Wednesday, April 20, 2022

This Serious Person Has Had Enough

Tinker Bell is a serious person, a very serious person 

is he, going ching-ching while earnestly berating me 

for throwing the potato skins in the bin, There is a 

plastic bag for that purpose says he, now we have the  

tea-bag problem all sorted this is the next thing, Yes Sir,

I reply and try to tell him that translating Hühnerstall 

from German into English is quite a difficult task when 

a granny is riding her motorbike there – he stops and 

fixes recalcitrant me with a Stare: Such nonsense, it 

sounds wrong to me in both English and Afrikaans

I explain the change into “inna coop forra chickens”

and now this Serious Person has had enough, ching-

ching in the kitchen: Pick a peeler and get busy and 

leave the blinds closed it is cold, I explain: But the sun 

shining will bring extra warmth into this space, No, he 

Emphatically says, ENOUGH, I need a break, ching-

ching, and I leave for the sunroom to find the moral 

in this story: Never bother Important People with 

Stories of Grannies, Motorbikes and Coops 

Forra Chickens…

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