plays
in the safety of my mind using fictitious persons
to determine the effect of interaction – do not
judge me by the actions of my group, I never
execute their fantasies, it is a lovely game
Of creating scripts for the private plays in the
confidential space offered by my thoughts…
Today my heroine had such a wonderful time
she refuses to start a new adventure tonight
she earned a break after serving all day as the
delighted protagonist of a love story that ended
in triumph in a tale much too Gothic to reveal to
earthly ears - although the spirit world
Apparently can read our thoughts, I hope they
forgave me the fireworks and storms, I hope
my guardian angels had the decency to with-
draw when thought-forms became too graphic
and detailed - psychics say people who
passed on linger around us
It is a worrying thought, do they respect my
privacy when I construct dramatic events in
my head or are they shocked by the wild and
wicked ways in which my characters behave
insisting on experimenting with all kinds of
practices to gain experience
I allow them freedom to try out anything they
heard or read about, afterwards they decide
what to add to their repertoire of enjoyable
events, seems like today’s rendezvous
is cherished by the dramatis personae
living in my mind, so please
I ask all disembodied consciousness, indulge my
little cast, it is wonderful to create a myriad plays
in the safety of my mind using fictitious persons
to determine the effect of interaction – do not
judge me by the actions of my group, I never
execute their fantasies, it is a lovely game
Of creating scripts for the private plays in the
confidential space offered by my thoughts…
1. L'âme de L’univers
2. Matière est L'énergie
3. Le Monde et Dieu
4. Dimension Cachée
5. Mystérieux, Mystique, Métaphysique
1. L'âme de L’univers
Particules infimes, composants plus petits de
la matière, se comportent de façon exotique,
reliées entre elles par un lien étrange, quasi
magique, constituent l'âme de l’univers
Tout lié, interdépendant, fluctuant dans un univers
sous-jacent au nôtre mais en dehors du temps - de
l'espace, c’est extraordinaire, l'univers dans lequel
nous vivons est une illusion dense et réelle
Matière et conscience ne sont pas séparés, se
connectent, se prolongent, réalité objective
stable n'existe pas, c’est un hologramme
gigantesque - en trois dimensions
Une force de cohésion entre particules
vibrillonnantes, tournoyantes, donne
l'illusion de la solidité
La petite particule élémentaire quantique se
comportent de façon étrange, au moment où
l'on pense voir un corpuscule
La particule se comportera comme une onde et
au moment où l'on pense voir une onde, elle se
comporte comme un corpuscule
Expliquer le réel en analysant les particules
élémentaires - photons, quarks - révèle des
mystères, et j’aime les mystères!
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
2. Matière est L'énergie
Atome d'hydrogène – un électron gravite
autour son noyau
Si on agrandit noyau et électron énormément
aux dimension d'une cathédrale
Le noyau aura le taille d'une pièce de 50 cents
au centre de l'édifice
L’électron gravitera à la hauteur de la voûte
de la cathédrale
Le noyau compte 99,9% de la masse de l'atome
et n'occupe que le millionième
De milliardième de son volume, matière est seulement
l'énergie qui se manifeste dans le vide
En choisissant un potentiel plutôt qu'un autre, en
se manifestant sous une forme plutôt qu'une autre
Illustrent à merveille l'impression sur le côté virtuel
de la réalité: l’univers est composé de l'énergie
Qui se manifeste en une image
en trois dimensions
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
3. Le Monde et Dieu
Le principe d'incertitude d'Heisenberg montre
une autre bizarrerie: l'observateur est lié au
système quantique, tout acte d'observation
perturbe le système
La mémoire fonctionnerait sur le même principe
qu'un hologramme - projections de lumière et
d'énergie qui apparaissent aux yeux sous
forme d'objets à trois dimensions
Alors qu'il s'agit de vagues d'ondes qui prennent
la forme illusoire de trois dimensions lorsqu'un
laser intervient, qui explique à merveille
événements paranormaux
Marqués par la synchronicité - l'esprit influence la
matière, il n’y a aucun séparation entre les deux
Le cerveau serait une antenne, un récepteur ultra
sophistiqué à servir d'intermédiaire avec les cinq
sens pour exprimer perceptions
Conscience a besoin de cerveau pour se manifester
et communiquer dans l’univers, mais elle peut exister
en dehors du cerveau
La survie de l'âme, potentiel d'éternité, nous n’avons
pas un univers purement physique, indépendant, isolé
de notre esprit
Nous sommes immergés dans une réalité virtuelle
Holographique - tout est interconnecté
Le Monde et Dieu sont dans notre tête
pas à l'extérieur
L'impression tangible que le monde est extérieur
à nous est aussi une illusion
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
4. Dimension Cachée
L'idée que particules élémentaires réagissent
instantanément ensembles - est un mirage
parce que - notion d'espace et de temps
qui sépare particules - est une illusion
A un niveau plus profond, particules ne sont
pas des entités individuelles - mais des
extensions du même chose essentiel
fondamental - d'une particule
La même particule donne l'impression de se
projeter dans deux endroits distincts
Une métaphore explique ce point de vue :
Imaginez un aquarium avec un poisson
et l'incapacité de percevoir directement
l'aquarium en lui-même
La seule connaissance d’aquarium provient
de deux caméras, l'une filmant la façade de
l'aquarium, l'autre filmant son côté
Deux images différentes du poisson
puisqu'il s'agit de deux angles de vue
différents - deux poissons bougent
exactement en même temps
Les mêmes mouvements, si vous n'êtes pas
au courant qu'il s'agit du même poisson -
vous conclurez les deux poissons
communiquent entre eux
Les particules élémentaires constituant la trame
de notre réel, évoluant par paires, séparées par
d'immenses distances, nous occulte l'existence
d'une dimension cachée, sous jacente
Nous percevons ces particules de façon séparée
parce que notre perception du réelle est
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
5. Mystérieux, Mystique, Métaphysique
Les conséquences de ce modèle sont
fabuleuses : si l'univers est
la projection holographique
d'un autre réel
Auquel nous n'avons pas accès, les
éléments constitutifs de l'univers
sont tous interconnectés
A un niveau plus profond toute chose
est interconnectée, c'est nous qui
avons tendance
A tout séparer, ranger en catégories,
une sorte de réflexe, de programme
profondément inscrit
Au cœur même de notre ADN
tout semble être séparé par
le temps et l'espace
Nous n'observons pas la nature
telle qu'elle existe réellement, mais
bien que cette nature se révèle à nous
Conditionnée par nos moyens de perception
les théories détermineront ce que nous pouvons
et ne pouvons pas observer
La réalité est une illusion persistante, chaque
élément contient la totalité de l'univers - l'esprit
et la matière -
Le réel consiste de lumière émis
par les atomes et l'ADN - obéissent
aux lois quantiques
L'image n'est pas localisée, elle est
potentiellement partout - cela a l'air
mystérieux, mystique
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
1. L'âme de L’univers
2. Matière est L'énergie
3. Le Monde et Dieu
4. Dimension Cachée
5. Mystérieux, Mystique, Métaphysique
1. L'âme de L’univers
Particules infimes, composants plus petits de
la matière, se comportent de façon exotique,
reliées entre elles par un lien étrange, quasi
magique, constituent l'âme de l’univers
Tout lié, interdépendant, fluctuant dans un univers
sous-jacent au nôtre mais en dehors du temps - de
l'espace, c’est extraordinaire, l'univers dans lequel
nous vivons est une illusion dense et réelle
Matière et conscience ne sont pas séparés, se
connectent, se prolongent, réalité objective
stable n'existe pas, c’est un hologramme
gigantesque - en trois dimensions
Une force de cohésion entre particules
vibrillonnantes, tournoyantes, donne
l'illusion de la solidité
La petite particule élémentaire quantique se
comportent de façon étrange, au moment où
l'on pense voir un corpuscule
La particule se comportera comme une onde et
au moment où l'on pense voir une onde, elle se
comporte comme un corpuscule
Expliquer le réel en analysant les particules
élémentaires - photons, quarks - révèle des
mystères, et j’aime les mystères!
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
2. Matière est L'énergie
Atome d'hydrogène – un électron gravite
autour son noyau
Si on agrandit noyau et électron énormément
aux dimension d'une cathédrale
Le noyau aura le taille d'une pièce de 50 cents
au centre de l'édifice
L’électron gravitera à la hauteur de la voûte
de la cathédrale
Le noyau compte 99,9% de la masse de l'atome
et n'occupe que le millionième
De milliardième de son volume, matière est seulement
l'énergie qui se manifeste dans le vide
En choisissant un potentiel plutôt qu'un autre, en
se manifestant sous une forme plutôt qu'une autre
Illustrent à merveille l'impression sur le côté virtuel
de la réalité: l’univers est composé de l'énergie
Qui se manifeste en une image
en trois dimensions
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
3. Le Monde et Dieu
Le principe d'incertitude d'Heisenberg montre
une autre bizarrerie: l'observateur est lié au
système quantique, tout acte d'observation
perturbe le système
La mémoire fonctionnerait sur le même principe
qu'un hologramme - projections de lumière et
d'énergie qui apparaissent aux yeux sous
forme d'objets à trois dimensions
Alors qu'il s'agit de vagues d'ondes qui prennent
la forme illusoire de trois dimensions lorsqu'un
laser intervient, qui explique à merveille
événements paranormaux
Marqués par la synchronicité - l'esprit influence la
matière, il n’y a aucun séparation entre les deux
Le cerveau serait une antenne, un récepteur ultra
sophistiqué à servir d'intermédiaire avec les cinq
sens pour exprimer perceptions
Conscience a besoin de cerveau pour se manifester
et communiquer dans l’univers, mais elle peut exister
en dehors du cerveau
La survie de l'âme, potentiel d'éternité, nous n’avons
pas un univers purement physique, indépendant, isolé
de notre esprit
Nous sommes immergés dans une réalité virtuelle
Holographique - tout est interconnecté
Le Monde et Dieu sont dans notre tête
pas à l'extérieur
L'impression tangible que le monde est extérieur
à nous est aussi une illusion
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
4. Dimension Cachée
L'idée que particules élémentaires réagissent
instantanément ensembles - est un mirage
parce que - notion d'espace et de temps
qui sépare particules - est une illusion
A un niveau plus profond, particules ne sont
pas des entités individuelles - mais des
extensions du même chose essentiel
fondamental - d'une particule
La même particule donne l'impression de se
projeter dans deux endroits distincts
Une métaphore explique ce point de vue :
Imaginez un aquarium avec un poisson
et l'incapacité de percevoir directement
l'aquarium en lui-même
La seule connaissance d’aquarium provient
de deux caméras, l'une filmant la façade de
l'aquarium, l'autre filmant son côté
Deux images différentes du poisson
puisqu'il s'agit de deux angles de vue
différents - deux poissons bougent
exactement en même temps
Les mêmes mouvements, si vous n'êtes pas
au courant qu'il s'agit du même poisson -
vous conclurez les deux poissons
communiquent entre eux
Les particules élémentaires constituant la trame
de notre réel, évoluant par paires, séparées par
d'immenses distances, nous occulte l'existence
d'une dimension cachée, sous jacente
Nous percevons ces particules de façon séparée
parce que notre perception du réelle est
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
5. Mystérieux, Mystique, Métaphysique
Les conséquences de ce modèle sont
fabuleuses : si l'univers est
la projection holographique
d'un autre réel
Auquel nous n'avons pas accès, les
éléments constitutifs de l'univers
sont tous interconnectés
A un niveau plus profond toute chose
est interconnectée, c'est nous qui
avons tendance
A tout séparer, ranger en catégories,
une sorte de réflexe, de programme
profondément inscrit
Au cœur même de notre ADN
tout semble être séparé par
le temps et l'espace
Nous n'observons pas la nature
telle qu'elle existe réellement, mais
bien que cette nature se révèle à nous
Conditionnée par nos moyens de perception
les théories détermineront ce que nous pouvons
et ne pouvons pas observer
La réalité est une illusion persistante, chaque
élément contient la totalité de l'univers - l'esprit
et la matière -
Le réel consiste de lumière émis
par les atomes et l'ADN - obéissent
aux lois quantiques
L'image n'est pas localisée, elle est
potentiellement partout - cela a l'air
mystérieux, mystique
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
Twirl Like a Sufi Dancer

I cannot wear yesterday’s clothes today
I am a different person, my smile is new
a different face in the mirror - not for me
the same dark blue shirt interspersed with
shining silver threads
I am not the same moody thundercloud lined
with silver moonbeams, I am become a garden
gnome, a green T-shirt with pink jacket proclaim
my new identity, listening to ‘In a Persian Market’
to add an exotic flavor to
The quarks that make up my being, already flavored
as Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Truth, Beauty; named
in terms of their discovery by scientists who marveled
as their spinning energy described as color and flavor
came to light, every aspect of
These virtual particles are calculated mathematically
members of the group known as Baryons sounding as
sinister and exciting as the Cosa Nostra; scientists are
more inspired than artists when confronted with the
wonders of the universe
I want to twirl like a Sufi dancer, become a whirling
Dervish spinning lightning fast when discovering
all these mythical mysteries practiced by
quantum physicists!


I cannot wear yesterday’s clothes today
I am a different person, my smile is new
a different face in the mirror - not for me
the same dark blue shirt interspersed with
shining silver threads
I am not the same moody thundercloud lined
with silver moonbeams, I am become a garden
gnome, a green T-shirt with pink jacket proclaim
my new identity, listening to ‘In a Persian Market’
to add an exotic flavor to
The quarks that make up my being, already flavored
as Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Truth, Beauty; named
in terms of their discovery by scientists who marveled
as their spinning energy described as color and flavor
came to light, every aspect of
These virtual particles are calculated mathematically
members of the group known as Baryons sounding as
sinister and exciting as the Cosa Nostra; scientists are
more inspired than artists when confronted with the
wonders of the universe
I want to twirl like a Sufi dancer, become a whirling
Dervish spinning lightning fast when discovering
all these mythical mysteries practiced by
quantum physicists!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Never-Ending Excitement Of Infinity

Without proper preparation I did my French
presentation, words flowing together in new
melodies, mécanique quantique, l’infiniment
petit, astrophysique, l’infiniment grand dans
une aventure fantastique, fabuleuse
Étoiles, océans, poissons sont reliés - c’est
mystérieux, magique, quantum physics reveals
a universe consisting of intelligent energy, the
presence of awareness in everything in the
never-ending excitement of infinity
I could not stop long enough to shorten long
sentences, explain strange concepts, I kept
looking for rhythms to confer beauty and
harmony to the objects perceived by all
our senses, stars, oceans, snowflakes
Everything flows into a seamless whole when
the laser beams of eyes and mind reconstitute
the vibrations of reality into a perfect hologram
I could not climb outside myself to look at the
world inside my head from a new perspective
My listeners never heard the song playing in my
mind in joyous appreciation of all the delights
and wonders revealed by modern science - and
the freedom conferred by relativity, maybe they
could not understand, maybe they never will
Now no matter dear, the joy of hinting at mysteries
at the heart of our universe was enough to bring
the glow of passion into my life, give meaning to
the anxiety of existentialism ever-threatening to
tear my life and mind apart
The riddle of existence is the most wonderful aspect
of the puzzle presented by our being on earth, lightens
the black feeling of le néant and brings light to the
darkest corners of the multiverse!


Without proper preparation I did my French
presentation, words flowing together in new
melodies, mécanique quantique, l’infiniment
petit, astrophysique, l’infiniment grand dans
une aventure fantastique, fabuleuse
Étoiles, océans, poissons sont reliés - c’est
mystérieux, magique, quantum physics reveals
a universe consisting of intelligent energy, the
presence of awareness in everything in the
never-ending excitement of infinity
I could not stop long enough to shorten long
sentences, explain strange concepts, I kept
looking for rhythms to confer beauty and
harmony to the objects perceived by all
our senses, stars, oceans, snowflakes
Everything flows into a seamless whole when
the laser beams of eyes and mind reconstitute
the vibrations of reality into a perfect hologram
I could not climb outside myself to look at the
world inside my head from a new perspective
My listeners never heard the song playing in my
mind in joyous appreciation of all the delights
and wonders revealed by modern science - and
the freedom conferred by relativity, maybe they
could not understand, maybe they never will
Now no matter dear, the joy of hinting at mysteries
at the heart of our universe was enough to bring
the glow of passion into my life, give meaning to
the anxiety of existentialism ever-threatening to
tear my life and mind apart
The riddle of existence is the most wonderful aspect
of the puzzle presented by our being on earth, lightens
the black feeling of le néant and brings light to the
darkest corners of the multiverse!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Snapping At Me To Feed It
Delightful day, marvelous activity, budget
curtailed, cannot pay to have translations
done into mother tongue – so we do it our-
selves, with the help of Google and IATE
calling upon Yahoo and Webster’s we make
our way amongst strange expressions, to me
it is such fun, creating a different music, com-
pose a new song, the crocodile loves this
Tonight is dragging its leaden feet as we
wait for Tiaan to finish his rugby game before
we eat, the pre-set navigator cannot find the
address of the strange school in Eldoriagne
where he is playing, we sit around on tenter-
hooks, the vegetables are spoiling, the meat
still undone, routine destroyed, I did not even
open my book or write anything
Wishing the waiting period would end so we
can make something of the last bit of the night
the crocodile inside my mind is growing bored
snapping at me to feed it exciting ideas, yet
without Tiaan here, I cannot serve the
crocodile, hoping it won’t become
disorientated if left too long…
Delightful day, marvelous activity, budget
curtailed, cannot pay to have translations
done into mother tongue – so we do it our-
selves, with the help of Google and IATE
calling upon Yahoo and Webster’s we make
our way amongst strange expressions, to me
it is such fun, creating a different music, com-
pose a new song, the crocodile loves this
Tonight is dragging its leaden feet as we
wait for Tiaan to finish his rugby game before
we eat, the pre-set navigator cannot find the
address of the strange school in Eldoriagne
where he is playing, we sit around on tenter-
hooks, the vegetables are spoiling, the meat
still undone, routine destroyed, I did not even
open my book or write anything
Wishing the waiting period would end so we
can make something of the last bit of the night
the crocodile inside my mind is growing bored
snapping at me to feed it exciting ideas, yet
without Tiaan here, I cannot serve the
crocodile, hoping it won’t become
disorientated if left too long…
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Admiration In Glowing Terms
Did you know I found the key to your personality
in your expressions, every time you open your
mouth to delineate things I shudder to think of
describing life in terms so brutal it is as if a knife
is plunged into my heart, I understand that you
cannot be different and I love you for it
Even though I was born with a need for secrecy
and dreams, I wish I were a bit more like you, now
you are no longer angry at me for closing my eyes
each time horrors present themselves, only laugh
at my stupidity with kind indulgence, I find refuge
in your strength whenever dangerous thoughts
Surface in my mind, knowing your icy stare will deflect
all my fears, no ill feeling can reach me while you are
holding the steering wheel, before I knew about differ-
rent personality types, I could not fathom strength such
as you command, now that I am older and wiser
I love the way you present yourself
Though I can never become a carbon copy of you
I have to express my admiration
in glowing terms…
Did you know I found the key to your personality
in your expressions, every time you open your
mouth to delineate things I shudder to think of
describing life in terms so brutal it is as if a knife
is plunged into my heart, I understand that you
cannot be different and I love you for it
Even though I was born with a need for secrecy
and dreams, I wish I were a bit more like you, now
you are no longer angry at me for closing my eyes
each time horrors present themselves, only laugh
at my stupidity with kind indulgence, I find refuge
in your strength whenever dangerous thoughts
Surface in my mind, knowing your icy stare will deflect
all my fears, no ill feeling can reach me while you are
holding the steering wheel, before I knew about differ-
rent personality types, I could not fathom strength such
as you command, now that I am older and wiser
I love the way you present yourself
Though I can never become a carbon copy of you
I have to express my admiration
in glowing terms…
Mesmerizing My Mind
A night of distress, rolling over and over in bed,
hunger pains after eating indicating the new dish
I tried contains things triggering the allergy, disco-
ver Nici is still up because she is stuck, cannot
open documents she has to print
All my hard work in vain, she cries, I come to her
rescue by saving all in another format, to her
delighted surprise her technologically impaired
mother fixes her problem, inability to sleep was
to the advantage of my child
Whenever the allergy proves useful, I am resigned
to my cross, without it, I would not have bothered to
write, would have been a successful administrator
like my colleagues, without the fears and anxieties
that increase restlessness
Forcing me to try and capture thoughts and feelings in
my own words, creating immeasurable regard for the
personification of poetry, though lacking the capacity
to assimilate all aspects of life, I adore his cascading
music mesmerizing my mind…
A night of distress, rolling over and over in bed,
hunger pains after eating indicating the new dish
I tried contains things triggering the allergy, disco-
ver Nici is still up because she is stuck, cannot
open documents she has to print
All my hard work in vain, she cries, I come to her
rescue by saving all in another format, to her
delighted surprise her technologically impaired
mother fixes her problem, inability to sleep was
to the advantage of my child
Whenever the allergy proves useful, I am resigned
to my cross, without it, I would not have bothered to
write, would have been a successful administrator
like my colleagues, without the fears and anxieties
that increase restlessness
Forcing me to try and capture thoughts and feelings in
my own words, creating immeasurable regard for the
personification of poetry, though lacking the capacity
to assimilate all aspects of life, I adore his cascading
music mesmerizing my mind…
Soften Stark Lines
When you cry, do you also feel physical
pain of throat constricting and burning, as
if made raw by scouring? When you are sad,
do you also feel unable to carry on? The
meaningless little games we play having
fun, to get time to pass pleasantly, to earn
money, suddenly lose all their attraction
Darkness descends, no glimmer anywhere,
no beginning, just grey unending without
comprehension or significance – how to
pick up the pieces of anything, find the
beginning of the golden thread to unwind
this day after learning sad news leading
to dank loneliness cold and unabated
Hearts beating without the aid and care of
illusion and romance; how, where, can we
insert a feeling of magic and wonderment
when someone we love is living in a dif-
ferent house we have no key to open, no
understanding how to soften the threat of
stark lines with diaphanous planes
Of warm feeling, the metaphysical ability to
create a dream within cold, empty lines by
spinning all together with the capacity to
create joyous expectation…
When you cry, do you also feel physical
pain of throat constricting and burning, as
if made raw by scouring? When you are sad,
do you also feel unable to carry on? The
meaningless little games we play having
fun, to get time to pass pleasantly, to earn
money, suddenly lose all their attraction
Darkness descends, no glimmer anywhere,
no beginning, just grey unending without
comprehension or significance – how to
pick up the pieces of anything, find the
beginning of the golden thread to unwind
this day after learning sad news leading
to dank loneliness cold and unabated
Hearts beating without the aid and care of
illusion and romance; how, where, can we
insert a feeling of magic and wonderment
when someone we love is living in a dif-
ferent house we have no key to open, no
understanding how to soften the threat of
stark lines with diaphanous planes
Of warm feeling, the metaphysical ability to
create a dream within cold, empty lines by
spinning all together with the capacity to
create joyous expectation…
Monday, March 22, 2010
Test The Dream

While you looked at all kinds of wood I
went off to the nursery section to enjoy
the colourful magic of Pansies, Grandma
Alice’s memory in Marigolds, green ferns
and mischievous goblins, then I ordered
my cake, Tiaan followed suit but could
not eat the sickly sweet, sticky stuff, my
heart is singing, my soul content, I got
my life-threatening cake in the end
Dancing again to Olé Guapa to burn the
kilojoules, this time a victory dance right
down the passage, this is what life is all
about, desiring something then trying it
out, though it will take a whole year be-
fore I eat it again, it was worthwhile to
test the dream, it worked like a charm
this is what thunder cake should be
like – a once in a lifetime effect!
Olé Guapa – played by André Rieu and his
Johann Strauss Orchestra on DVD - Live in
Maastricht II; I play it so often, it reminds me
of Terry Pratchett’s Death in “Reaper Man”
dancing the tango & Tiffany’s dance with
Wintersmith to find Midsummer bounty
after millennia of Saturnine cold

While you looked at all kinds of wood I
went off to the nursery section to enjoy
the colourful magic of Pansies, Grandma
Alice’s memory in Marigolds, green ferns
and mischievous goblins, then I ordered
my cake, Tiaan followed suit but could
not eat the sickly sweet, sticky stuff, my
heart is singing, my soul content, I got
my life-threatening cake in the end
Dancing again to Olé Guapa to burn the
kilojoules, this time a victory dance right
down the passage, this is what life is all
about, desiring something then trying it
out, though it will take a whole year be-
fore I eat it again, it was worthwhile to
test the dream, it worked like a charm
this is what thunder cake should be
like – a once in a lifetime effect!
Olé Guapa – played by André Rieu and his
Johann Strauss Orchestra on DVD - Live in
Maastricht II; I play it so often, it reminds me
of Terry Pratchett’s Death in “Reaper Man”
dancing the tango & Tiffany’s dance with
Wintersmith to find Midsummer bounty
after millennia of Saturnine cold
Heavily Overcast, Today
Heavily overcast on my day of promise
today the delicious meringue toffee cake
will be mine, you promised, I have been
looking forward to it since January, every
time there is reason to postpone fulfillment
It was to be yesterday, the kids made break-
fast, you claimed it was too much to eat, today
I shall indulge in a piece of sin so sweet I have
been licking my lips for ages, there is no stopping
me, since I cannot enjoy the caress of the sun this
morning, even the wind is cold, I am playing Olé
Guapa over and over, dancing along with a
phantom lover, waiting that you keep your
promise - then the phantom lover might
become you - for aught you know!
Postscript: The sun so much approves
of my sentiments, he sent a ray of warm light
through the leaves of the Strelizia to greet me
Heavily overcast on my day of promise
today the delicious meringue toffee cake
will be mine, you promised, I have been
looking forward to it since January, every
time there is reason to postpone fulfillment
It was to be yesterday, the kids made break-
fast, you claimed it was too much to eat, today
I shall indulge in a piece of sin so sweet I have
been licking my lips for ages, there is no stopping
me, since I cannot enjoy the caress of the sun this
morning, even the wind is cold, I am playing Olé
Guapa over and over, dancing along with a
phantom lover, waiting that you keep your
promise - then the phantom lover might
become you - for aught you know!
Postscript: The sun so much approves
of my sentiments, he sent a ray of warm light
through the leaves of the Strelizia to greet me
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Trembling, Ecstatic Experience
Love rain while the sun is shining, a metaphor
of life-giving forces combined, fire and water
midsummer’s bounty blooming in my heart
as wintersmith creates chilling blasts
Icy temperatures where idealism is impractical
experience more important than spontaneous
enthusiasm, impulsive action feared, no indul-
ging sentimentality in the emotional cold
A serious, unyielding attitude stern and severe
expressing depression and loneliness under
pressure of maturity: persevere on your long
lonely climb up the mountain of success
The view at the top will be inexpressible, indescri-
bable, you will glimpse eternity, although there is
no space for romantic delicacy to teach release
of the emotional power and glory felt within
Immense rewards are waiting for you, a trembling
and ecstatic experience of enlightenment will be
yours when you overcome the dangers of falling
by remaining sure-footed on rocky ledges
You feel no need to display your power as you take
command, asking no recognition for doing your
duty, you know true peace
is found within
[Hard-earned Saturnine wisdom in winter –
temperature raised by midsummer heat
freezing to mild and warm]
Love rain while the sun is shining, a metaphor
of life-giving forces combined, fire and water
midsummer’s bounty blooming in my heart
as wintersmith creates chilling blasts
Icy temperatures where idealism is impractical
experience more important than spontaneous
enthusiasm, impulsive action feared, no indul-
ging sentimentality in the emotional cold
A serious, unyielding attitude stern and severe
expressing depression and loneliness under
pressure of maturity: persevere on your long
lonely climb up the mountain of success
The view at the top will be inexpressible, indescri-
bable, you will glimpse eternity, although there is
no space for romantic delicacy to teach release
of the emotional power and glory felt within
Immense rewards are waiting for you, a trembling
and ecstatic experience of enlightenment will be
yours when you overcome the dangers of falling
by remaining sure-footed on rocky ledges
You feel no need to display your power as you take
command, asking no recognition for doing your
duty, you know true peace
is found within
[Hard-earned Saturnine wisdom in winter –
temperature raised by midsummer heat
freezing to mild and warm]
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Secret Epiphany

Freezing in autumn cool
drowning in self-pity when
failing to find someone to
talk to, mind refusing to
stay in my book, nothing
touches my feelings, only
remedy is thought therapy
Good-feeling thoughts, desire
to create beauty brings feeling
of happy expectation, infuse
ancient tales with new insight
and meaning, enjoy wonder-
ment by conferring magic to
things scorned by others
I love it when a flame ignites in
my head, heart burning, passion
filling my being making me sing
the delightful feeling of falling in
love with the world, finding en-
chanting ideas that make my
thoughts swirl into dreams
So unworldly - I cannot record
the joy of secret epiphany…

Freezing in autumn cool
drowning in self-pity when
failing to find someone to
talk to, mind refusing to
stay in my book, nothing
touches my feelings, only
remedy is thought therapy
Good-feeling thoughts, desire
to create beauty brings feeling
of happy expectation, infuse
ancient tales with new insight
and meaning, enjoy wonder-
ment by conferring magic to
things scorned by others
I love it when a flame ignites in
my head, heart burning, passion
filling my being making me sing
the delightful feeling of falling in
love with the world, finding en-
chanting ideas that make my
thoughts swirl into dreams
So unworldly - I cannot record
the joy of secret epiphany…
My Repertoire
When in pain a fantasy carries
me through, strange how my
first story books ideas always
appear first, as steel girders
stiffen around my head
I reverted back to yet another
Konsalik character, a doctor in
a Russian hospital, I wonder
what my repertoire would have
been like if I had not read
The specific books that live in
my head, after watching the movie
Thomasina* I played I was Mary
Ruadh when I looked in the mirror
but from the beginning
It was Konsalik’s passionate post
Second World War characters that
asserted their hold over my mind
whenever the allergy necessitated
splitting away from myself
I first read Konsalik when I was nine and
immediately felt an affinity with Russian
history and the events after the Second
World War
I used to abhor the effects of food, the
headache and muscle weakness, until
I started to play that the allergy was a
special gift
That enabled me to start a spiritual quest
for the meaning of life, thus far the most
promising answer I have found is un-
conditional love
Thomasina* - Book by Paul Gallico, made
into a film
When in pain a fantasy carries
me through, strange how my
first story books ideas always
appear first, as steel girders
stiffen around my head
I reverted back to yet another
Konsalik character, a doctor in
a Russian hospital, I wonder
what my repertoire would have
been like if I had not read
The specific books that live in
my head, after watching the movie
Thomasina* I played I was Mary
Ruadh when I looked in the mirror
but from the beginning
It was Konsalik’s passionate post
Second World War characters that
asserted their hold over my mind
whenever the allergy necessitated
splitting away from myself
I first read Konsalik when I was nine and
immediately felt an affinity with Russian
history and the events after the Second
World War
I used to abhor the effects of food, the
headache and muscle weakness, until
I started to play that the allergy was a
special gift
That enabled me to start a spiritual quest
for the meaning of life, thus far the most
promising answer I have found is un-
conditional love
Thomasina* - Book by Paul Gallico, made
into a film
Green Camouflage
Changing clothing during the day is not
entirely frivolous, it serves a real purpose
different clothes to make various activities
interesting - washing dishes, fun wearing
swimsuit and shorts to freely splash water
and soap everywhere, mopping floor after-
wards, barefoot to feel fancy free
Off to the pool for a dip, lying with a book
in the sun, long pants to survive the cold
study, off to the shops with a different top
to look almost smart casual, the large pink
kimono shirt has been outlawed, too bright
and too weird, grabbing Tiaan’s old winter
fleeces when twilight coolly descends
Wearing green camouflage Saturday, playing
at being a soldier in communist Russia - the
eternal legacy of my reading Konsalik when
I was small and fell in love with his delighted
rendition of the passionate Russian characters
enduring the Siberian cold with an attractive
and amazing kind of panache
Reminding me of Ivan Rebroff, a deep bass
singing The Volga Boatsman, None But The
Lonely Heart could understand how much
dreams mean to me…
Changing clothing during the day is not
entirely frivolous, it serves a real purpose
different clothes to make various activities
interesting - washing dishes, fun wearing
swimsuit and shorts to freely splash water
and soap everywhere, mopping floor after-
wards, barefoot to feel fancy free
Off to the pool for a dip, lying with a book
in the sun, long pants to survive the cold
study, off to the shops with a different top
to look almost smart casual, the large pink
kimono shirt has been outlawed, too bright
and too weird, grabbing Tiaan’s old winter
fleeces when twilight coolly descends
Wearing green camouflage Saturday, playing
at being a soldier in communist Russia - the
eternal legacy of my reading Konsalik when
I was small and fell in love with his delighted
rendition of the passionate Russian characters
enduring the Siberian cold with an attractive
and amazing kind of panache
Reminding me of Ivan Rebroff, a deep bass
singing The Volga Boatsman, None But The
Lonely Heart could understand how much
dreams mean to me…
Vitesse Sacro-Sainte
Allons faire un saut
dans les lois physiques
de l'univers de la
mécanique quantique
Embarquerons dans une
aventure fantastique
sur la nature du réel
découverte étonnante
Communication instantanée
dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt-deux
un physicien de l'Université de Paris
Alain Aspect, mettaient en évidence
Lorsqu'une particule subatomique
plus petite que l'atome, se comporte
d'une certaine manière, celle qui lui
est liée réagit de la même manière
Instantanément, elles communiqueraient
en elles plus vite que la vitesse de la lumière
quelles que soient les distances qui les séparent
soit dix centimètres ou dix millions de kilomètres
En violetant la loi d'Einstein selon laquelle rien
ne peut dépasser la vitesse sacro-sainte
de la lumière…
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
Allons faire un saut
dans les lois physiques
de l'univers de la
mécanique quantique
Embarquerons dans une
aventure fantastique
sur la nature du réel
découverte étonnante
Communication instantanée
dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt-deux
un physicien de l'Université de Paris
Alain Aspect, mettaient en évidence
Lorsqu'une particule subatomique
plus petite que l'atome, se comporte
d'une certaine manière, celle qui lui
est liée réagit de la même manière
Instantanément, elles communiqueraient
en elles plus vite que la vitesse de la lumière
quelles que soient les distances qui les séparent
soit dix centimètres ou dix millions de kilomètres
En violetant la loi d'Einstein selon laquelle rien
ne peut dépasser la vitesse sacro-sainte
de la lumière…
L’univers est un hologramme
Première partie
Friday, March 19, 2010
L'univers Hologramme

Une image en trois dimensions
contenue dans un prisme
qui donne l'impression
du relief
Fabriqué à l'aide d'un rayon laser
qui se "dédouble" en passant
à travers une surface
Le rayon laser frappe
un miroir semi-transparent
- semi-réfléchissant
Une partie du rayon
sera reflétée vers l'objet
que l'on veut projeter
dans une image à
trois dimensions
Le rayon scanne l'objet
puis va frapper par rebond
la surface ou l'objet (un prisme)
chargée d'accueillir l'hologramme
En même temps
la deuxième partie
de ce rayon laser
ne sera pas reflété
par le miroir semi-transparent
donc le traversera
La deuxième partie
du rayon laser appelé
rayon de référence
se dirigera tout droit
vers cette surface
et y rencontrera
le premier rayon laser
qui a intercepté l'objet
La rencontre des deux rayons
restituera l'impression
de trois dimensions
de l'objet
Très étrangement, si l'on coupe
en deux ou en trois le prisme
frappé par le laser - et qui
contient l'image en 3D -
on ne verra pas une
fleur coupée en
deux ou trois
mais bien
deux ou
représentations fidèles
Chaque partie du prisme
contient en lui l'intégralité
des informations nécessaires
qui permettront de rendre
la totalité de l'image de l'objet
tant qu'il est frappé par le laser

L'univers est un hologramme
Première partie

Une image en trois dimensions
contenue dans un prisme
qui donne l'impression
du relief
Fabriqué à l'aide d'un rayon laser
qui se "dédouble" en passant
à travers une surface
Le rayon laser frappe
un miroir semi-transparent
- semi-réfléchissant
Une partie du rayon
sera reflétée vers l'objet
que l'on veut projeter
dans une image à
trois dimensions
Le rayon scanne l'objet
puis va frapper par rebond
la surface ou l'objet (un prisme)
chargée d'accueillir l'hologramme
En même temps
la deuxième partie
de ce rayon laser
ne sera pas reflété
par le miroir semi-transparent
donc le traversera
La deuxième partie
du rayon laser appelé
rayon de référence
se dirigera tout droit
vers cette surface
et y rencontrera
le premier rayon laser
qui a intercepté l'objet
La rencontre des deux rayons
restituera l'impression
de trois dimensions
de l'objet
Très étrangement, si l'on coupe
en deux ou en trois le prisme
frappé par le laser - et qui
contient l'image en 3D -
on ne verra pas une
fleur coupée en
deux ou trois
mais bien
deux ou
représentations fidèles
Chaque partie du prisme
contient en lui l'intégralité
des informations nécessaires
qui permettront de rendre
la totalité de l'image de l'objet
tant qu'il est frappé par le laser

L'univers est un hologramme
Première partie
La Physique Des Particules

- les particules élémentaires -
Quarks ont deux attributs:
la saveur (ou parfum)
et la couleur
J’aime les appellations baroques
des saveurs des quarks
proviennent de l'ordre
dans lequel elles ont été
découvertes :
Up – (vers le haut)
Down – (vers le bas)
Strange – (étranges)
Charm – (charmée)
Bottom (au fond) ou Beauty (beauté)
Top (en haut) ou Truth (la vérité)
Quarks sont confinés
par deux ou trois
à l'intérieur des
La symétrie CPT et L'antimatière

- les particules élémentaires -
Quarks ont deux attributs:
la saveur (ou parfum)
et la couleur
J’aime les appellations baroques
des saveurs des quarks
proviennent de l'ordre
dans lequel elles ont été
découvertes :
Up – (vers le haut)
Down – (vers le bas)
Strange – (étranges)
Charm – (charmée)
Bottom (au fond) ou Beauty (beauté)
Top (en haut) ou Truth (la vérité)
Quarks sont confinés
par deux ou trois
à l'intérieur des
La symétrie CPT et L'antimatière
Tout Ne Fait Qu'un

Quelle est
la vraie nature
de cet univers fabuleux?
- la physique
- l'astrophysique
(étude de l'infiniment grand)
- la mécanique quantique
(étude de l'infiniment petit)
expliquent les choses
dans lesquelles nous baignions
sur lesquelles nous ne pouvons
pas avoir une vision objective
et complète
comment donc décrire le monde en
en faisant partie sans s'en extraire
les systèmes quantiques, la vie des
particules les plus petites
constituant la matière
le simple fait d'observer ces
particules pouvait influencer
leur comportement - magique
- tout est interdépendant
- tout est relié quelque part
- tout ne fait qu'un
L'univers est un hologramme
Première partie

Quelle est
la vraie nature
de cet univers fabuleux?
- la physique
- l'astrophysique
(étude de l'infiniment grand)
- la mécanique quantique
(étude de l'infiniment petit)
expliquent les choses
dans lesquelles nous baignions
sur lesquelles nous ne pouvons
pas avoir une vision objective
et complète
comment donc décrire le monde en
en faisant partie sans s'en extraire
les systèmes quantiques, la vie des
particules les plus petites
constituant la matière
le simple fait d'observer ces
particules pouvait influencer
leur comportement - magique
- tout est interdépendant
- tout est relié quelque part
- tout ne fait qu'un
L'univers est un hologramme
Première partie
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Nostalgic Sadness Forever

Finished reading ‘Ballerina’ an excellent
Afrikaans translation by André P Brink
published by Citadel Press - I am
crying, can’t say why
Feeling the same devastation I felt when
I was a child, hubby’s laughing at me, he
thinks it is funny when I cry about authors
and books, how to explain
The awful feeling of loss to him, spiritual
authors teach humans prefer challenge
and excitement to safety and boredom
it should be enough
But tonight I descended into the pit of my
childhood depression on reading of things
too beautiful to capture and hold
too ephemeral to retain
Too fragile in its filigree beauty to trust to
the care of relativity, my feelings are
stuck in first gear, nostalgic
sadness forever…

“Ballerina” translated by André P Brink, published
by Citadel Press, Lansdowne, 1972

Finished reading ‘Ballerina’ an excellent
Afrikaans translation by André P Brink
published by Citadel Press - I am
crying, can’t say why
Feeling the same devastation I felt when
I was a child, hubby’s laughing at me, he
thinks it is funny when I cry about authors
and books, how to explain
The awful feeling of loss to him, spiritual
authors teach humans prefer challenge
and excitement to safety and boredom
it should be enough
But tonight I descended into the pit of my
childhood depression on reading of things
too beautiful to capture and hold
too ephemeral to retain
Too fragile in its filigree beauty to trust to
the care of relativity, my feelings are
stuck in first gear, nostalgic
sadness forever…

“Ballerina” translated by André P Brink, published
by Citadel Press, Lansdowne, 1972
A Feat For Mankind

In Yemen, divorced at ten years old, Nojoud
Al-Ahdal had fled, made world history by
obtaining a divorce from a child-bashing
so-called pedophile husband
Amina, married at ten as human dowry from
the bridegroom’s family to the bride’s clan
ten years in prison because her husband died
an enchanted childhood, indeed
Arwa Abdu Muhammad Ali was married at eight
years old to another pedophile, demanded di-
vorce at age nine; poor farmer, two wives,
17 kids - selling girls to older men
What else, no money, no protection against con-
ception, no love for their off-spring, no way of pro-
viding food for all of them, selling girls, a prize not
to be despised although husbands maltreat wives
The divorcee has to pay him recompense when obtaining
a divorce – she was born as so much fodder, the result of
unbridled savagery against her mother, who can take care
of anybody in such countries
Muhammed married a girl nine-years old - can anybody stop
a culture where human beings are used for eternal trafficking
born to die in pain and suffering, the parents know when their
kids are conceived, they cannot
Provide in their needs yet it does not stop them creating many
more to increase human suffering in barbaric circumstances,
since it is praised by their religion to trample women under
foot, begetting girl children by the million
Must ensure them a place in paradise, regardless whether
the price the girls pay if they survive is unending pain and
suffering - what a religion - what a feat for

In Yemen, divorced at ten years old, Nojoud
Al-Ahdal had fled, made world history by
obtaining a divorce from a child-bashing
so-called pedophile husband
Amina, married at ten as human dowry from
the bridegroom’s family to the bride’s clan
ten years in prison because her husband died
an enchanted childhood, indeed
Arwa Abdu Muhammad Ali was married at eight
years old to another pedophile, demanded di-
vorce at age nine; poor farmer, two wives,
17 kids - selling girls to older men
What else, no money, no protection against con-
ception, no love for their off-spring, no way of pro-
viding food for all of them, selling girls, a prize not
to be despised although husbands maltreat wives
The divorcee has to pay him recompense when obtaining
a divorce – she was born as so much fodder, the result of
unbridled savagery against her mother, who can take care
of anybody in such countries
Muhammed married a girl nine-years old - can anybody stop
a culture where human beings are used for eternal trafficking
born to die in pain and suffering, the parents know when their
kids are conceived, they cannot
Provide in their needs yet it does not stop them creating many
more to increase human suffering in barbaric circumstances,
since it is praised by their religion to trample women under
foot, begetting girl children by the million
Must ensure them a place in paradise, regardless whether
the price the girls pay if they survive is unending pain and
suffering - what a religion - what a feat for
Dragons of Time
Abraham wisely remarks the only problem
with leaving and going someplace else is
that you take yourself - vibrational habits
and patterns - with you, he is right
That is why I am digging into my heart and
into my past to dredge up all the bad me-
mories that plague me today, cauterise
wounds, solve riddles, find happiness
If I can be happy here where I am, I’ll have
a guarantee I can be happy anywhere, find
equilibrium in every set of circumstances
filed so many upsets and distress away
Now is the time to round off my memories, put
my mental house in order to move on to new
horizons, non-physical or in material reality
life is one long emotional lesson
My aim is to learn what constitutes love and
contentment, how to enjoy free creation as fun
without bothering anyone, how to reinstate
imagination as my best companion
How to live life passionately, discover the
unknown without cringing for fear of losing
the beauty and love I might find, thus far I
lived on tenterhooks, ready to fight
The dragons of the passage of time, time to
take back the power I gave away as a child
to all the authors I read and reread without
thinking about their influence on my mind
Abraham wisely remarks the only problem
with leaving and going someplace else is
that you take yourself - vibrational habits
and patterns - with you, he is right
That is why I am digging into my heart and
into my past to dredge up all the bad me-
mories that plague me today, cauterise
wounds, solve riddles, find happiness
If I can be happy here where I am, I’ll have
a guarantee I can be happy anywhere, find
equilibrium in every set of circumstances
filed so many upsets and distress away
Now is the time to round off my memories, put
my mental house in order to move on to new
horizons, non-physical or in material reality
life is one long emotional lesson
My aim is to learn what constitutes love and
contentment, how to enjoy free creation as fun
without bothering anyone, how to reinstate
imagination as my best companion
How to live life passionately, discover the
unknown without cringing for fear of losing
the beauty and love I might find, thus far I
lived on tenterhooks, ready to fight
The dragons of the passage of time, time to
take back the power I gave away as a child
to all the authors I read and reread without
thinking about their influence on my mind
Every Golden Moment

I need to finish the book, too many ghosts
live in it, firstly the ghost of the author’s dis-
illusionment with loss of youth and beauty
secondly the ghosts of my sadness on
reading her nostalgia for all she had lost
The book actually captured all for her, if only
she knew that her experience is still alive and
not a single moment of their happy stay on
the holiday island is lost, that every golden
moment will live for ever in the pages
To be resurrected every time someone reads
her book, relativity asserts time is stretched
out before us in its entirety and we can return
to all events at will; maybe she has discovered
it and is visiting even now, enjoying the sun
And the wonderful friendship of the people on
the island in the Adriatic Sea, maybe she
could add a postscript today – that Lana,
Dusica, Lydia and Lijljana are forever on
stage doing their pirouettes
In the ever-present, ever-renewed moment
of eternity, when I add ‘Tom’s Midnight
Garden’ by Philippa Pearce to explain
how it works, I am sure Nada Curcija-
Prodanovic would understand -
- perfectly - and rejoice with me!

I need to finish the book, too many ghosts
live in it, firstly the ghost of the author’s dis-
illusionment with loss of youth and beauty
secondly the ghosts of my sadness on
reading her nostalgia for all she had lost
The book actually captured all for her, if only
she knew that her experience is still alive and
not a single moment of their happy stay on
the holiday island is lost, that every golden
moment will live for ever in the pages
To be resurrected every time someone reads
her book, relativity asserts time is stretched
out before us in its entirety and we can return
to all events at will; maybe she has discovered
it and is visiting even now, enjoying the sun
And the wonderful friendship of the people on
the island in the Adriatic Sea, maybe she
could add a postscript today – that Lana,
Dusica, Lydia and Lijljana are forever on
stage doing their pirouettes
In the ever-present, ever-renewed moment
of eternity, when I add ‘Tom’s Midnight
Garden’ by Philippa Pearce to explain
how it works, I am sure Nada Curcija-
Prodanovic would understand -
- perfectly - and rejoice with me!
Mysterious Dimensions of Reality

Nightmares last night, the author keeps
lamenting lost youth, crying about joy
that has been, making me so terribly
sad, making me wish nothing should
ever be that good that its loss seems
unbearable with irreparable pain
When authors put their despondency
about the temporary nature of youth,
joy and happiness in the mouths of
their characters, I suffer their pain
while reading the book, the pain is
the author’s real experience
Inconsolable desolation at delights
and miracles experienced and then
lost causes me to feel alienation from
all I treasure, heart aching for losses
I cried about while still under their
spell - I finally broke free
When quantum physics taught me
life is a dance of energy; only under
the auspices of universes splitting
infinitely and awareness of eternity
life is liveable - I love “Ballerina”
fiction based on autobiography
The author had nothing to sustain her
whenever she lost something she loved
except remaining in the vicinity of ballet
and concerts – that is too ephemeral for
me, I need something more, I have found
it in the theory of twenty-five
Or more pulsating strings folded up
in the mysterious dimensions
of reality!
“Ballerina” by Nada Curcija-Prodanovic
(I read the book “Ballerina” for the first time
in Primary School and used to react with the
same despondency the author felt about youth
and wonderful events, to great events in my life.
When I discovered quantum physics and its
implications I managed to break free of the
spell the author had woven over me.
I learnt how the assumptions of authors coloured
their writing and influenced readers. Looking at the
date of the book, 1961, it is clear the author was a
child of materialistic communism which caused her
sadness about life. It had a profound influence on
my world view and feelings until I could fight it
with new insights.)

Nightmares last night, the author keeps
lamenting lost youth, crying about joy
that has been, making me so terribly
sad, making me wish nothing should
ever be that good that its loss seems
unbearable with irreparable pain
When authors put their despondency
about the temporary nature of youth,
joy and happiness in the mouths of
their characters, I suffer their pain
while reading the book, the pain is
the author’s real experience
Inconsolable desolation at delights
and miracles experienced and then
lost causes me to feel alienation from
all I treasure, heart aching for losses
I cried about while still under their
spell - I finally broke free
When quantum physics taught me
life is a dance of energy; only under
the auspices of universes splitting
infinitely and awareness of eternity
life is liveable - I love “Ballerina”
fiction based on autobiography
The author had nothing to sustain her
whenever she lost something she loved
except remaining in the vicinity of ballet
and concerts – that is too ephemeral for
me, I need something more, I have found
it in the theory of twenty-five
Or more pulsating strings folded up
in the mysterious dimensions
of reality!
“Ballerina” by Nada Curcija-Prodanovic
(I read the book “Ballerina” for the first time
in Primary School and used to react with the
same despondency the author felt about youth
and wonderful events, to great events in my life.
When I discovered quantum physics and its
implications I managed to break free of the
spell the author had woven over me.
I learnt how the assumptions of authors coloured
their writing and influenced readers. Looking at the
date of the book, 1961, it is clear the author was a
child of materialistic communism which caused her
sadness about life. It had a profound influence on
my world view and feelings until I could fight it
with new insights.)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Enfolded In Music

I came, I saw, I ate, why - because I
was hungry, looking for energy, now
facing the allergy, muscles weak and
fatigue, staring at one of my favourite
pictures of all time
We played the songs from The Sound
of Music over and over, unhappiness
enfolded in a soft, comforting layer of
music that held me when I felt ill
dreaming about the story
Then I hoped I would find out what
love means one day, I’ve found so
many definitions, friendship, loyalty
trust and integrity, glad I found love
late in life, without illusions
No remnants of an idyllic youth, no
feet of clay to contend with, on the
contrary, the ugly world I saw as a
child had turned into a lovely
mystery filled with beauty
I found we are free to create
different kinds of love in
unlimited ways…

I came, I saw, I ate, why - because I
was hungry, looking for energy, now
facing the allergy, muscles weak and
fatigue, staring at one of my favourite
pictures of all time
We played the songs from The Sound
of Music over and over, unhappiness
enfolded in a soft, comforting layer of
music that held me when I felt ill
dreaming about the story
Then I hoped I would find out what
love means one day, I’ve found so
many definitions, friendship, loyalty
trust and integrity, glad I found love
late in life, without illusions
No remnants of an idyllic youth, no
feet of clay to contend with, on the
contrary, the ugly world I saw as a
child had turned into a lovely
mystery filled with beauty
I found we are free to create
different kinds of love in
unlimited ways…
A Mysterious Future
I am not worried whether what I hear
or read is true, believing only the seen
or scientifically proven limits us to the
current level of measuring devices*
As long as it is imaginative, enriching,
uplifting, enjoyable and joyous, I am
happy to sing along and dream with
Deepak Chopra
When others around me sag under the
pressures of life, I feel energised and
excited and alive; if the spiritual
views of Deepak Chopra
Bring this enjoyable energy and
vitality about - I shall indulge in
what is free and life-enhancing
to feel gloriously alive!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In Africa we do not seek blasé dignity
we have no Western cynicism and do
not want any, disillusionment does
not reach Africa’s people
We do not share the cynical fatigue of
European intellectuals, the African
culture is one of joie de vivre, we
live in joyous wonderment
Infused with the energising life force
older civilisations are proud of
having lost in an adult surge
of nostalgia
For their glorious past - Africa is
living a splendid present and
fascinated by a mysterious

Quoted from “Magic” by Wayne Dyer
I am not worried whether what I hear
or read is true, believing only the seen
or scientifically proven limits us to the
current level of measuring devices*
As long as it is imaginative, enriching,
uplifting, enjoyable and joyous, I am
happy to sing along and dream with
Deepak Chopra
When others around me sag under the
pressures of life, I feel energised and
excited and alive; if the spiritual
views of Deepak Chopra
Bring this enjoyable energy and
vitality about - I shall indulge in
what is free and life-enhancing
to feel gloriously alive!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In Africa we do not seek blasé dignity
we have no Western cynicism and do
not want any, disillusionment does
not reach Africa’s people
We do not share the cynical fatigue of
European intellectuals, the African
culture is one of joie de vivre, we
live in joyous wonderment
Infused with the energising life force
older civilisations are proud of
having lost in an adult surge
of nostalgia
For their glorious past - Africa is
living a splendid present and
fascinated by a mysterious

Quoted from “Magic” by Wayne Dyer
Edacious Olla Podrida
My edacious reading appetite led me into
an olla podrida* of books and I read every-
thing voraciously, shocked at a very young
age by the moral deprivation discerned in
the lives of the young if they dared to love
without blessing of holy matrimony, deeply
saddened by the deprivations suffered by
the poor, confused by murders
On finishing university I was free to choose
and devoured only books that supply energy
and inspiration for life, as a child I suffered
depression because I read too many life-
threatening, heart-breaking books, I was
nearly crippled for life, my will to live al-
most completely destroyed, I regained
my health by concentrating on
Fairytales and children’s books, alternative
science and spiritual material, humour and
comedies, I could never follow Tom Robbins
reading himself into one unappealing corner
after another, reading anything helter-skelter
like I used to, now I select books with the
same care we apply when choosing friends
and nourishing food
Wordsmith: Olla Podrida*: An incongruous mixture
My edacious reading appetite led me into
an olla podrida* of books and I read every-
thing voraciously, shocked at a very young
age by the moral deprivation discerned in
the lives of the young if they dared to love
without blessing of holy matrimony, deeply
saddened by the deprivations suffered by
the poor, confused by murders
On finishing university I was free to choose
and devoured only books that supply energy
and inspiration for life, as a child I suffered
depression because I read too many life-
threatening, heart-breaking books, I was
nearly crippled for life, my will to live al-
most completely destroyed, I regained
my health by concentrating on
Fairytales and children’s books, alternative
science and spiritual material, humour and
comedies, I could never follow Tom Robbins
reading himself into one unappealing corner
after another, reading anything helter-skelter
like I used to, now I select books with the
same care we apply when choosing friends
and nourishing food
Wordsmith: Olla Podrida*: An incongruous mixture
Giddy I Gambolled
Giddy with excitement I gambolled
about, so happy my filing was done
so glad to talk to someone who re-
turned from a far-way place
Though my joy upon his return floated
me up far too high, I anchored my soul
on a cloud, turned my eyes to peaceful
solitude in my mind
Started again in expectation of seeing
the world in a benevolent light, focus on
my dreary document and keep working
until all terms were found
Every expression expertly rendered in
the target language which is trying to
sing while it brings the message of
deeds done with criminal intent
Oh, they are come again, the sweet
days of wild delight, they are not too
sweet to last, they are eternal,
splendid and sublime*
*Improvisation on the song:
“Come again, sweet days of wild delight,
ye were too sweet to last, ye were too
brief and bright, in thought, I feel, once
more your maddening joy, oh come and
stay, for ye can never cloy…”
Giddy with excitement I gambolled
about, so happy my filing was done
so glad to talk to someone who re-
turned from a far-way place
Though my joy upon his return floated
me up far too high, I anchored my soul
on a cloud, turned my eyes to peaceful
solitude in my mind
Started again in expectation of seeing
the world in a benevolent light, focus on
my dreary document and keep working
until all terms were found
Every expression expertly rendered in
the target language which is trying to
sing while it brings the message of
deeds done with criminal intent
Oh, they are come again, the sweet
days of wild delight, they are not too
sweet to last, they are eternal,
splendid and sublime*
*Improvisation on the song:
“Come again, sweet days of wild delight,
ye were too sweet to last, ye were too
brief and bright, in thought, I feel, once
more your maddening joy, oh come and
stay, for ye can never cloy…”
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Deist se Wa-inspanteologie

Die oggenddiensprediker vind sy bestaansreg in
Deist se wa-inspanteologie, gisteroggend vra hy
vir ‘n ommekeer in gelowiges se gesinslewens
omdat ons volgens hom verskriklike goed met
ons kinders aanvang, moet ons kollegas liefde-
vol behandel, nugter weet wat hy alles vermoed
oorloë en stryd by die werk
Vanoggend smeek hy almal moet die buite-egtelike
verhoudings verbreek, as kind van die glansryke ver-
houdings gelees en in opgewonde vrees gewag dat
dié onheil my ook moes tref sodat ek kon bely by die
predikant, nodeloos om te sê, my lewenstyl en werk
had toe nie plek vir hierdie opwindende
troetelsonde nie
Elke oggend span die prediker die wa van die geloof in
net om weer uit te span en môreoggend ‘n nuwe wavrag
van sondes te identifiseer sonder om ooit met die wa van
‘n vreugdevolle geloofslewe in oorwinning te ry, nadat hy
een onheil doodgeslaan het, in plaas van wag vir sondaars
om op te staan en saam ‘n nuwe pad te loop, gaan soek
hy na nimmereindigende reekssondes
Elke dag begin met ‘n nuwe stel sondes wat uitgeroei moet
word, die prediker gedy solank as gelowiges nie hul sondes
laat staan en wil weet waarheen nou nie, niemand word ver-
tel wat om te doen as hulle uiteindelik ‘n nuwe weg inslaan
nie, slegs as mense aanvaar hulle sal aanhou sondig, het
die prediker onderwerpe om oor te praat en sondes om
uit te roei ad infinitum
Die wat graag met die wa van die geloof wil ry wanneer
sondes onder die prediker se veroordeling geswig het,
word aangesê om elke dag hand in eie boesem te steek
en melaatsheid te soek - as daar niks is nie, moet hul iets
fabriseer, so kan geen mens nader aan die saligheid
van ‘n tintelende geloofslewe kom nie en beteken
geloof ‘n oneindige stryd teen jouself
Net soos Ferdinand Deist gesê het, Sondae span ons die
wa in deur sondes te bely, maar nooit ry ons van daar af
vorentoe nie…
(En as Liewe Anoniem nou ook die oggendienspredikant
ken of Ferdinand Deist geken het, wil ek haar verseker ek
wag om betig en oor die kole gehaal te word omdat ek so
ligsinnig is – of wat ookal my sonde dié slag is – en haar
kommentaar SAL gepubliseer word)


Die oggenddiensprediker vind sy bestaansreg in
Deist se wa-inspanteologie, gisteroggend vra hy
vir ‘n ommekeer in gelowiges se gesinslewens
omdat ons volgens hom verskriklike goed met
ons kinders aanvang, moet ons kollegas liefde-
vol behandel, nugter weet wat hy alles vermoed
oorloë en stryd by die werk
Vanoggend smeek hy almal moet die buite-egtelike
verhoudings verbreek, as kind van die glansryke ver-
houdings gelees en in opgewonde vrees gewag dat
dié onheil my ook moes tref sodat ek kon bely by die
predikant, nodeloos om te sê, my lewenstyl en werk
had toe nie plek vir hierdie opwindende
troetelsonde nie
Elke oggend span die prediker die wa van die geloof in
net om weer uit te span en môreoggend ‘n nuwe wavrag
van sondes te identifiseer sonder om ooit met die wa van
‘n vreugdevolle geloofslewe in oorwinning te ry, nadat hy
een onheil doodgeslaan het, in plaas van wag vir sondaars
om op te staan en saam ‘n nuwe pad te loop, gaan soek
hy na nimmereindigende reekssondes
Elke dag begin met ‘n nuwe stel sondes wat uitgeroei moet
word, die prediker gedy solank as gelowiges nie hul sondes
laat staan en wil weet waarheen nou nie, niemand word ver-
tel wat om te doen as hulle uiteindelik ‘n nuwe weg inslaan
nie, slegs as mense aanvaar hulle sal aanhou sondig, het
die prediker onderwerpe om oor te praat en sondes om
uit te roei ad infinitum
Die wat graag met die wa van die geloof wil ry wanneer
sondes onder die prediker se veroordeling geswig het,
word aangesê om elke dag hand in eie boesem te steek
en melaatsheid te soek - as daar niks is nie, moet hul iets
fabriseer, so kan geen mens nader aan die saligheid
van ‘n tintelende geloofslewe kom nie en beteken
geloof ‘n oneindige stryd teen jouself
Net soos Ferdinand Deist gesê het, Sondae span ons die
wa in deur sondes te bely, maar nooit ry ons van daar af
vorentoe nie…
(En as Liewe Anoniem nou ook die oggendienspredikant
ken of Ferdinand Deist geken het, wil ek haar verseker ek
wag om betig en oor die kole gehaal te word omdat ek so
ligsinnig is – of wat ookal my sonde dié slag is – en haar
kommentaar SAL gepubliseer word)

Get Home In One Piece
For too long I sat in registry’s chair without
support for my back, now my back is sore
and I don’t care any more, my dedication
to administrative excellence is gone after
sustaining me through the morning
I did electronic filing today, quite a feat for
me being technologically challenged, still
haven’t mastered the cell phone inherited
from Nici, I should have kept my brick, an
old phone for calls made without tricks
Hermien presented me with a gift: twenty
President letters - better than Permits at
least, translating regulations is worse
than reading other people’s aberrations
I count my blessings but right now
The only blessing that matters is the speed
at which we can get home in one piece…
For too long I sat in registry’s chair without
support for my back, now my back is sore
and I don’t care any more, my dedication
to administrative excellence is gone after
sustaining me through the morning
I did electronic filing today, quite a feat for
me being technologically challenged, still
haven’t mastered the cell phone inherited
from Nici, I should have kept my brick, an
old phone for calls made without tricks
Hermien presented me with a gift: twenty
President letters - better than Permits at
least, translating regulations is worse
than reading other people’s aberrations
I count my blessings but right now
The only blessing that matters is the speed
at which we can get home in one piece…
Pirouette and Adagio

The stars in the ballet school:
Dusica a legendary pirouette
Lydia performing a lyrical
adagio eliciting tears
Mlle Nina did not regret
offering her life to ballet, only
when her pupils left after eight
years under her care did
She feel a sharp ache of loss
though Mlle found solace
in the scent of oil and
teaching new troupes
Of future dancers, fondly
recalling her youth as a
ballerina when she
knew Anna Pavlova…
Based on the book "Ballerina"

The stars in the ballet school:
Dusica a legendary pirouette
Lydia performing a lyrical
adagio eliciting tears
Mlle Nina did not regret
offering her life to ballet, only
when her pupils left after eight
years under her care did
She feel a sharp ache of loss
though Mlle found solace
in the scent of oil and
teaching new troupes
Of future dancers, fondly
recalling her youth as a
ballerina when she
knew Anna Pavlova…
Based on the book "Ballerina"
Monday, March 15, 2010
Oft-Kissed Floor & Magic
I never ended up on the floor, the magic
spell you have woven worked, don’t ask
me how or why, I always believed words
could seduce and entice, not sure that
words could redeem, it did not happen
before, but the way you listened and
understood changed the world, made
it possible to keep the trust I was
worthy of life – thank you so much!
Ate too many things my system rejects
insomnia - can’t close my eyes or lie still
I felt so normal, so willing to lead a good
life but food intolerance took my power
away - left me with mental fatigue
Kablam, illusions of normal existence are
shattering - brain dissolving - suffocating
with joyous backache, people recommend
being rational like them – feeling like this
no way, I need fantasy to lift me beyond
The discomfort of allergy, hyperactivity in-
terspersed with catatonia and narcolepsy
have to lie on the hard floor, I kiss it when-
ever a superior being disapproves of my
attitude, it must be advantageous
To sleep on the oft-kissed floor …

I never ended up on the floor, the magic
spell you have woven worked, don’t ask
me how or why, I always believed words
could seduce and entice, not sure that
words could redeem, it did not happen
before, but the way you listened and
understood changed the world, made
it possible to keep the trust I was
worthy of life – thank you so much!
Ate too many things my system rejects
insomnia - can’t close my eyes or lie still
I felt so normal, so willing to lead a good
life but food intolerance took my power
away - left me with mental fatigue
Kablam, illusions of normal existence are
shattering - brain dissolving - suffocating
with joyous backache, people recommend
being rational like them – feeling like this
no way, I need fantasy to lift me beyond
The discomfort of allergy, hyperactivity in-
terspersed with catatonia and narcolepsy
have to lie on the hard floor, I kiss it when-
ever a superior being disapproves of my
attitude, it must be advantageous
To sleep on the oft-kissed floor …

Reconstructing The Dance

I find I have a choice of
staring at nothing and
feeling guilty or looking
at pictures - I chose
the ballet
Reconstructing a dance
sequence Lana would
imagine as she fell asleep
at night, unable to stay
awake to order her mind
Thoughts and impress-
sions she gathered during
the day, to make sense of
the questions she filed away
during a hectic routine
Classes with Mlle Nina
intrepid General leading
her dancing troupe to new
heights conquering
hearts wherever they go
A wonderful story of Soviet
regime ballet, revealing
how the public found solace
in art, sharing food, working
together to produce costumes
For concerts - with descriptions
of delicate landscapes covered
in glittering snow
ah, so beautiful…
Based on the book "Ballerina"

I find I have a choice of
staring at nothing and
feeling guilty or looking
at pictures - I chose
the ballet
Reconstructing a dance
sequence Lana would
imagine as she fell asleep
at night, unable to stay
awake to order her mind
Thoughts and impress-
sions she gathered during
the day, to make sense of
the questions she filed away
during a hectic routine
Classes with Mlle Nina
intrepid General leading
her dancing troupe to new
heights conquering
hearts wherever they go
A wonderful story of Soviet
regime ballet, revealing
how the public found solace
in art, sharing food, working
together to produce costumes
For concerts - with descriptions
of delicate landscapes covered
in glittering snow
ah, so beautiful…
Based on the book "Ballerina"
Solitude In My Mind

Been administrating all morning, looking
at my documents from Ankara and Kabul
in Afghanistan, realising I have lost my
early morning inspiration to shine
Threatening myself with bad marks does not
add to my ebbing motivation, a threatening
headache is increasingly felt because of an
illegal breakfast of bacon on toast
Good fuel to get me going but once the allergy
reaction sets in, a price has to be paid in muscle
tightness, I accept the conditions of eating as
feeling inferior about administration
Is worse than physical discomfort, my colleagues
live such contented lives, smiling, doing routine
jobs without a sigh while I am always looking for
ways to escape the boredom of our daily grind
I spent some time in the peaceful solitude of my
mind, learning to find equilibrium in all circum-
stances, it is time to let the light shine, let the
wonder of words work its magic in me
Thinking of the divine as harmonious sound,
sensory reality being a symbol of the sublime
wishing for special words to change my cells
into musical instruments rejoicing in life
The freedom of choosing how to relate to all
behaviour, regardless of what is directed my
way, is affected by the allergy, I have to work
harder than anyone else
Wish I could retain the ideal of solitude
in my mind, but it is long gone…

Been administrating all morning, looking
at my documents from Ankara and Kabul
in Afghanistan, realising I have lost my
early morning inspiration to shine
Threatening myself with bad marks does not
add to my ebbing motivation, a threatening
headache is increasingly felt because of an
illegal breakfast of bacon on toast
Good fuel to get me going but once the allergy
reaction sets in, a price has to be paid in muscle
tightness, I accept the conditions of eating as
feeling inferior about administration
Is worse than physical discomfort, my colleagues
live such contented lives, smiling, doing routine
jobs without a sigh while I am always looking for
ways to escape the boredom of our daily grind
I spent some time in the peaceful solitude of my
mind, learning to find equilibrium in all circum-
stances, it is time to let the light shine, let the
wonder of words work its magic in me
Thinking of the divine as harmonious sound,
sensory reality being a symbol of the sublime
wishing for special words to change my cells
into musical instruments rejoicing in life
The freedom of choosing how to relate to all
behaviour, regardless of what is directed my
way, is affected by the allergy, I have to work
harder than anyone else
Wish I could retain the ideal of solitude
in my mind, but it is long gone…
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Their Own Angels Also
Sometimes I think we created this little
rational monster in Tiaan, watching me
‘Mom, you can’t eat that; Mom, you have
to go to bed’ - joking – ‘Let me give you pills
to calm you down’
Every time I need him, when power is down
he fixes everything, when we need some-
one to take care of the meat, he does
it without complaint, expertly; while
Nici is so calm about
Her feelings for her hero, when he calls, ‘I can’t
make it this weekend’ she understands while he
expects her to break down - I love these kids of
mine, I read somewhere kids come to teach their
parents, I treat them as such
It works beautifully, I am so proud of them, their
calm and care, when Scorpio argues with me, ‘You
have to preach to our crocodile kids’ I simply smile
and refuse to do so, I believe they will imitate my
actions, not words at all
My conclusion is, after Tiaan fixed the problem with
electricity twice tonight; my kids are really sent to
teach me, though Tiaan forces me to eat healthy
stuff I do so love both my kids, Tiaan and Nici –
angels sent to help me
AND they were issued with their own angels also!
Sometimes I think we created this little
rational monster in Tiaan, watching me
‘Mom, you can’t eat that; Mom, you have
to go to bed’ - joking – ‘Let me give you pills
to calm you down’
Every time I need him, when power is down
he fixes everything, when we need some-
one to take care of the meat, he does
it without complaint, expertly; while
Nici is so calm about
Her feelings for her hero, when he calls, ‘I can’t
make it this weekend’ she understands while he
expects her to break down - I love these kids of
mine, I read somewhere kids come to teach their
parents, I treat them as such
It works beautifully, I am so proud of them, their
calm and care, when Scorpio argues with me, ‘You
have to preach to our crocodile kids’ I simply smile
and refuse to do so, I believe they will imitate my
actions, not words at all
My conclusion is, after Tiaan fixed the problem with
electricity twice tonight; my kids are really sent to
teach me, though Tiaan forces me to eat healthy
stuff I do so love both my kids, Tiaan and Nici –
angels sent to help me
AND they were issued with their own angels also!
A Robotic Entity
I am convinced if I destroy my ability to
be me, to become exactly what I ought
to be according to society, if I give up my
identity, I would die, could not live in such
pain for too long, my painful existence at
university, only reading prescribed texts
and focused on my studies only, trying
to become a normal human being al-
most killed me, I ended up a vege-
table - it was terrible
Tonight I worked till kids came home, then
lost impetus, now scaring myself into obe-
dience, to be able to make lists tomorrow:
a list of work to be done, a list of work al-
ready done, a list of work that should have
been done, of the work of the whole Section
of the work of the whole Department, a list
of monthly tasks, no showing hours spent
on administration so our production
always looks worse than it is
Bureaucratic investment to force people to
account for every move they make in order
to make them look as bad as can be, is the
most de-motivating force ever seen, as long
as we show NO initiative, no joy and no crea-
tivity, working like brain-dead ants accounting
for every action as if all we do independently
is an indication of criminal intent and
subversion, is the perfect example
of hell on earth
The only joy left is to remain myself, go under-
ground, be a gleeful clown, untouchable in my
madness, in defiance of all exigency to become
a robotic entity, this strategy worked for King
David in the Old Testament when he faced
the Philistines, what was good for him is
good for me too…
I am convinced if I destroy my ability to
be me, to become exactly what I ought
to be according to society, if I give up my
identity, I would die, could not live in such
pain for too long, my painful existence at
university, only reading prescribed texts
and focused on my studies only, trying
to become a normal human being al-
most killed me, I ended up a vege-
table - it was terrible
Tonight I worked till kids came home, then
lost impetus, now scaring myself into obe-
dience, to be able to make lists tomorrow:
a list of work to be done, a list of work al-
ready done, a list of work that should have
been done, of the work of the whole Section
of the work of the whole Department, a list
of monthly tasks, no showing hours spent
on administration so our production
always looks worse than it is
Bureaucratic investment to force people to
account for every move they make in order
to make them look as bad as can be, is the
most de-motivating force ever seen, as long
as we show NO initiative, no joy and no crea-
tivity, working like brain-dead ants accounting
for every action as if all we do independently
is an indication of criminal intent and
subversion, is the perfect example
of hell on earth
The only joy left is to remain myself, go under-
ground, be a gleeful clown, untouchable in my
madness, in defiance of all exigency to become
a robotic entity, this strategy worked for King
David in the Old Testament when he faced
the Philistines, what was good for him is
good for me too…
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Poor Ethereal Consciousness

Alice was wandering forlornly through Dr
Anabela Cardoso’s laboratory when Time-
stream Station turned on and Konstantin
Raudive’s raucous voice announced jo-
vially that the demonic voice heard by
Mark Macy was in fact not him
But the voice of a harlequin posing as an
astral spirit, while he really was an inhabi-
tant of the ethereal realms, not dangerous
at all, merely making a call to find out
whether there was an entity out there
that would love him as much as
Christine loved the Phantom of the Opera
when she forgave him for threatening her
beloved Comte; Alice looked up, interes-
ted, and offered to talk to the poor ethe-
real consciousness who longed to find
out how it felt to be loved
Suddenly a frightful apparition stood in front
of Alice, but she shut her eyes and felt his
forlorn condition through extrasensory per-
ception, she took him by the hand and led
him to her Wonderland where complete
freedom and unconditional love
Filled the spirit of every visitor, the ethereal
apparition fell down, struck by the wonderful
atmosphere, declared he had never been a
happy consciousness and now his electronic
energy was filled with so much joy, he wanted
to have fun - and laugh and sing and run!
“Spirit Communication” Roy Stemman, Piatkus
2005, quoted from pages 117 & 118
“Alice in Wonderland” Lewis Carrol
“The Phantom of the Opera” Gaston Leroux

Alice was wandering forlornly through Dr
Anabela Cardoso’s laboratory when Time-
stream Station turned on and Konstantin
Raudive’s raucous voice announced jo-
vially that the demonic voice heard by
Mark Macy was in fact not him
But the voice of a harlequin posing as an
astral spirit, while he really was an inhabi-
tant of the ethereal realms, not dangerous
at all, merely making a call to find out
whether there was an entity out there
that would love him as much as
Christine loved the Phantom of the Opera
when she forgave him for threatening her
beloved Comte; Alice looked up, interes-
ted, and offered to talk to the poor ethe-
real consciousness who longed to find
out how it felt to be loved
Suddenly a frightful apparition stood in front
of Alice, but she shut her eyes and felt his
forlorn condition through extrasensory per-
ception, she took him by the hand and led
him to her Wonderland where complete
freedom and unconditional love
Filled the spirit of every visitor, the ethereal
apparition fell down, struck by the wonderful
atmosphere, declared he had never been a
happy consciousness and now his electronic
energy was filled with so much joy, he wanted
to have fun - and laugh and sing and run!
“Spirit Communication” Roy Stemman, Piatkus
2005, quoted from pages 117 & 118
“Alice in Wonderland” Lewis Carrol
“The Phantom of the Opera” Gaston Leroux

Dolefully, mournfully, Agent Snowflake is
making her arduous way through official
documents brought home to produce the
right amount of assembly-line words for
the right amount of assembly-line texts
To win the right to exist in a duty-orientated
universe, after several documents she takes
a break to contemplate routine slogging in
the unimportant Sagittarius arm of the solar
system in the galaxy called the Milky Way
Wondering dreamily whether being an inha-
bitant of the Great Attractor region pulling all
local galaxies in its direction so they stream
in the opposite direction of an expanding uni-
verse, would not have been more exciting
Wishing the Seven Samurai had given more
details and she knew Robert Munroe’s tech-
nique for astral travel – she would have left
immediately to investigate the Great Attractor,
would have tried to climb on to
The celestial carousel where the solar system
hops up and down while turning in energetic
spirals around the center of the Milky Way
where a large Black Hole merrily waits to
swallow the whole galaxy
Since there is the happy possibility it might spit
out the whole Spiel through a White Hole in an-
other universe, it sounds very attractive, she
would like to escape the rules and regu-
lations of present reality…

Dolefully, mournfully, Agent Snowflake is
making her arduous way through official
documents brought home to produce the
right amount of assembly-line words for
the right amount of assembly-line texts
To win the right to exist in a duty-orientated
universe, after several documents she takes
a break to contemplate routine slogging in
the unimportant Sagittarius arm of the solar
system in the galaxy called the Milky Way
Wondering dreamily whether being an inha-
bitant of the Great Attractor region pulling all
local galaxies in its direction so they stream
in the opposite direction of an expanding uni-
verse, would not have been more exciting
Wishing the Seven Samurai had given more
details and she knew Robert Munroe’s tech-
nique for astral travel – she would have left
immediately to investigate the Great Attractor,
would have tried to climb on to
The celestial carousel where the solar system
hops up and down while turning in energetic
spirals around the center of the Milky Way
where a large Black Hole merrily waits to
swallow the whole galaxy
Since there is the happy possibility it might spit
out the whole Spiel through a White Hole in an-
other universe, it sounds very attractive, she
would like to escape the rules and regu-
lations of present reality…
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sub-Prefecture of Mantes-la-Jolie
There is a song in the sub-prefecture of
Mantes-la-Jolie - yes, the sub-prefecture
of Mantes-la-Jolie is singing to me
Considering the Act on Contract of Association
and Article Three of the Decree when members
agree and authorisation is given by the authority
Given freedom of association and authority of the
administration to act on its registration concluding
contracts between all adherents - possibly
With theoretical comments on the legislation, leeway
for interpretation and happy interaction between
everybody – who wrote the song of the law
Who will sing with me in the sweet sounds of the
sub-prefecture of Mantes-la-Jolie - yes, the
sub-prefecture of Mantes-la-Jolie
Is singing to me…
I am supposed to find the correct jargon,
terms and formulation, to translate the
following sentence, but my brain made
a song and cannot let go of the sound
in order to focus on meaning - so now
I am lost staring at a text while
humming my new melody…
"Vu le décret du 16 août 1901, portant règlement
d'administration publique pour l'exécution
de la loi précitée"
Even the French text is singing to me, la
Sous-Préfète de Mantes-la-Jolie
meaning is lost in the wonderful
miracle of sound, sing to me
sing your song again and
There is a song in the sub-prefecture of
Mantes-la-Jolie - yes, the sub-prefecture
of Mantes-la-Jolie is singing to me
Considering the Act on Contract of Association
and Article Three of the Decree when members
agree and authorisation is given by the authority
Given freedom of association and authority of the
administration to act on its registration concluding
contracts between all adherents - possibly
With theoretical comments on the legislation, leeway
for interpretation and happy interaction between
everybody – who wrote the song of the law
Who will sing with me in the sweet sounds of the
sub-prefecture of Mantes-la-Jolie - yes, the
sub-prefecture of Mantes-la-Jolie
Is singing to me…
I am supposed to find the correct jargon,
terms and formulation, to translate the
following sentence, but my brain made
a song and cannot let go of the sound
in order to focus on meaning - so now
I am lost staring at a text while
humming my new melody…
"Vu le décret du 16 août 1901, portant règlement
d'administration publique pour l'exécution
de la loi précitée"
Even the French text is singing to me, la
Sous-Préfète de Mantes-la-Jolie
meaning is lost in the wonderful
miracle of sound, sing to me
sing your song again and
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Morning Meditation

Studying my notes made from Wayne Dyer’s
book on magic results* before tackling the
documents I want to learn to appreciate – I
feel more like running away, Wayne Dyer,
I need your help today!
“Go inside, to the peaceful solitude of your
mind, magic is present in every cell of your
body, nothing is impossible, ponder uncon-
ditional love, inner peace, use discouraging
as a reminder of your own purpose in your
own dream, -do not focus on rewards and
results, think carefully - you will become
what you think about all day long”
I am thinking of music, Leo Buscaglia* singing
opera with his Italian mama, my own bathroom
rendition of Quatschlieder, hoping this means
I will turn into a singer albeit an underground
one because I am Secret Agent Snowflake
“Und keiner soll sagen wer da tänzt der sei schlecht
denn für allen die da tanzen spielt die Musik erst recht
und der Eine tantzt den Waltzer den der Himmel ihm
beschert, und der And’re all die Rock-und-Röllikens
die er findet auf der Erd!”*
Quotes from « Magic » by Wayne Dyer, “Born to Love”
by Leo Buscaglea and the German song book
“Quatschlieder” – “Keiner Soll Sagen”*

Studying my notes made from Wayne Dyer’s
book on magic results* before tackling the
documents I want to learn to appreciate – I
feel more like running away, Wayne Dyer,
I need your help today!
“Go inside, to the peaceful solitude of your
mind, magic is present in every cell of your
body, nothing is impossible, ponder uncon-
ditional love, inner peace, use discouraging
as a reminder of your own purpose in your
own dream, -do not focus on rewards and
results, think carefully - you will become
what you think about all day long”
I am thinking of music, Leo Buscaglia* singing
opera with his Italian mama, my own bathroom
rendition of Quatschlieder, hoping this means
I will turn into a singer albeit an underground
one because I am Secret Agent Snowflake
“Und keiner soll sagen wer da tänzt der sei schlecht
denn für allen die da tanzen spielt die Musik erst recht
und der Eine tantzt den Waltzer den der Himmel ihm
beschert, und der And’re all die Rock-und-Röllikens
die er findet auf der Erd!”*
Quotes from « Magic » by Wayne Dyer, “Born to Love”
by Leo Buscaglea and the German song book
“Quatschlieder” – “Keiner Soll Sagen”*
Entity Without Rights
Now THAT was peak traffic, a Toyota
Hilux gave me a gap to enter traffic
lane, nearly missed it, still caught
in flow of French Conversation
Discussing French school legislation
Muslims prevented from wearing any
scarves and other religious marks
to school – I was shocked, flabber-
Everything is balanced on laws and
regulations, I want out of this world -
out of this universe where everything
illogical and suppressive has to be
In the form of laws and self-justification -
it is too much for my free spirit, my soul
in revolt, I have to break free, LIBERTY
is a word without meaning, ME is a
For an entity without rights, I want to
die to escape the blight of posing
as a human being, spirit maimed
a sacrifice to all self-made
Now THAT was peak traffic, a Toyota
Hilux gave me a gap to enter traffic
lane, nearly missed it, still caught
in flow of French Conversation
Discussing French school legislation
Muslims prevented from wearing any
scarves and other religious marks
to school – I was shocked, flabber-
Everything is balanced on laws and
regulations, I want out of this world -
out of this universe where everything
illogical and suppressive has to be
In the form of laws and self-justification -
it is too much for my free spirit, my soul
in revolt, I have to break free, LIBERTY
is a word without meaning, ME is a
For an entity without rights, I want to
die to escape the blight of posing
as a human being, spirit maimed
a sacrifice to all self-made
My Own Monster Characters
It is not what you accomplish, my guru
recommends, but how much you enjoy
what you are doing, I accomplish nothing
by scrubbing in my list of corrections and
I do not enjoy all this fiddling with specific
terms, yet if I wait until I can enjoy it before
starting my work nothing will ever get done
Doing my best to find the right accompaniment
to keep my imagination happy while fighting the
windmills of incompetence and fire-breathing dra-
gons of uninspiring documents, I keep a book on
my desk, today it’s Vivien Alcock’s Monster Garden
I like Frankie’s discovery of monster-growing
material, enjoy her adventures
As she learns why meddling with life is always
dangerous, but definitely exciting, I live like
Frankie, always creating my own monster cha-
racters then fighting them, enjoying the thrill
of Baroque horrors my mind conjures - all to
the tune of Strauss waltzes or when I
feel up to it, even Mantovani
Time to return to the present, find out when
to collect Tiaan from school, decide which
terrific and mind-blowing document to
take home to make up for lost time
lost in the maze of my
thoughts and
It is not what you accomplish, my guru
recommends, but how much you enjoy
what you are doing, I accomplish nothing
by scrubbing in my list of corrections and
I do not enjoy all this fiddling with specific
terms, yet if I wait until I can enjoy it before
starting my work nothing will ever get done
Doing my best to find the right accompaniment
to keep my imagination happy while fighting the
windmills of incompetence and fire-breathing dra-
gons of uninspiring documents, I keep a book on
my desk, today it’s Vivien Alcock’s Monster Garden
I like Frankie’s discovery of monster-growing
material, enjoy her adventures
As she learns why meddling with life is always
dangerous, but definitely exciting, I live like
Frankie, always creating my own monster cha-
racters then fighting them, enjoying the thrill
of Baroque horrors my mind conjures - all to
the tune of Strauss waltzes or when I
feel up to it, even Mantovani
Time to return to the present, find out when
to collect Tiaan from school, decide which
terrific and mind-blowing document to
take home to make up for lost time
lost in the maze of my
thoughts and
Motivational Picture
Reliving Emma, Jane Austen
Just wolfed down a waffle before I waddled
back to my desk, today Emma is my heroine
Mr Knightly perplexed by her unwarranted
meddling in her friend’s affairs
She found to her chagrin a misunderstanding
threatened her friend’s future prospects, she
desisted and changed tack - I like Emma very
much, warm, impetuous, compiling lists
Of books to read that she never really gets
around to, unabashedly reliving Jane Austen’s
novel to feed my need for fantasy as I’m
getting ready for French class
Becoming the clown or dunce in the group -
I prefer being a harlequin, laughing to cover
the tears underneath, somersaulting while
vaulting over all obstacles…
Just wolfed down a waffle before I waddled
back to my desk, today Emma is my heroine
Mr Knightly perplexed by her unwarranted
meddling in her friend’s affairs
She found to her chagrin a misunderstanding
threatened her friend’s future prospects, she
desisted and changed tack - I like Emma very
much, warm, impetuous, compiling lists
Of books to read that she never really gets
around to, unabashedly reliving Jane Austen’s
novel to feed my need for fantasy as I’m
getting ready for French class
Becoming the clown or dunce in the group -
I prefer being a harlequin, laughing to cover
the tears underneath, somersaulting while
vaulting over all obstacles…
The Real McCoy
Looking up the acronym CCPAC
“Certified Claims Professionals
Accreditation Council”
While it should have been CAPCC
“Central African Police Chiefs
Why, oh why do people come up with
acronyms for everything, why not
write out long terms
For nit-wits like me who always choose
the most original or interesting version
first - only to find
The one I discarded as impossible is
the real McCoy?
Looking up the acronym CCPAC
“Certified Claims Professionals
Accreditation Council”
While it should have been CAPCC
“Central African Police Chiefs
Why, oh why do people come up with
acronyms for everything, why not
write out long terms
For nit-wits like me who always choose
the most original or interesting version
first - only to find
The one I discarded as impossible is
the real McCoy?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Blou Baldakyn en Diep Seine
En die werk kom in, en die werk kom terug,
dis soos die vagevuur, ‘n nimmereindigende
stroom wat vloei en aanhou vloei, dit laat my
verlang na Juanita Perreira se O diep rivier
O donker stroom - soos gerym deur Eugène
Marias, na Mouche se Parys met sy blou
baldakyn en diep Seine waar
Krappe en krewe die mens se beendere vreet –
waar is Capitaine Coq wanneer ek hom nodig
het, Reynaldo en Monsieur Nicholas, Madame
Muscat en Alifanfaron, hoekom sit ek hier in
die Geknelde Land en wedervaar ieder woelt’
hier om verand’ring en betreur dit as dit kom
en wag vir strome van seën van bowe
En die werk kom in, en die werk kom terug,
dis soos die vagevuur, ‘n nimmereindigende
stroom wat vloei en aanhou vloei, dit laat my
verlang na Juanita Perreira se O diep rivier
O donker stroom - soos gerym deur Eugène
Marias, na Mouche se Parys met sy blou
baldakyn en diep Seine waar
Krappe en krewe die mens se beendere vreet –
waar is Capitaine Coq wanneer ek hom nodig
het, Reynaldo en Monsieur Nicholas, Madame
Muscat en Alifanfaron, hoekom sit ek hier in
die Geknelde Land en wedervaar ieder woelt’
hier om verand’ring en betreur dit as dit kom
en wag vir strome van seën van bowe
Beminde Teer
Herfskoue wat met die lied
se ysig’ kloue aan my hart
kom vat, Pieter Pieterse se
liefdeslied, Bly jy by my,
beminde teer, dan blom in
my die somerbloeisels weer
In my land van die eike en
heldergroen lower waar elke
môre met sonnegoudtower van
die gouestroopson wat met
suiwer-strelende glans
my siel bekoor
Die goue son wat elke môre
nuwe hoop bring, ‘n heugelike
tyding, bron van hartsverblyding!
Herfskoue wat met die lied
se ysig’ kloue aan my hart
kom vat, Pieter Pieterse se
liefdeslied, Bly jy by my,
beminde teer, dan blom in
my die somerbloeisels weer
In my land van die eike en
heldergroen lower waar elke
môre met sonnegoudtower van
die gouestroopson wat met
suiwer-strelende glans
my siel bekoor
Die goue son wat elke môre
nuwe hoop bring, ‘n heugelike
tyding, bron van hartsverblyding!
Nearing Zero And Falling

Open-Office - Track Changes become Edit
Changes Record, I used to be bored, now
I am anxious about learning new things
while Hermien is trying it out
The world is a lovely, benevolent place, but
my brain is an alien entity, repeat terms like
Dot Doc and Highlight Format Cell too often
and I feel unwell, suffering panic attacks
I was born never to learn anything, to remain
in ignorance, confronted with pdf files and
codes and knowing in which directory you
should be makes me run and hide
The only safety is inside my mind where cold
facts and convention cannot touch my ever-
falling IQ, as the day goes on, I am losing
intelligence, right now my intelligence
Is nearing zero and falling…

Open-Office - Track Changes become Edit
Changes Record, I used to be bored, now
I am anxious about learning new things
while Hermien is trying it out
The world is a lovely, benevolent place, but
my brain is an alien entity, repeat terms like
Dot Doc and Highlight Format Cell too often
and I feel unwell, suffering panic attacks
I was born never to learn anything, to remain
in ignorance, confronted with pdf files and
codes and knowing in which directory you
should be makes me run and hide
The only safety is inside my mind where cold
facts and convention cannot touch my ever-
falling IQ, as the day goes on, I am losing
intelligence, right now my intelligence
Is nearing zero and falling…
Doting Old Age

Giving up on my policeman document
I choose another to work on, another
complaint, another day in our paradise
Hermien unwillingly off to IT training, new
regulations concerning quality checking
hubby says it is easy enough to work until
we fall down, old and grey, the end of life
I suppose the obstacles make for new
challenges, demanding the use of unused
potential, I am growing lazy in my doting
old age, just want to lounge in the sun and
have fun, no more tackling the weird aber-
rations of strange bureaucratic hallucinations,
but here we go, another day in paradise
All quality checkers to be issued with stamps
stamping every document with track changes
maybe this will be fun also, once we are used
to playing nursery school games – all in the
name of efficiency, though it is beyond me
where streamlining enters the equation…

Giving up on my policeman document
I choose another to work on, another
complaint, another day in our paradise
Hermien unwillingly off to IT training, new
regulations concerning quality checking
hubby says it is easy enough to work until
we fall down, old and grey, the end of life
I suppose the obstacles make for new
challenges, demanding the use of unused
potential, I am growing lazy in my doting
old age, just want to lounge in the sun and
have fun, no more tackling the weird aber-
rations of strange bureaucratic hallucinations,
but here we go, another day in paradise
All quality checkers to be issued with stamps
stamping every document with track changes
maybe this will be fun also, once we are used
to playing nursery school games – all in the
name of efficiency, though it is beyond me
where streamlining enters the equation…
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Dying Eventually
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