about persecuted churches in
Russia, I am so glad that I am
not persecuted or rejected for
my strange beliefs, my brother
says I am free to investigate
This book is a painful read, the
confusion of those who believed,
members of the church of Barnaul,
a city second only to Novosibirsk,
when Religious Persecution inten-
sified - always scared of rejection
I cannot imagine
Such pain without suffering myself,
hubby watching comedies on TV -
cannot stay out of my own mind for
such a long time, after watching TV
I need to withdraw into my own
shell, cannot stand visual stimu-
lation for so long
Have to follow my thoughts, hubby
insists watching Top Gear and Casper
de Vries; I cannot, a dance program
and Chuck and Pushing Daisies are
already unsettling enough, need to
turn my eyes on my mind, please
do not force me to watch
Watching too much is bad, takes away
my liberty, my imagination baulks,
thoughts are injured, need words
that allow the mind to supply the
(Information overload is dangerous
can only process a small take
on reality…)
Anita and Peter Deyneka “A Song in Siberia”
Collins, London, 1978
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