Nightmares last night, the author keeps
lamenting lost youth, crying about joy
that has been, making me so terribly
sad, making me wish nothing should
ever be that good that its loss seems
unbearable with irreparable pain
When authors put their despondency
about the temporary nature of youth,
joy and happiness in the mouths of
their characters, I suffer their pain
while reading the book, the pain is
the author’s real experience
Inconsolable desolation at delights
and miracles experienced and then
lost causes me to feel alienation from
all I treasure, heart aching for losses
I cried about while still under their
spell - I finally broke free
When quantum physics taught me
life is a dance of energy; only under
the auspices of universes splitting
infinitely and awareness of eternity
life is liveable - I love “Ballerina”
fiction based on autobiography
The author had nothing to sustain her
whenever she lost something she loved
except remaining in the vicinity of ballet
and concerts – that is too ephemeral for
me, I need something more, I have found
it in the theory of twenty-five
Or more pulsating strings folded up
in the mysterious dimensions
of reality!
“Ballerina” by Nada Curcija-Prodanovic
(I read the book “Ballerina” for the first time
in Primary School and used to react with the
same despondency the author felt about youth
and wonderful events, to great events in my life.
When I discovered quantum physics and its
implications I managed to break free of the
spell the author had woven over me.
I learnt how the assumptions of authors coloured
their writing and influenced readers. Looking at the
date of the book, 1961, it is clear the author was a
child of materialistic communism which caused her
sadness about life. It had a profound influence on
my world view and feelings until I could fight it
with new insights.)
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