the advice of health aficionados, brought
potatoes in the skin to the office for a
nourishing lunch, ended up with chemical
imbalance, so much for healthy stuff
Give me toxins and poisons and everything
deadly you can think of, as long as it tastes
good and gives the system a kick, I need
only live a short while in as happy a state
as is possible, since healthy food tastes
awful and then makes me feel worse
It lowers my quality of life and should be
eschewed with religious devotion, we take
our feelings with us when we die, not our
bodies, if body preservation makes me un-
happy I will have nothing of it, I shall eat
and drink what taste buds prescribe
Living happily so I can share my happiness
with others and take it with me after death,
leaving all rules and prescriptions on earth
at death, I shall love wildly, overindulge in
beauty and give free rein to anger just as
I shall give free rein to all passion
And my spirit shall be free!
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