Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hard-Working Bureaucrats [REVISED]

After talking about my sister’s Gatsby wedding
and sending my nephew inspirational quotes
on fatherhood, I’m bored - and there’s a text to
translate line by line; it’s warming up outside -

I’ve had my fun, bought a Mandela poster and
pink rose for the study at home, now headache
interferes with my ability to concentrate - after
a block of swiss chocolate and eating a packet

Of cheese-and-green-onion popcorn there’s no
turning back - even my miracle herbal tea can’t
stop this descent into Milton’s Paradise Lost; I
have been reading the meaning of periwinkle -

Littorina littorea, sea snail in vibrant violet blue -
the Snow Queen blue I had tried to bring into
my work-station and deposited on my son’s bed
in a beautiful violet-blue blanket: the very same

Son who kept us awake last night, running with
the dogs noisily while his parents, hard-working
bureaucrats, unsuccessfully tried to sleep - no
wonder I can’t keep my eyes open any more…

[30 September 2014]

Monday, September 29, 2014

Own Tribal Group [REV.]

I have such senseless work on my desk, an
analysis of the wrongs in the Congo and its
natural resources lost to the First World - I
still hear a Congolese General, a winsome
young man of twenty-four years - claiming
war is necessary & they’ll persevere, I still
find claims on the Internet that third world
countries made ungovernable is the best
way for crime to hold sway

And I still remember Congolese members
of Police claiming women should have12
kids at least - and then lament women are
not active in corporate environments such
as here in South Africa; how to make time
between labours and another baby to feed
I‘d like to know - if Congolese attitudes do
not change, I can’t see how they can bring
about peace, insisting only their own tribal
group should be governing…

[29 September 2014]

Frozen On The Threshold [REV.]

Our restlessly xenophobic Security Head locked
my drawers - that was in the office where he can
neither prevent nor solve crimes - so he justifies
his existence by victimising easy prey like me, a
mere language practitioner. Like our police, who,

Scared of real crime, persecute private citizens
for minor offences while taking bribes - already
recruited by the big, bad guys; like government
departments where chiefs pocket public money,
order little bureaucrats to account for each cent

Cutting funds for service provision - then go off
spending the now available money on meeting
and eating - all kinds of hedonistic fun and not
heeding a need for strict stoicism and spartan
sacrifice - only ever experiencing immediate

Gratification of sensory desires, so any future
must take care of itself while they live in super-
large Zen-Buddhism’s now; Heidegger dancing
for joy to see how the African continent applies
Phenomenology – little did he realise Africa

Would be his most devoted fan in the end - and
Nietzsche must be holding lectures in the sky
about his Wille Zur Macht being a guideline for
South Africa, the youngest imitation democracy,
where the African locusts are happily united in

Appropriating and destroying everything created
& usurped by Colonial Powers; Africa’s purpose
is a return to their roots in a continuous present
tense, living an eternal Arab Spring that never
blooms into a Democratic African Summer - so

The Tibetan Prayer Wheels can turn adding to a
reservoir of time while Africa stays frozen on the
threshold of life in an insatiable desire to devour
itself before anyone else can do it to them again

[29 September 2014]

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Eternal Silence

Been on leave for 3 days - saw elephants, giraffes
and hippopotami in their natural state, floated in a
splash pool - like a mermaid - to escape dry heat
and even drier trees as well as grey elephant grass

Enjoyed freedom to be bored and think my own
thoughts, now back in reality and being assured
my conversation unwelcome unless I stick to the
list of acceptable subjects – well, with emotion

And sentiment forbidden, I feel more depressed –
but in no way can express this; after unpacking I
came to the study where strings of sea-shells and
rose perfume await, pink flowers against curtains

Imitation dewdrop strings in transparent enchantment
against the windows, a pink fairy on a tree stump and
sliver glitter on white scarves reflecting the light ever
so slightly, two miniature mermaids in Delft blue on

A mirror, an elf with purple wings and another fairy
restored after breaking both her legs; thus the effect
of curtains in brown and beige negated I can rest my

mind in my own lair – yes, I feel negative and shall

Drink herbal tea to improve and yes, a throbbing head-
ache is developing so let me attend to these and stop
feeling like a martyr - and preserve the eternal silence
that keeps everyone happy in my vicinity…

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lost At Sea

We are leaving on holiday and Quasimodo has
taken over, my hunchback is the result of over-
eating, the mirror reveals swollen eyes and face
I ate party food the past weekend – but why do I
have to resemble a codfish or halibut?

And I feel so frustrated - what on earth is wrong in
my subconscious because in reality everything’s
fine - I made my peace with being unbalanced - I
used to think– but now I’m not so sure, why should
Quasimodo take over at a time like this?

He looks terrible in my clothes and I feel terrible with
his mind, all messed-up and lost, wish I could regain
my own mind - lost at sea and I’ve lost the frequency
to make contact with it…

Monday, September 22, 2014

Simply Is No End [REV.]

Happy co-existence is based on universal
respect anchored in full freedom to learn
personally - no force-feeding of inherited
concepts nor deification of ideas; peace
requires only one thing, sharing freedom
to investigate everything using our own

Utility criteria - not whether something is
true, or impossible to prove, but whether
I’m empowered to do what I choose; thus
awareness of loving & intelligent energy
is enhanced & vitalised such it agreeably
reinforces mind, body and spirit

This curriculum of freedom & respect will
be effective when we have fun living life as
a journey where ideals are but stops along
the way of inspiration & delight; there simply
is no end to consciousness as electro-
magnetic energy which will forever

Be aware - spiralling into eternity…

[22 September 2014]

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Whole Wide World [REV.]

While Spanish Harlem plays I know everything is
fine - like Spiritualists say; I feel in control washing
and cleaning in the kitchen holding life in my hands,
conviction’s bright in sun dancing on net curtains,
happiness is the process of polishing all surfaces,
and packing away extra cutlery

Anxiety threatened reading Sunday’s news until
I remembered nothing’s ever gone wrong - from
isolation with threatening ideals of sad and lonely
excellence; we now mix the dreams of all peoples,
it is the legacy of our beloved Madiba - Mandela,
opening an isolated group, the only white tribe

Of Africa - subdued by past colonial regimes - to
the rest of the world, teaching culture is nought,
it’s the heart and mind that counts; now we share
gems  inherited from fiercely fighting forefathers
who lost their independence in uprisings against
the Cape-Dutch & Britain in 2 decimating wars,

In the understanding we cherish as we send our
children to all nations; after two hundred years
of isolation leaving us without a fatherland - we
represent Africa - and we share our treasure of
wisdom with the whole wide world…

[21 September 2014]

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Real Me

Washing dishes German music playing and
overcome I dance and feel joy as strong as
before, Sudwest-Lied & Heino’s Haselnuss
and a German rendition of You can Kiss Me
On a Monday and the words of the prophets
are true, the source of joy in our hearts never
runs dry just as love and honour increase the
more we give – joy rises ever as strong when

The Skater’s Waltz plays and I run through the
kitchen, music from Tirol and I twirl - the best
times of my life, my only wish is to retain the
glory and fun of the song, Nici’s friend Juan
asked what about Johnny Cash Ring of Fire
we both enthused, that is the music we love,
for me the joy is washing-up, prancing about
in my apron, this is the true happiness I was

Born for - and the real me I need never mourn
for; in my mind I’ll always be twelve years old!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Metaphysical Independence [REV.]

Originally called “Vryburgers” - Voortrekkers were
isolated from European Nations and Colonialism
for 200 years; reduced in the Eastern Cape to a
small minority, a politically subsumed group after
the notorious British ‘Xhosa pacification policies’

Scorched-earth-extermination-ambit forced them
to concede to a powerful colonial authority in an
artificially created Union of South Africa with its
Apartheid, ready to explode when impoverished

Peoples demand retribution, the small remnant of
Voortrekkers, always having rejected Colonialism
were set up for annihilation by leaving the Cape
and fighting two wars against British forces, so
the descendants are exterminated in continuing

Attacks on farms ignored as unimportant in the
new happy-go-lucky country of ours where we
mess up children’s futures and Government is
fleeced by fraudsters of all kinds, promising jobs
to come and never do; governing a country like

South Africa is a complete mystery, hopeless for
service delivery, hospitals rat-infested pits to patients
and unwilling staff; only one African dream is seen:
Become the elite rich as fast as possible - no clue
how to clean up a grasshopper-existence mess left

Without guiding light we can’t care for previously
disadvantaged, excellence is suspect as it divides;
everything is sacrificed on the altar of equality - the
past black-and-white South Africa is now a prism,
shining in all colours: it is a land of milk-&-honey

For sharks, a plum to be consumed, green haven
for criminals, sanctuary for Africa’s refugees; the
shimmering Orange of Vryburger Republiek origins
resisting British assimilation creates a vision living
a metaphysical independence amongst their

African brethren, yet maintaining their dreams of
excellence - I love them as much as my fancy-free
African friends - Africa can’t change as yet - but no-
one knows what tomorrow will bring, infusing love
into this mêlée creates possibilities; - excitement

Stirs in care-free air forming shining worlds where
we are free to create our world anew…


Voortrekkers were originally called "Vryburgers"
isolated from European nations and Colonialism
for 200 years; then reduced to a small minority,
a politically subsumed group after the notorious

policy-success that forced them to give in to the
powerful Colonists in an artificially created Union
of South Africa with its Homicidal-Suicidal-

Slave-based-Fiscal-Policy-of-Apartheid, ready to
explode when the impoverished peoples demand
retribution, the small remnant of the Voortrekkers
were set up for annihilation for always having

Rejected British Colonialism by leaving the Cape
and fighting TWO Wars against British forces, so
their descendants are exterminated in continuing
attacks on farms which are ignored as

Unimportant in the new happy-go-lucky country of
ours where we make a mess of children's futures
and the Government is fleeced by fraudsters of all
kinds, promising jobs to come  - which never do

Governing a country like South Africa is a complete
mystery, no hope for service delivery and hospitals
rat-infested pits for patients & unwilling staff; only
one African dream is seen: Become the elite rich

As fast as possible - no clue how to clean up the
mess left by a grasshopper existence, without a
guiding light  we can't take care of the previously
disadvantaged, excellence is suspect as it divides

Everything's sacrificed on the altar of equality; the
black and white South Africa of the past is a prism
now, shining in all colours: the land of milk-and-
honey for the sharks, a plum to be consumed

A green haven for criminals and a place of safety
for Africa's refugees; shimmering with the Orange
of the Vryburger Republiek guarding their origins
against assimilation by the British and living

A vision of metaphysical independence amongst
their African brethren; following their dream of
excellence - I love them just as much as my
fancy-free African friends

Africa can't change as yet - but no-one knows
what tomorrow will bring, infusing love into this
mêlée creates new possibilities; excitement is
stirring in the care-free air

Forming shining worlds where we are free
to make something new …

Thursday, September 18, 2014

No Regime Independent [REV.]

Language Units established in every Government
Department, no specialisation, no-one au fait re.
quality - Foreign Languages Section redundant,
bad work done at exorbitant fees since no-one is
left to check standards: this is how newly indepen-
dent countries run aground, changing for the sake
of change - to be able to say “I did it my way”

Closing teachers’ colleges, abolishing in-house
training, sacking teachers - as the Country runs
down, hospitals close, babies die, they claim: ‘it’s
the legacy we were left with’ though the cause is
the government using public funds for personal
income through ignorance, no money amassed
under previous reign leaves the newly powerful

No other choice but to line their pockets through
financial transactions, incompetence spreads as
comrades-in-arms govern; the continent demands
help from the world since believing itself relieved
of responsibility by its colonial past; Ebola spreads
because no regime is independent in the REAL
sense of taking care of their own…

[19 September 2014]


Amazing new legislation requiring Language Units
in every Government & Provincial Department which
means no specialisation, nobody being able to judge
quality of work, the National Language Service esp.
Foreign Languages Section less required - guess
what, the Private Sector sharks can offer any kind
of low-standard work at exorbitant fees because

There is no ONE with specialised knowledge to query
quality of work, this is how newly independent countries
are run aground - changing everything just for the sake
of change - to be able to say 'I did it my way' - closing
teachers' colleges, abolishing in-house training, getting
rid of teachers just for the sake of sacking everyone who
worked under the previous regime - then as the

Country is running down, as hospitals close and babies
die, claiming it's the legacy they left us with, though it's
brought about by sheer incompetency, appointing only
comrades-in-arms without regard for ability; demanding
Africa be served by the rest of the world, not accepting
responsibility; who cares, the continent dying of Ebola
because no regime can be bothered to be independent

In the REAL sense of taking care of their own…

[18 September 2014]

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hawaii [REV.]

If you want me to work in Hawaii - I'll dress that
way, shorts and sleeveless T-shirt - without the
beach and turquoise sea against a sapphire sky
framed by emerald palms, without opportunity to
dive into waves and ride bubbling champagne
into the sand; we have to stay cool in the office
at 33 degrees Celsius outside - which means -

An inside heat of 32 and sun a-shine happily on
our north-facing windows, the internal air-con is
u/s, we need make do with fans whirring stale air
about, I boil my kettle to add steam with oxygen
to the mix, turn a spray-can mister on everything -
today I'm dressed for our version of Hawaii and
launching a campaign against open-plan office

Conditions while Asst Mgr Mdm La Pompadour
sits in her own enclosure - her personal air-con
turned so cold she wears winter clothes, looks
smugly down her nose at us, delights in belittling
her underlings, the soldiers in bureaucracy who
suffer welded-shut windows after burglaries -
and therefore NO fresh air whatsoever…

[16 September 2014]


Shrine To Beauty [REV.]

I’ve built a shrine to beauty - in a basket with
pink flowers and large transparent purple fairy
wings, a crystal mask shining in rainbow hues
and a posy of pristine white wedding roses

A few forget-me-nots in a bottle with a string of
purple beads and shimmering magic wand, my
beloved dragon-fly & my one-inch wooden doll
dressed in blue above miniature paper roses

My Charlotte Brontë doll with a serious-sweet
expression around her rose-bud mouth, a small
yellow sea-horse, a paperweight of transparent
glass like a glacier on the side, a pink hat with

Blue flowers - one office chair draped with white
scarves scintillating in bright silver glitter, a neon
cloth on my air-con explodes with life force in my
eyes, but the best is - my Charlotte Brontë doll

Is sitting on a page of brightly coloured musical
instrument stickers; this beautiful shrine of mine
fills my heart with rousing colour whenever I take
a break from boring documents to feast my eyes

On its Indian market splendour…

Doodling Without Purpose [REV.]

I’m so despondent because wherever I go, there
I am with a mind that doesn’t retain positive, life-
embracing - loving thoughts I’ve always fed my
crocodile brain; the mammalian cortex has been
switched off by too much care-free celebration

Indulging in birthday fare and now confusion and
alienation reign as I can’t discipline my mind, even
good news disappears into the stellar black hole in
my heart where my emotions used to be and since
I feel depressed I attract more of the same, though

My rational faculty claims everything is fine and the
only mess is in my head it doesn’t calm me down -
I still feel sorry for myself in being forced to pay with
allergy symptoms of my recent profligacy - without
feelings my perspective is limited to black and grey

I’m bored with everything as nothing registers on my
mental keyboard controlling my emotions - and it’s
intolerable to be isolated in this moment only - even
the characters in my head are just as affected as I
am, all listless and doodling without purpose…

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Can’t Be Your Fault [REV.]

Every time I try to tell you something first-hand
you make me stop; you don’t want to hear the
details of whatever I’m proselytising - yet you
insist I read newspaper articles you like - and
watch your pet TV programmes with you

Now why should I ever desire to see and hear
things recommended by you - you’ve refused
to hear what actually interests me; sometimes
you condescend to kindly ask why I’m so quiet,
sanctimoniously adding - feel free to talk!

Oh well, no reason to complain while you take
good care of the house & help with routine jobs,
preparing dishes to die for; & of course nobody
should be talking about their thoughts when one
considers the nonsense presented in dramas

And storybook dialogues - I’ve never mastered
the art of small-talk and since books & theories
aren’t acceptable subjects, I’ve nothing to say;
you find whatever details insufferably tedious
and perfidious - it just can’t be your fault that

My mind feels dead inside…

Friday, September 12, 2014

Turned 21 Today

And so my little darling turned 21 today, a
laughing, teasing, slouching, breezing Anime-
watching, nightly disappearing girl who orders
her brother and mother around and wraps her
dad around her little finger with pouting,
explaining and giggles and scheming –

And the house is full of her and her ever-
complaining cat, she refuses me entry into
her room and starts remonstrating the moment
I enter in all innocence – just to say hello and
try on her earrings or something innocuous –
but she chases me out and her dad is -

On her side, it’s lovely to have a grown-up
daughter still so small she seems young and
waiflike; Dear Nici, you make life beautiful,
may you be with us at home for a LONG
time to come!

[12 September 2014]

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Into Illusive Reality [REV] & Amuse Scorpio

Imagination is ever so much better than reality; in the mind the
world can look magnificent - I can be as imperial as I like in my
dreams, people may assume any guise in my fantasy - why tie
them down to the temporary physical image we created?

This Friday was lost to me; I didn't run the building to promote
Casual Day Bling-bling from feeling bad for no reason, found my
earphones were missing, presumably stolen; but it doesn't really
worry me, just a momentary disappointment.

And you're right about appearances - dressing up to play a role,
a cross-over Eliza Dolittle at Ascot and Phantom of the Opera in
my case, does not bring joy in itself - the MOOD must be there -
today it was totally lacking

My colleagues conclusively proved rationalism & honesty is the
only way to deal with Scorpio's refusal to attend the wedding, I'm
more depressed having to tell The Duchess. She will need to get
over it they say - but I know she'll be disappointed. 

I love my tea-cosy-cum-lampshade lady, she is a figment of my
imagination representing qualities that are dear to me - and my
outfit today was a failure - it was all in my imagination to begin
with; so that's okay - my mind simply did not supersede reality

In my imaginary world tonight fictitious characters will indulge
my heart's content - oh Marvellous Fantasy, saviour of worlds,
wizard of eternity, delightful storyteller, overcoming obstacles,
bad opinions, failure and sadness; thank you for the Mind

Dreaming up things that can't live in reality, though BIG, we've
been taught so to be small ourselves, we create small, airless,
suffocating, disapproving, cold reality ourselves. Luckily a song
in my heart overcomes the sadness I have dreamed - oh glory

Be - it will continue unto eternity, this song in my heart that
transports me into a new illusive reality...

[5 September 2014]

Amuse Scorpio In The End

I'll not tell the Duchess bad news, my own Alice-in-
Wonderland philosophy is 'Shoot the Messenger'
I shall not usurp the messenger role, Scorpio can
tell her himself, I shall go the way of love that can
forgive anything, hope everything, trust, believe,
give; in love I offer the Duchess hope and partake
of this dish myself, taking off the starched shirt of

Other's beliefs, turn to thought forms and magnetism
to attract the desired outcome - that Scorpio might
relent and bend towards accepting the Truce offered
by the Duchess; though she could not follow Scorpio,
the Mighty Lord and Master of the Crocodile Castle's
advice about living her life, she's doing wonderfully
well and Scorpio's presence at the wedding ceremony

Would swell the family group she is assembling pains-
takingly, this time she's living her dream and he's part
of it - there is no way in a million years that I, Alice in
Wonderland, can destroy my sister's dreams when I
live a dream myself, I'll trust her wedding will take
place in Wonderland and her Mad Tea Party will
amuse Scorpio in the end….

[7 September 2014]

Monday, September 8, 2014

Reality Eventually Unfolds [REV.]

I’ve fallen into the bad habit of trimming my own hair,
making wild cuts with nail scissors - snipping a few
strands at a time, feeling quite glamorous when it is
complete, but spilled red blood is a grim reminder it
is a professional hairdresser’s demesne; yet I have
no faith in them as much as disdaining beauticians
trying to sell inferior products at exorbitant prices
And make-up artists who make me look like a low-
level crook, I’ll have no truck with them, all I want is
a Gatsby dress for my sister the Duchess’  wedding,
have already fashioned the loose swinging fringes
making movement so exciting at the time - have no
idea how to get hold of such a dress or where, but
the joy of playing with interesting fabrics

Can’t be stemmed by limitations of reality - even if
in the end I have to wear old pants & black T-shirt,
the games will live forever in my mind as the best
times of my life; I also smudged my eyes in black
eyeliner & pranced around in fabric which spreads
glitter everywhere; it’s the beginning of a dream
stage with visualisation unlimited

No potential reality is more probable than another,
I can play my heart’s content, even concocted hair-
styles; though nothing has ever comes of it, I enjoy
these dreams - they are better than the reality that
eventually unfolds…

[8 September 2014]

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The bees break a monotony you wouldn’t 
best as sacrosanct; all as busy as, and all 
insistent they’ll need water in the birdbath 
it is a display of persistence I cannot fake 
interest in; with this taking a spell from an 
unenviable task of nectar gathering, they 
circle the thin water smear, skating to the 
edges in controlled fine-paddle-landings 

stopping and sampling moisture I’ve been 
surreptitiously adding; it is amazing - I am 
ignored now as if just a non-invasive part 
of the whole scene - or they reason it that 
way, slaking their fill, and flying off in their 
inimitable display of bee-busy-ness 

© 4 September 2014, I. D. Carswell 

The illustration shown is from Michael Russell - who is a landscape and nature photographer: mrussellphotography.com 

A Love That Never Ends [REV.]

And how shall I sing the joy that you feel; do
you have champagne spritzers livening your
veins, subtle flavours of freshly made coffee
swelling in your heart - all this conveyed in a
wave of delight, or does a restful calm place
you in soft peace of our age; whatever it is

Let me be the first to congratulate you - let
me tell you how glad I am for you; we shall
now make merry, all those you love will be
there, his clan too will attend in full force &
you’ll be gayly abandoned; we shall laugh
about nothing at all, delighted that finally

You aim to be together to share the future
for better or worse, just sealing a deal you
both made ages ago, and which proved to
be a success as your dreams are coming
true - this is the event to crown it all - my
sister the Duchess and Peter the Rock

bound in an absolute life-sharing contract,
a ceremony at her new home; her affection
for a friend became love that never ends -
how wonderful it is - I’ll be witness to the
beginning of a new chapter of life, and to
the joy in your eyes…

[4 September 2014]


And how shall I sing the joy that you feel, do
you feel bubbles of champagne stirring your
blood or the warmth of freshly made coffee
welling up in your heart - inspired by joyous
delight - or is it the soft, restful calm of  our
age filling you with peace; whatever it is

Let my congratulations be the first to reach
your ears, let me tell you how glad I am for
you, we shall make merry and everyone you
love will be there, his clan will rock up in full
force and you'll be gay and we shall laugh
about nothing at all, delighted that finally

You aim to be together and share the future
for better or worse - just sealing a deal you
both made a long time ago which is proving
to be a success as your dreams are coming
true and this is the event crowning it all - my
sister the Duchess and Peter the Rock

To sign a contract to share life no matter what,
a ceremony at her new home, her affection for
a friend becomes a love that never ends- how
wonderful it is - I shall be there to witness the
beginning of a new chapter of life and see the
joy in your eyes…

[3 September 2014]

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Joyous Distress [REVISED]

My positive Internet site not only invites, but instructs
acolytes like me to tell the magical story of their lives,
so here goes - certainty came today I’m growing holy
given bureaucratic obstacles to sick leave form filing,
printing, signing & distributing to the Mother Superior
and Abbess in the Translation & Editing sanctuary

Cloistered at my desk I relay a warrant of arrest old-
fashioned & beautiful enough to make a friar’s heart
bleed in joyous distress; upon receiving changes to
my translation I briefly self-flagellate - then read the
only way to invite good events is concoct a glorious
story about my little hermitage life moving in

Preordained orbit between a home nunnery and a
work lamasery, either heaven or hell on earth, so I
chose heaven, listen to happy chirping - accepting
with merry resignation my literary mind cannot re-
produce ludicrous text verbatim, I relay in different
terms - I float off into my mind’s deep forest to

Admire exotic blooms and glamorous creatures - I’m
travelling the world in different guises and visiting the
universe through music in words - storing the glory in-
side my heart makes for an exciting existence which
is best described as a brief pirouette within illusionary
reality before spinning off into infinite quantum

Possibilities - to choose probabilities to be lived….

[3 September 2014]



My positive Internet site not only invites, but
instructs acolytes like me to tell the magical
story of their lives, here goes: today certainty
came I'm growing holy given all the obstacles
bureaucracy offers to filling in sick leave form,
getting it printed and signed and distributed to
two Mothers Superior in the translation and
editing sanctuary, cloistered at my desk

I relayed a warrant of arrest in old-fashioned
terms beautiful enough to make a friar's heart
bleed in joyous distress, upon receiving all the
changes in my translation I briefly flagellated
myself - then read the only way to attract good
events is to concoct a glorious story about my
hermitage life moving in my pre-ordained orbit
between nunnery at home and lamasery at work

Either it can be hell or heaven on earth; I chose
the latter, listening to the happy chirping around
me, accepting with joyous resignation my literary
mind cannot reproduce stupid text literally and my
version will always be changed - floating into the
deep forest in my mind, admiring exotic blooms
and glamorous strange creatures, I'm travelling
the world in different guises; visiting the universe

Through music in words, storing the glory inside
my heart makes for a magical, beautiful existence
best described as a brief pirouette within illusionary
reality before spinning into a sky of infinite quantum
possibilities to choose the probabilities I shall live...

[2 September 2014]

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...