Sunday, June 11, 2023

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly

this works for many people as they repeat the jargon

flawlessly and I wish I could get into the same frame

of mind - unfortunately - something within me needs

to feel sad for no reason at all; I listen when the guru

Explains nobody needs to understand us for living a

happy life, so I stopped communicating as it seemed

redundant & today everything seems to be redundant

in the extreme; not communicating - FEELING is the

way to go - heck - FEELING is not working for me - I

Feel a headache coming on everyday - some kind of

intervention required to fix this medical situation; why

do I always feel ill - according to the guru it’s because

I introduce RESISTANCE to the free-flowing current

of pure, positive energy - what I desire above all is

To become that pure, positive energy - which I can  

only do by dying eventually…


Friday, June 9, 2023

Fine-Tune His Scam

Finally some fun, a phishing expedition launched by a

solemn voice on my cell-phone, telling me that he, well-

wisher and altruist, stopped a transaction on my credit

card - I’m waiting with morbid curiosity to hear what

information he requires for his fraudulent transactions;

but I’m playing with fire - this criminal might get me to

divulge information against my better judgement, so I

ring off wondering what code he needed to separate me

from the funds in my credit card, whether he already had

my card number and just needed to fine-tune his scam


But it’s a fool’s game and I happily see on line that the

scammer did not take any money - now I’ll never know

how he reacted to being foiled like this: did he shout &

curse or simply called his next victim - and where did

he get my details, why did he think me an idiot telling

me to visit my bank the next day, as everybody knows

credit card transactions are only done by phone - what

a pity that my morbid fascination with criminals could

not be given free rein as it would lead to financial loss

which I can ill afford…

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Stream Carrying Me Into Nothingness

I grew up with the mistaken belief only painful life

is meaningful, that living carefree and happy was

sinful & senseless - only struggling and suffering

would make us worthy - and it is so wrong at so


Many levels as it is obviously true that everyone

strives to live as long as possible, except for the

few who commit suicide: why would most people

prefer living to death if life were truly dedicated to


Sadness and pain - since pain & disappointment

go hand in hand, it’s logical that anything I do has

to fail for my life to have meaning: this sabotaging

myself has led to me taking great care to fail at


Most everything - success implies loss of meaning,

when success was achieved inadvertently, I felt so

worried and guilty; but this is no way to live - being

told within Calvinist tradition that we have all been


Conceived & born in sin, stopped me in my tracks

before I could take any steps towards success - &

the constant war at home; Mom blaming Grandma

Alice for the family going bankrupt & Dad blaming


Both of them for his losing everything, which is true;

he did lose everything he worked for, at least he did

retain his five privileged kids healthy & thriving - but

continuous war at home convinced me that only a


Feeling of war is proof of life & passion - thus I can

never be content in a calm and loving environment,

so I am condemned to a life of strife since it is the

only template that makes sense of life - but today


I realise the spiritualist claim that “Life is a game of

consciousness, in which all living things relish the

feeling of being alive versus nothingness, in which

challenge is exciting & adventure gives spice to life”


Is true as it explains everything - yet I remain stuck

in the feeling of the meaninglessness of life - I can’t

get out of the stream carrying me into nothingness...

Homo Ignoramus II

We don’t know whether other planets have life on

them and whether the life-forms  are like those on

earth - & we don’t not know how the solar system

came into being, although we have built up many

hypotheses about it; we suppose the solar system

started billions of years ago & claim it must be so  


We can’t explain mysterious gravitation, we don’t

know how mountains came into existence or how

the continents were formed, though we make up

many hypotheses about all these; we don’t know 

where oil came from - but we sell hypotheses to

each other like so much snake oil - we don’t know


Why a thick glacial sheet covered most of Europe

and North America as we believe it did; nor do we

know why the same fauna appear in both the Old

and New World, and we don’t know where the salt

in the sea came from, and mankind believes it has

lived on this planet for millions of years, yet there


Is a recorded history of only a few thousand years -

while questions abound - why did the Bronze Age

precede the Iron Age when iron is widely distributed

over the world and its manufacture is simpler than

the alloy of copper and tin - how were the immense

block structures built on the high mountains of the


Andes - and what caused the legend of the Flood

to appear in all the countries of the world - what

does "antediluvian" mean; where did the idea of

the end of the world originate? 

Homo Ignoramus I

I love the theory of Homo Ignoramus: We dont know

what life is or how life came to be, and nobody knows

whether life originated from inorganic matter - which  

sounds highly suspicious to all the thinking, rational

creatures who have never seen evidence of creation


Taking place without a plan made first - and the idea

that consciousness existed before anything else could

come into existence, thus 'the theory of spontaneous

explosion of physical matter - leading to spontaneous

existence of intelligence', sounds so illogical; whereas


Assuming that non-physical consciousness came first

and this intelligence is independent of belief & service

by acolytes, makes 100 per cent more sense - but so

afraid are the superstitious modern atheists of anyone

realising that morality is independent from religion and


Creates a better world, that they try to indoctrinate

everyone to believe that the universe exists without

consciousness and awareness, therefore being only

a magical occurrence without meaning or purpose -

except the need for wealth, power and suppression


So they relentlessly persecute all who research a

different theory, and though they glory in quantum

theory as an example of mindless being, it actually

creates room for every alternative theory imagination

can create and explain - therefore there is reason to


Rejoice as Freedom and Spiritualism is alive and

kicking - and will be forevermore!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Visiting With Mother Superior

Having absurd conversations about solving problems is fun!

Although there are general problems, personally we can't 

complain about anything in our little lives in our little corner 

in the world, and we live very happily...

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Brahms' Lullaby - Wiegenlied

I thought a melody by Brahms would be a better choice,

but instead of listening to his Wiegenlied, a lovely lullaby


I managed to find his Ein Deutsches Requiem - Ihr Habt

Nun Traurigkeit - & sadly I listened - then looked at the


*Translation finding that the music contains a promise for

the listeners to be comforted as if by their mother - and


That is exactly what is described in Brahms Lullaby, so

going to his Wiegenlied, I found the comfort I sought…

 ................................................................................................................ Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit” (Ein Deutsches Requiem

Brahms [Barbara Bonney]

*Translation: Now now you have sorrow, but I will see you again,

and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man shall take from

you, I will comfort you like one who is comforted by his mother.

 ....................................................................................................................  Wiegenlied: Guten Abend, gute Nacht -

Brahms  [Esther Valentin] 

Guten Abend, gute Nacht, mit Rosen bedacht,

mit Näglein besteckt, schlüpf unter die Deck!

Morgen früh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt.


Guten Abend, gute Nacht, von Englein bewacht,

die zeigen im Traum dir Christkindleins Baum.

Schlaf nun selig und süß, schau im Traum 's Paradies.


Wiegeliedjie (Slaap, my kindjie,  slaap sag)  

 [Woorde: JAN F.E. CELLIERS Musiek: JOHANNES BRAHMS; Op. 49 nr. 4]

Slaap, my kindjie, slaap sag, onder rose vannag

Eers die armpies om my nek en dan warmpies toegedek

môre vroeg, as God wil, word my kindjie gewek (2X).


Slaap, my kindjie, slaap sag, onder eng'le se wag;

hulle toon jou in 'n droom kindjie Jesus se boom

Slaap nou soet, hulle wys jou 'n droomparadys (2X).

Continue To Exist

When Solveig’s Song is replaced by the sad melody

of Casta Diva playing on repeat in my brain, the world

remains a cold, empty place where Druidic goddesses

fall in love with Roman proconsuls, then quietly decide


To commit infanticide when they discover he had left her

for another priestess, only the pleas of his new mistress

prevents Norma, the anguished priestess who broke her

chaste vows and contemplated murder in the process -


From killing her children; how uplifting is this, never look

to opera for inspiration to cheer up your flagging spirits

when you feel depressed, it will make you wish to take

your own life in the face of the ill-advised shenanigans


Of the main characters - like the dancing Salome who

demanded the head of a foe on a platter when a lustful

King offered her a chance to obtain half of his Kingdom,

though it’s probably not as bad as Hannibal Lecter


Eating his victims in his frenzy of hatred for stupid people

wasting his time as psychologist with their silly problems,

better look to the original story of “The Little Mermaid” by

Hans Christian Anderson for comfort: after refusing to kill


The prince who scorned her to marry another - she was

given a soul and thus could continue to exist into infinity,

this is ever so much better than the sad stories above…

Casta Diva English Translation:   Pure Goddess who covers these ancient 

sacred plants with your silver light, we turn to your lovely face - uncovered 

and without veil - please appease the ardent spirits and calm their bold zeal, 

please bring down the peace with which you shine in the sky, to the earth…

Sad, Lonely Melody

Living life with the sad, lonely melody of Solveig’s song

playing in my head is not much fun, apparently Solveig

loved Peer Gynt, a coward without a moral compass, &

though it is rather difficult to imagine her loving such an


Immoral person, since loving someone without integrity

is guaranteed to break your heart - but if such was her

fancy, she was free to choose her own destiny and she

lived a very sad life according to Grieg, the composer


Of her sad signature melody, which should not be

allowed to accompany me wherever I go; - I accept 

Ibsen's premise that such an unrequited love existed  

for the sake of redeeming Peer Gynt's life...

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Jeffrey’s Bay, Saturday 11 March 2023

The feeling of slicing through the waves,

might resemble the sensation enjoyed by

dolphins when diving into the sea - and I

think that when mermaids go  swimming,

they must feel like I do at the beach


The moment I declared the wind sand-blasting

us would be an enjoyable sensation, the terrible

aggressive sandblasting-wind caused so much

pain we both cried out in shock & now I’m not

so sure how other life-forms experience -


- Various things - but I still love swimming in the

sea, regardless of how other creatures register

this experience - it is the best sensation in the

world & a holiday at the seaside adds spice to

life - without it life would be so boring -


Totally bereft of any real charm…

Friday, February 17, 2023

Minds Together

It is just as irrelevant which religion,

theology, spiritual or atheist idea is

used as paradigm, as long as they

provide the same predictions for

events and people’s behaviour -


To produce a mindset focused on

respect for self & others, for life &

possessions & integrity, & speaking

truth, words & deeds being equal -

as a result honest teamwork can 

Bring about comfort, beauty, 

   technology and progress 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Minds Together Compose A Symphony

The Universe is infinite & spacetime

is flat & curved - without offering an

Archimedes point from where to look

from outside to the universe, there is

no outside place to evaluate all from

an objective perspective - therefore

Spacetime can be curved or flat, both 

views give same experimental results

& can be used interchangeably - ‘true’ 

nature of reality’s irrelevant in physics,

there’s no need to find a final truth that 

applies equally everywhere all the time  


Each and every description is a song

which covers only a single aspect of this

multidimensional, pulsating, holographic

phenomenon -- in which every quantum

particle has awareness & keep choosing

existence all the time; the universe is fun

                        - ask every physicist -


Every theory is simultaneously true, being

determined by subjective perspective, and

every theory is fulfilled by what we do: my

theory is that life is eternal consciousness

manifesting in infinite possibilities - beyond

the grasp of any single human mind - and


All minds together compose a symphony

which is based on an infinitely expanding

array of themes; played on an infinite

variety of instruments which keeps

growing - for all eternity - 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dying White Dwarfs

Physicists use poetic

language and similes

when describing their

scientific discoveries:


Physicists travel through

exotic labyrinths - where

spinning black holes collide

creating encoded symphonies


Physicists use special

instruments to decipher

these symphonies of

massive neutron stars


Turning into --- Dying

White Dwarfs


The massive neutron star

turned into a dying white dwarf

which became a spinning black hole

colliding with other black holes

thus - a symphony was encoded

- - and they wanted to decode it


 Based on “Black Holes And Time Warps” by the

Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics,  

                              Kip S Thorne

         [1994, Norton & Company]

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Walk My Path In A Responsible Way

For Terry Pratchett there were only two kinds of people

in the world - those with integrity and those without it,

regardless of their creed or religious affiliation - which

held no importance for him: you were either as strong


And immutable in your principles as Granny Weatherwax

and Mustrum Ridcully, or you were a traitor like Reacher

Gilt in “Going Postal” - you could be as unreformed and

wonderfully maverick a character as Moist von Lipwig in


The same novel, but no amount of religious faith was going

to save you from your fate, such as stealing a potato from

a professing believer - which only allowed the criminal to

return as woodworm in an old wooden desk -  you were


Responsible for whatever happened to you when Death

walked you into the darkness - and the integrity shown

by Terry Pratchett is a shining example to help me 

walk my path in a responsible way….

Never Have Touched With a Red-Hot Stick

Pratchett showed up the ridiculous nature of the literary

establishment by writing a bad and boring book weaving

tedious debates about atheism and colonialism aimed at

brainwashing the youth, into a story without dialogue &

character development - and amazingly enough -


Simply because he incorporated literary and sociological

fashionable themes into this book, it was “an Honor Book

in the 2009 Michael L Printz Award for Excellence in Young

Adult Literature” and won the “Brit Writer's Award Published

Writer of the year 2010” yet it is the kind of book -


Terry Pratchett, the avid young reader himself, would never

have touched with a white hot stick - he never admitted to

any deceit after publishing it, but it sure is the best satire on

literary convention of all time, I can just see Douglas Adams

laughing with glee seeing what academia tried to do with it:


Trying to force it on bright young kids who quickly unmasked

this attempt at propaganda - Terry enjoyed the joke without

ever saying anything and stoically accepting the Doctorates

knowing that the establishment is dishonest, self-justifying

& the book’s arguments will convince no-one of anything…


 Some reviews of “Nation” on Goodreads:

 “We had to read this book for school and it was awful. This book was extremely confusing, obviously was not proofread, had an embarrassingly large amount of typos and was tortuously BORING.

 Confusing: Throughout the book I was never sure of what was happening. When they made the huge discovery near the end of the book, it didn’t even register with me. The confusion made the book...

Boring: This is one of the top ten most boring books I have ever read. I would stare at a page for ten minutes and not understand what was going on. I have found that a book needs ACTION and DIALOGUE  to make it interesting. In this book, surprise, surprise, there was essentially NO ACTION except for two parts of about five pages each. And until about 1/3 of the way through the book, there was no dialogue. I was bored for a large percentage of the book. My peers all agreed with me that it was INCREDIBLY BORING. I cannot stress enough how tedious this book was.


“Ugh I had to read this for class... Not good. Our class read it, hated it so much, so the teacher pulled it off the curriculum for the upcoming years. Wow.


 “Sadly, this story seemed to go nowhere. There was little to no character development. The same plot lines carried on for far too long with seemingly no end in sight.


 “I wanted to love this book, but I just couldn't connect with the characters. There's a saucy parrot with an extensive vocabulary of swear words thrown in for comic relief, but it's not enough. The ending is far too pragmatic to be satisfying.


 “Boring as hell. Most chapters feel/seem all filler. I don't enjoy any of the characters. I dislike the writing style even more than I despise the "island saved by white girl" trope.


 “I should have known I wouldn't like it when the author misused 'literally' on the FIRST PAGE. "The cargo was flying out of the ship, literally; the cranes strained in their efforts to get the bales out as quickly as possible"?! The book had potential, but I never felt respected as a reader. Or rather, I usually don't think about it - but this book made me realize I need to be respected. For example, I was constantly reminded of why the British (shipwrecked) weren't culturally superior to the natives on the island ...and I never thought they were."


More Rain Falling Down [Rev]

The old rags with which I clean the floors and 

Tiaan his bike, are hanging on the clothesline; 

thus rain doesn’t stop as the devil is watching

and always ordering demons with glee to keep 

rain coming because he thinks I want them dry 

in the sun - but actually I want to rinse the soap:


Too lazy to do that myself - Beelzebub knows 

that my menfolk want to watch cricket tonight - 

so he insists on more rain falling down - to flood 

the cricket stadium nearby - while I’m overjoyed, 

for ages I've looked forward to non-stop rain and

I’m enjoying it - so if I have to leave those rags  


Inherited from my housekeeper on the line for a

long time to keep it raining, I shall as Beelzebub

normally orders the sun to come out after rainfall; 

but I prefer a soft rain falling for seven nights &

seven days & I shall leave the rags on the line

indefinitely - it’s fun watching them get soaked


Hoping they’ll even be cleaner afterwards..

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...