Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Friendships And Freedom [Revised]

Never go back - never return to stifling injustice
of the past; hypocrisy and false saintliness of a
national church using religion to subdue people,
subvert their natural generosity, force them into
corsets of conformity; FREEDOM is something

Too wonderful to cede and I’d rather perish in a
stream of free people than abide in stifling air of
a fake nobility; I love MIXED groups: monotony
of one culture, one vernacular, is so grey & one-
dimensional, so BORING in extreme, & anguish

With despair of dispossessed too painful to use
as criteria for a life of privilege; the potpourri of
wild South Africa’s pendulum-swing between a
dark past, the red-hot presence of blood, & the
beckoning future of freedom to be whoever you

Are irrespective of colour, culture & background,
intoxicates - thus the air sparkles, a silver & gold
sun glows, skies cloud with heady expectation; I
love this - freed from my childhood world which
glowered with red anger, soaked in black despair

The new conservative right cannot hold me, the
friendships and freedoms, joys of liberty, are too
delightful to ever concede again…

“Transnational white supremacists are feeding off and
leveraging their own political agendas at the expense of
South Africa’s uniquely diverse population.”
“I would rather go down than survive in injustice”. The
injustice being the violent oppression and dispossession
of the black majority.

[Thursday 31 January 2019]

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A False Ideal

I am calm, content - breathing easier, and
agreeing to get along with everyone in my
group by condoning their views, accepting
a general consensus that this little place, &
the things we do, is all there is: translating

lines by police seeking Dulcie September’s
murderer who shot her in France to stop
ANC from ruling South Africa - & today we
salute effective State capture by a corrupt
ANC who steal from the poor to give to the

politically-associate, exceptionally-rich; quiet
and peace is all my desire, agreeing with the
powers that be, getting along with colleagues
‘cause the only purpose of life is living in joy,
whilst fighting against odds is useless pain

achieving nothing: discovering that a happy
me is an arrogant being who is unwelcome
where-ever she is, while a resigned me with
nothing to say lives in peace without undue
suffering, agreeing we’re nothing in a grand

scheme of being where liberty’s a false ideal…

[Tuesday 29 January 2019]

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...