In Yemen, divorced at ten years old, Nojoud
Al-Ahdal had fled, made world history by
obtaining a divorce from a child-bashing
so-called pedophile husband
Amina, married at ten as human dowry from
the bridegroom’s family to the bride’s clan
ten years in prison because her husband died
an enchanted childhood, indeed
Arwa Abdu Muhammad Ali was married at eight
years old to another pedophile, demanded di-
vorce at age nine; poor farmer, two wives,
17 kids - selling girls to older men
What else, no money, no protection against con-
ception, no love for their off-spring, no way of pro-
viding food for all of them, selling girls, a prize not
to be despised although husbands maltreat wives
The divorcee has to pay him recompense when obtaining
a divorce – she was born as so much fodder, the result of
unbridled savagery against her mother, who can take care
of anybody in such countries
Muhammed married a girl nine-years old - can anybody stop
a culture where human beings are used for eternal trafficking
born to die in pain and suffering, the parents know when their
kids are conceived, they cannot
Provide in their needs yet it does not stop them creating many
more to increase human suffering in barbaric circumstances,
since it is praised by their religion to trample women under
foot, begetting girl children by the million
Must ensure them a place in paradise, regardless whether
the price the girls pay if they survive is unending pain and
suffering - what a religion - what a feat for
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