I cannot wear yesterday’s clothes today
I am a different person, my smile is new
a different face in the mirror - not for me
the same dark blue shirt interspersed with
shining silver threads
I am not the same moody thundercloud lined
with silver moonbeams, I am become a garden
gnome, a green T-shirt with pink jacket proclaim
my new identity, listening to ‘In a Persian Market’
to add an exotic flavor to
The quarks that make up my being, already flavored
as Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Truth, Beauty; named
in terms of their discovery by scientists who marveled
as their spinning energy described as color and flavor
came to light, every aspect of
These virtual particles are calculated mathematically
members of the group known as Baryons sounding as
sinister and exciting as the Cosa Nostra; scientists are
more inspired than artists when confronted with the
wonders of the universe
I want to twirl like a Sufi dancer, become a whirling
Dervish spinning lightning fast when discovering
all these mythical mysteries practiced by
quantum physicists!

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