Friday, November 27, 2020

A Victory Squad

Why no feast for the Bidenette,

CNN, you crowned him – now

bring the celebration in, declare


Saturday November the twenty-

eight a victory day for the great

Bidenette, let the mighty horde


of eighty million voters rally

for CNN’s proclaimed president-

elect - a grand vizier - organize


his voters into a victory squad,

electric cars, horse-and-carriage,

bikes and such: CNN you are


letting your voters down; why

don’t you call the noble voters,

dead or alive, for a celebratory


event where no gaslighting and

Potemkin accusation will touch

the mighty proclamations of the


great CNN-kingmaker crowd?


27 November 2020

A Fest For Bidenette

Celebrate CNN Prada Soviet

and backstabbing-Faux pay-for-play

a fest for Bidenette!


A fest of existential angst and uncertainty

he knows not when or where or what or why he is

received 80 million votes – or thereabouts –

more than Obama ever saw – à la CNN Prada Soviet


He is not a mediocrity – still has to attain it – à la Salieri

the patron saint of mediocrity - self-declared -

never uncivil, never frail – a strongman – if you will –

plagiarism is just a way to forge ahead, Bidenette said –


Enlist the help of the walking dead – today we celebrate

the Bidenette - on Saturday, 28 November 2020, in every

town and city of every State; we shall rally, voters everywhere

to celebrate CNN Prada Soviet’s Bidenette

and the walking dead!

27 November 2020

Friday, August 28, 2020

Safety Doors Locked

As I grow older, meanings fade & important

things shrink to insignificance as small things

fill my universe: a neatly made bed - military

style, a shiny kitchen and fresh laundry with

lavender as fabric softener; cinnamon coffee;

a woodpecker’s rolling lilting call in a tree


Work assignment completed & crime scene

investigations solved in nail-biting episodes

while munching on green veggies to satisfy

appetite - early mornings of silver sunshine,

colours shimmering within crystal rainbow

prisms - brightening sedate Cognac walls


Playing catch with an energetic, high-jumping

dog - lovingly resting at my feet afterwards: I

question nothing; safety doors locked and

burglar bars prevent intrusion of ubiquitous

psychopaths & serial killers, indispensable

for creating entertaining crime stories


A cup of strong tea before delighting in triple

caramel ice-cream, hot water bottles to keep

me warm while snugly sitting under a soft

turquoise fleece: this is my Nirvana –

this is what Heaven means to me


Lockdown Phase 2, Pretoria, South Africa


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

State of Stupidity

I don’t do Conspiracy, madness lies that way;

I fully agree official versions are all fabricated,

but have no way of knowing which alternative

is truth: argument & viewpoint are determined

by politics & religion within subjective interest 


Although I once felt superior in doubting every

thing, I’m resigned to facts that today’s Reality 

is just a game authorities play, forcing the rest 

of Humanity accept rules for life they’d made - 

therefore I can no longer care to participate in 


Catching them out, or go on quests to find the 

more palatable truth, describing what has truly

transpired - because it doesn’t matter; nothing

matters except our principles, character & the

values we aspire to acquire, finding guidelines,


Setting goals for ourselves - at my time of life

Wisdom is the only thing I desire, but wisdom

is unattainable: experience is the only teacher

& has taught me being Human is existing in a

perpetual state of stupidity…

Lockdown Level 3, day 72, Tuesday 11 August 2020

Pretoria, South Africa

Working from home, wearing a mask in public
A very poetic existence I think!


Saturday, February 15, 2020

Wonderland Scourge

[Roughwork: to be revised]

For many, many years the Duchess confided all her woes
to Peter Pan in Neverland, and spun a tale of her noble self
being mistreated and misunderstood by all the evil people
she met, thus Peter started calling Snow White in the Land 
of the Bliksems

She told him how her sister Alice refused to take her side 
in the innumerable conflicts in which the Duchess always 
found herself embroiled, much to her chagrin and deep 

Peter Pan kindly advised the Duchess to defend herself 
and her truth, and not allow others to bring her down. 

Then one day the Duchess decided to sally forth in all her 
state and visit Peter Pan in Neverland. 

And what a falling-out was there! 

The Duchess had changed so much that Peter Pan did not
recognise the sister he once knew – her total disregard for
Peter’s requests and feelings, anger at his guidance and
the constant stream of insults she levied against him, and
her childish temper tantrums, revealed her to be living in
her own nightmarish version of Wonderland where the
Cheshire Cat was her biggest enemy, the Queen of Hearts
had destroyed her wedding dress, where her sister Alice
had rendered no assistance when her carriage had 
broken down… 

Peter Pan discovered that the Duchess saw him as her 
mortal enemy because he refused to cower before her 
false claims to grandeur based on her temper and self-
importance – whereas at home she orders everybody 
around, Peter Pan stood up to her and refused to give 
in to her absurd demands for obeisance and respect.

Although Peter Pan wanted to confront the Duchess right
there in Neverland, he decided to keep the peace and took
her to see the sights in Neverland and held his tongue and
quietly wondered by himself what could have happened to 
the Duchess to change her into such an absurd, angry, spite-
ful, bitter person...

The Duchess went home, quite dissatisfied with Peter Pan’s
lack of adoration and dumbfounded by his rational insistence
on good behaviour. 

In Neverland Peter Pan decided that the Duchess needed help
to get out of the nightmarish Wonderland-hell she created by
looking with darkened eyes upon a dreary landscape and
making enemies everywhere she goes.

With the best of intentions Peter wrote a letter in which he
described her words, tone of voice, insults and tantrums
and explained that she revealed such a negative disposition
that it was the cause of all the problems in her life.

Peter presented his helpful analysis of the Duchess as 
a criticism of the whole family, trying to make her under-
stand that being born into such a family was part of the 
reason for her problems. 

Peter criticised her dad Conan the Barbarian, mother
Queen of Hearts, eldest brother Attila the Hun, sister
Alice and youngest brother Tom Thumb – and her
long-suffering grandmother, Cinderella. 

The Duchess received the letter and was very shocked by 
and angry at the large scope of the analysis which showed 
her a true reflection of the nightmare world she had been 
describing to Peter Pan for so many years, and which she 
thought she herself would always be exempt from.

The Duchess realized that she gossiped and spread rumours 
about everybody in Wonderland with impunity and made them 
all into blackguards, mental midgets and failures, while she 
presented herself as Snow White amongst the evil goblins; 
and she had thought she would always appear to advantage 
in Peter Pan’s eyes.

But when Peter Pan met her in person and experienced how 
she scolded, insulted and acted irrationally, he realised that 
what she has been describing was her own inner vision and 
irrational perspective on the normal Wonderland he knew 
so long ago. 

The Duchess realised that should Peter ever tell Alice what 
demeaning stories the Duchess had been telling him about 
Alice, the Duchess would be unmasked as the arch-enemy 
of Alice and Wonderland in its entirety. 

So the Duchess informed Peter that she would not tolerate 
his lack of respect and attack on her person, that he was 
lying about her visit to Neverland, and she would never 
talk to him again. 

Undeterred Peter sent his critical analysis to Alice. 

It was one of the most astounding letters Alice had ever
read - amazed that the Duchess had so little ability to
be logical and hide her shortcomings under a mask of
rational respect, and saddened by the fact that she had 
made a fool of herself and behaved in her usual dis-
respectful, aggressive way. 

Although feeling offended by Peter’s criticism of her own 
self, she had to agree that she had earned his disdain by her 
own foolish behaviour, and his account of the Duchess was 
absolutely true – and eventually Peter Pan and Alice compared 
notes about Wonderland and Neverland, and the Duchess 
with her strange disposition and attitude to the world. 

Alice reflected that the Duchess had been steadily changing 
since Peter Pan had left Wonderland to live in Neverland, and 
that the contrast between her personality years ago and at the 
present time woud have been very striking in his eyes. 

The Duchess, of course, imperiously ordered Alice to break 
off all contact with Peter Pan, calling him a mendacious back-
stabber and threatening Alice with lifelong hostilities should 
a friendship between Alice and Peter Pan come into being. 

Thus the worthy Duchess was trying to hide the criticisms, 
insults and complaints she had shared with Peter for 
so many years.

Alice ignored her prescriptions and engaged in conversation 
with Peter, and now she has an ally in trying to get along with 
the Duchess who still charges forth and makes enemies and 
throws tantrums – and Peter Pan, safely living in Neverland,
gives her great advice, and now Alice is no longer isolated 
under the oppressive reign of the Terrible Duchess, 
the Scourge of Wonderland…

[13 February 2020]

Thursday, February 13, 2020

An Insult So Dark

An honourable sister aggrieved by a most 
uncouth slur - an insult so demeaning and 
dark it needs be deemed a most Heinous 
Sin - of the like people decline to hear - or 
hesitate whispering about; deeds so base 
as hurling undeserved insults at a sibling’s  
impeccable character & sweet disposition, 
a gentle-voiced, caring, long-suffering soul 
with infinite fortitude, & enduring empathy 
with all things alive - OH, HOW could I - in 
a moment of rakish foolishness, insult this 
most adorable sister of mine? 

How to make amends when my cellphone 
number is blocked, how to beg forgiveness 
publicly from her austere person, how to self-
flagellate to a degree where her punctilious 
judgement of such peasant behaviour will be 
overcome - until the most amazing reprieve 
replaces the justified wrath burning in her
sore-tried, deeply hurt, brimming heart?

[Wednesday 12 February 2020]

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...