spice, a lovely dish, attacking my brain,
lethargy and fatigue drive me insane, can-
not concentrate at all, must find a way to
reach for well-being myself
The allergy makes me hostile and angry
feeling estranged and alienated; actually
wars are fought because of what we eat
we project our discomfort into anger and
Were I feeling well, I would have been loving
but I feel like biting off somebody’s head
shouting and screaming and throwing a
tantrum, were I a soldier I would have
emptied my gun on the enemy regard-
less of strategy
This headache is enough to set fire to the
building, three horrible days of suffering for
curry in a dish, this is why Leonard Cohen
sings so forlornly, why the Aztec and Maya
plucked beating hearts from living victims in
religious frenzies
The maize they ate drove them insane, anger
is still enclosed in maize, last time I ate it I
felt persecuted, the perfect food for creating
wars, maybe the Judeo-Palestinian conflict
is triggered by the Palestinian diet, what do
they mostly eat?
Maybe the dietary rules in the Old Testament were
to preserve the people from eating food that would
mess with their brains, the destruction of others was
probably based on a need to change mankind’s diet
I always knew food was man’s downfall, we can only
be saved by chocolate and alcohol!
Maize was the staple food of the pre-Columbian
and Mesoamerican civilization; attaching religious
and spiritual importance to maize which formed the
Mesoamerican people’s identity – killers sacrificing
living humans. - Did the Aztec and Maya disappear
Allergy: Maize contains lipid transfer protein, an
undigestable protein which survives cooking and
is linked to an understudied allergy to maize in
humans causing skin rash, swelling and itching of
mucus membranes, asthma and headache.
Pellagra: When maize was introduced into other systems
it caused malnutrition. The surviving Americans soaked
maize in alkali-water, made with ashes or lime (calcium oxide)
which liberates the B-vitamin niacin, the lack of which causes
pellagra. This alkali process is called a Nahuatl (Aztec) name:
Pellagra also is a protein deficiency, resulting from lack of two
key amino acids in pre-modern maize, lysine and tryptophan.
Nixtamalisation increases lysine and tryptophan. Maize should
be balanced with beans and protein in meat.
Good grief ... evil corn eaters. The terror.
I realize its my business only, but I am going to try and catch up on your blog this week! :-)
I say the more you write the better, but the more you write the harder it is to keep up.
Thank you for the comment, Matt, I really think that a swift, violent death is preferable to slowly dying in the comfort of administrative hell - so the evil corn-eaters actually did their victims a huge favour, and that is why the administrative devil put a stop to it - to torture people through bureaucracy!
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