Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Encircling Embrace (Revised)

A little message to translate, of marigolds
and chrysanthemums shining in gold and
burnished copper on a plate - André Rieu’s
orchestra playing joyously - my heart
blossoming in a new romance with life

Warm words shining sunshine in my heart,
feelings expanding, encompassing every
manifestation of life, swelling music of
Olé Guapa setting skin alight - sizzling -
feet tapping – stepping high to music,
held within an encircling embrace

Of an invisible romantic feeling, powerful,
all-knowing, an energetic exuberance filling
my being, a loving presence radiating comfort,
understanding, confidence and encouragement,
the sunshine of your beautiful words shimmering
in the irresistible rhythm of the nostalgic melody…

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Manifesto [REVISED]

Okay – I admit romance does not exist, at least
not in this quaint veracity which claims it has a
place somewhere but rarely ever here

I shall not cry about discovery of circumstance
that fact is non-existent in romance – reality a
chance one does not really have to see

Anyone can prove it lives eternally in dreams, a
never dying sustenance of many Worlds beliefs
with energies too dominant to ever die

If fantasy alive and well then I admit against my
better judgement I’ve been hurt; but add in haste
it does not matter since it truly breathes

In Worlds as infinite or parallel, I do not need the
proof of our reality – a mere perchance of it as
probability enough - the vastness of infinity

allows for every choice and dream or hope and
expectation to exist – I do not need accord to see
romance, or merely mention the ideal -

of fantasy, hopes, & dreams to make it true for me,
I shall avoid reality, live in dreams encompassing
imaginings I’ve always gladly had or harboured to

excess; therefore your attitude and lack of feeling
means a blank to me; cannot kill the vision I shall
cherish from now on until eternity arrives…

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Painful Feats

Been to Dr Killian who casually remarked it was
just touch and go, our little girl could have died
when the second disc in her neck was injured
in the accident

Her leg twisted and turned, tearing all ligaments,
the knee-cap a mess, the muscles torn also, only
the main artery and skin kept her leg together, most
would amputate

But Dr Killian and Dr Zondagh will save her leg, fix
her neck - I sighed and laughed while I cried - how
to force her to do painful exercise after such an ordeal,
how do we -

Make our daughter use her leg muscles when she hurts
so much - how can physiotherapists inflict pain on such
a scale - snatched from the jaws of death, saved in the
nick of time

A miracle - two others have died – I cannot force her to
accomplish painful feats as yet – she returned to us to
be loved and cherished, to be held and caressed…

Friday, June 17, 2011

Keep Beauty I Love Alive

As life drags me along in a fast-moving stream
so I cannot afford to row against the tide or crash
into stationary boulders, I ask myself why do I
try to write little anecdotes and diary notes

A few critical voices assured me nobody would
ever read me as they found my epistles childish
and boring; I cried feeling useless – then read a
declaration on mankind’s search for beauty

And felt the need for beauty filling my heart, the
desire to write down beautiful thoughts and ideas
to take with me into eternity - I write to record
enchanting ideas on the tablets of my mind

Never to forget them, revisiting and rejoicing again;
others seeking realism reflecting their disgust with
life will find it elsewhere without me impinging on
them, no need to provide for the general palate

I wish to keep the beauty I love alive…

«Ballet on Tour» Nada Curcia-Prodanovic, illustrated
by Dusan Ristic; Oxford University Press 1972

Based on Miss Nina’s farewell speech to her
class - pp.129, 130:

“By serving your art faithfully, dancing
the best you can, without sparing energy
and effort, you will carry on the torch of
beauty, magic and poetry, which is badly
needed in this technological age of growing
coldness among people and their desperate
haste to acquire material possessions to the
detriment of their souls.

What can express man’s innermost being best?
Music, of course. Music and ballet – ballet is an
art to which you must dedicate yourself whole-
heartedly. Music, ballet and art in general are
necessary to quench man’s eternal thirst for
beauty, for some higher, nobler
meaning of life.”

Pathways of Light and Love


From Indonesia the saleslady said – my new
multicoloured bag, a tapestry of pink, purple,
silver, orange and blue embroidered materials,
enchanting beads and sequins and pearls

The former ballerina’s home looked more a stage
than the stage itself Miss Nina claimed,
adorned with exotic souvenirs, benign smiling
Indian goddess, a Spanish shawl*

A Chinese casket, a Russian samovar; ready to
fall prey to this wonderful bag, its symbolic
dream aura tapestry, soft pastel colours with
glitzy bits sewn together with great panache

Like inter-connected pathways of beautiful
thoughts stitched together with light
and love


Enchanted by my new multicolored bag from Indonesia
the saleslady said, a tapestry of embroidered materials
with beads and sequins and pearls, pink and purple and
silver and orange and blue

When I read Miss Nina, the former ballerina, claimed her
home looked more like a stage than the stage itself adorned
by souvenirs from exotic places, an Indian goddess with a
smile benign, a Spanish shawl*

A Chinese casket, a Russian samovar; I was ready to fall
prey to this wonderful bag, its tapestry symbolical of my
dream of an aura, soft pastel colours with glitzy bits sewn
together with great panache

Like beautiful thoughts stitched together in my mind, inter-
connected by pathways of light and love

«Ballet on Tour» Nada Curcia-Prodanovic, illustrated by
Dusan Ristic; Oxford University Press 1972

*shawl - quoted from p. 64

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Golden Tobacco And Red Paprika (Rev.)

Describing ponds and mires as tarnished mirrors softly
reflecting dry reeds and dappled skies* is the way Nada
Curcia-Prodanovic saw scenery on tours made by the
Belgrade Ballet School in Southern Serbia

With characters like the bus driver recounting tales of
youth brigades preparing ground for big vineyards*; a
communist Home of Culture with floors full of holes, the
piano in Kossovska Mitrovitsa dating from before 1389,
legs replaced by a barrel, bricks and a kitchen stool*

Driving to Prizren, whitewashed* cottages with garlands of
golden tobacco and wreaths of red paprika hung out to dry*,
big yellow pumpkins in courtyards, the glories of vanishing
Serbian groups – magical concerts in exotic places;

the richly illustrated cover caught my eye when I read her
first book Ballerina* over and over, discovered the second
ballet book this week, overjoyed to read a new story by my
favourite ballet dancer turned author

1."Ballet on Tour" Nada Curcia-Prodanovic, illustrated by
Dusan Ristic; Oxford University Press 1972

Phrases quoted from these pages:

* ponds and mires as tarnished mirrors softly reflecting
dry reeds and dappled skies p.1

* youth brigades preparing ground for big vineyards p.42

* dating from before 1389, legs replaced by a barrel,
bricks and a kitchen stool p.11

* whitewashed* cottages with garlands of golden tobacco
and wreaths of red paprika hung out to dry, big yellow
pumpkins in courtyards p.35

2. "Ballerina" Nada Curcia-Prodanovic, illustrated by
Dusan Ristic; Oxford University Press 1961


“A pretty way to show your admiration for a fine dancer and author.”


“I love beauty in all its forms and if my little note is an example
of “pretty”, I am content, I cannot aspire to more regarding this
subject – thank you for polishing and making it prettier.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Extraterrestrial Beings … David Wilcock

A wonderful game of possible probabilities:

Calculate revolutions of all objects celestial
using the magical Nineveh constant - fit the
planets’ rotation into a round cycle number
indicating each object’s sun revolution

The stars become a celestial clock, day one
is the alignment of all planetary bodies, used
as coordinates in the hyperdimensional
gymnastics of extraterrestrial beings

Extraterrestrials travel outside linear time, they
see planets in all probable positions at the same
time so planetary orbits appear as giant rings
and all conjunctions are visible at a glance

Their coordinates set to ‘Omega Point’ where the
cycle begins, planets aligned, they enter our third-
dimension linear time-stream at light-speed, planets
swinging round about like a big clock

They choose a time period within cycles of twenty-
five-thousand Pluto revolutions, Jupiter and Saturn
in conjunction - the perfect time for the arrival of
extraterrestrial beings…

David Wilcock: Divine Cosmos

The Nineveh Constant is a fantastic calculator, as it
is designed to fit the rotation of every planet into
a certain round number of cycles...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Multiverse And Many-Worlds

The cosmos splits into parallel universes
in which all conceivable outcomes of all
events take place; the universe is a part
of a larger multiverse

Quantum mechanics equations say
the cosmos exists in different states
simultaneously, superposition states
collapse into a single state

Electrons and photons remain in super-
position states, yet large objects do not
explained in Schrödinger's cat experi-
ment, a vial of poison breaking open

When a radioactive atom decays in a
sealed box - all in superposition states:
decayed & not decayed, broken & un-
broken, dead and alive at the same time

The entire Universe exists in superposition
states that leak away to leave what we see,
there is a ‘volume of space’ containing all
information in the universe

And all things with which the universe will
interact in the future - a causal patch’ region –
our universe is one causal patch among many
- a cosmos of differing regions

Inside a big multiverse, information leaking
from our causal patch into others, our universe
decoheres into the state we observe, Bousso and
Susskind thus explains the -

Many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, the
cosmos splits into multiple parallel identical universes:
in one the cat survives and in another the cat dies in an in-
finite number of parallel universes

Where all conceivable outcomes of all events actually
Happen – called alternative realities splitting from other
universes; the global multiverse represents the many-
worlds theory in a single geometry

The Multiverse Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
leads to a place where the Multiverse and
Many-Worlds collide

01 June 2011 by Justin Mullins
Magazine issue 2815.

( Bousso and Susskind’s
framework might explain puzzling aspects of our
universe like the value of the cosmological constant
and the amount of dark energy. Their paper caused
excitement on physics blogs and in the physics

"This is not the kind of paper where somebody does a calculation
and confirms that we're correct," Bousso and Susskind said. "It's
the sort of thing that will take a while to digest."

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...