in Wonderland, when I try to hit reality’s hedgehogs
with my flamingo-mind it turns its long neck away,
I miss material reality completely, finding a meta-
physical universe in an immaterial dimension
which my brother says does not exist
I am overcome by the wonders of symbolism and
magical imagery, ideas about magnetism and
water reflecting human consciousness, near-
death-experiences and astral travel, paid
to play croquet with the Queen of Hearts
calling herself the Department of Arts
I try to turn my flamingo mind upright again and
aim for the hedgehog of reality in the messages
sent by the one-eyed Troll Interpol, sighing and
floating down to earth, aiming for the Interpol
message, missing again, beautiful words
shining like golden rays in my heart
Bewitching my thoughts, I am floating still, re-
membering I was given freedom to follow my
dreams, explore spiritual realms and visions
I cannot anchor my feelings in Interpol’s bay
while my flamingo mind is periscoping in
fairyland - in a joy I cannot describe
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