The challenge is to learn about your viewpoint
and attitude to life, thoughts and ideas, taking
note what feelings, behaviour and results your
thoughts give rise to, to learn from the life you
present for scrutiny in your poetry.
I want to see whether my ideas come out unscathed
after presenting them to your prism mind, how the
light, form and sound of my ideas are changed when
they have passed through the prism of your mind.
I test my affinity with my ideas after you changed
them by your perspective, demeaning, belittling and
ridiculing them by changing their colouring, meaning,
appearance and feeling.
We seem to be evenly matched, I have not discarded
a single idea, feeling or thought I cherished before I
saw your evaluation of them; and you have not changed
anything ever since your ideas, thoughts and feelings
have been appraised by my mind prism.
It is a lovely contest to see whose loyalty to their pre-
conceived assumptions is the strongest, your dark-as-
night take on life, depicting an empty sensory world,
is a brilliant velvet black foil for all the glittering, co-
lourful, golden-light ideas, thoughts and feelings
I cherish.
You add excitement to life by providing the blackness
which makes it possible to discern the foreground with
clarity. Your concept of love, life and what constitutes
the good life serves as a blood-red passionate pain against
which my spiritual ideas appear to great advantage
in my eyes.
It seems as if you delight in saying hurtful things and it
affords me delight to retaliate by never accepting any
influence from your Weltschmertz and Elend - your
transitory, transient, sensory depiction of life.
If love were so limited, destructive, sensual, temporal
and powerless as you and most poets describe it, I could
not bear life; but my esoteric, spiritual take on love that
exalts in loving pure and chaste from afar, creates new
images and beauty that cannot be overpowered by the
darkness in which you revel.
I love this darkness for balancing the brightness I have
found in so many sources, like the fairytales and beautiful
fantasies I guard.
You can never take a single lovely fantasy away by belittling
it, the authors, the philosophical system or any other aspect,
the style, the writing, the intellectual level, or anything else.
I did not choose these fantasies on the ground of any of the
criteria you use. My criteria are Freedom, Benevolence and
Imagination Expansion – ALL my ideas are chosen this way.
My best defense lies in the knowledge that everything is
true and I choose with which truths I want to interact.
I include some bad things because they are exciting and
challenge me, but I choose WHICH bad things; your dark
perspective is a wonderfully exciting, challenging and
cheerful bad thing, therefore I love it, especially since
you cannot change my opinions.
I suspect you would dearly love to feel the conquest in
being able to say you won, that I agree with your ideas,
because I would dearly have loved to change your per-
spective a while ago, but now enjoy the fact that I cannot.
I think if we were keeping score, we would both score nil;
nil for changing each other’s ideas, but we do a brilliant
job of backgrounding each other’s ideas, no?
Strange, isn’t it, and the greatest fun ever, what say you?
Amendment: Since fighting for my ideals I have grown
stronger and more confident, so you score one for changing
the way I see myself - but since I gain by your scoring one
I wonder what the score is about - when you win the game
I shall be the winner!