Thursday, February 28, 2013

Faire Respecter Les Lois

Le Disque-Monde imaginaire,
fantaisie humoristique, absurde,
comique, irrationnel et satirique,
un pic Cori Celesti avec les dieux
en Dunmanifestine

Quatre continents, Eurasie, Klatch –
l’Afrique, monde arabe et l’Inde,
la Chine est le Contrepoids et
l’Australie est Quatrix

Avec la Mort, un personnage
anthropomorphique, et
Esméralda Ciredutemps –
Granny Weatherwax –
une sorcière

Suzanne StoHelit, plus
puissante que Mary
Poppins, gouvernante
par excellence

Mustrum Ridcully,
l’Archichancelier de
l’Université Invisible,
avec l’orang-outan

Et Carotte
le roi - qui tente de
faire respecter
les lois

Wikipedia - Terry Pratchett

On Doit Se Présenter

Pour l’orale – un jeu
on doit se présenter:

Je suis Margaret Alice
une citoyenne du pays
de la merveille
je suis traductrice
qui doit interpréter
pour la reine rouge
et le lapin

J’habite quelque part
ou le Petit Prince se cache
et j’ai un rêve du Ministère
des Arts et de la Culture
au Pretoria dans l’Afrique
du Sud – et je ne sais pas

Parfois, pas très souvent, quelquefois,
je fais du ménage pendant le weekend,
je reste a la maison – toujours – mais
je viens au supermarché le samedi

Chaque weekend j’ai le devoir d’assassiner quelqu’un
parce que je suis un espion comme James Bond –
je me cache a la maison et quand la téléphone
sonne, je suis prêt d’aller assassiner

Chaque weekend je mange, je nage, je viens
à la promenade; je lis, j’écris, je fais le ménage,
je passe l’aspirateur, je visite ma mère, je regarde
la télé, je dorme, je me repose

Et chaque jour de la semaine
je viens au bureau...

Je Me Suis Dit

Et puis je me suis dit: Pendant la
journée j’écris un poème pour
Christophe Bunduki

sur le programme National
que j’ai étudié dans la salle -
une réunion à Yamoussoukro

sur la priorité de l’agriculture
pour l’éradication de la pauvreté
en le continent de l’Afrique

Et l’importance de l’agriculture régionale
pour le développement national et l’appui
à l’élaboration de la formulation

du PNIA a Accra au Ghana,
la libéralisation par l’évaluation
du PDDA, ensuite la rationalisation

des coûts de commercialisation
qui nécessitent la modélisation 
en matière de mécanisation

dans un contexte de la sécurisation
qui permis l’utilisation de la
conservation et la transformation

dans le cadre de la - Modernisation!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Test-Drive Them For Myself

The day I realised “true belief” is just a decision to believe something
because it suits your fancy, makes you happy, gives you power or gives
you some other advantage; I was rather disappointed and disconcerted.

Then when quantum physics explained why ANY belief can be MADE 
true through mental concentration and time spent on it; I was happy
to realise I can also make true what appeals to me.

And when it became clear that concentrating on something brings it into 
my experience while ignoring it makes it irrelevant in my life, I was delighted, 
knowing exactly what I would concentrate on to bring into my life.

Today I have turned away from other jewels for the pearl that is the 
most precious of them all - a rational voice and staunch integrity.

My happiness with this system – that everybody is free to believe anything
available on the market-place of ideas and our beliefs are as wonderful as
the range of our information, intelligence and imagination – is boundless.

Sadly this is not a theory taught anywhere respectable, but everybody is
free to discover and apply it to see if it works for them. 

Though I hate the agriculture translations, they are necessary as a thorn 
in my flesh to stimulate creativity, therefore they are the required driving 
force and thus it is perfect (à la Candide).

I now know that it is easy to respect any person from any creed as long as
that person has integrity and shows that he follows a consistent system.

This rules out most religious people and churches as they are totally 
inconsistent – teaching God is love and then going on to add the hate-
speech with fire and brimstone for good measure.

I like people who don’t believe anything they have not experienced and
don’t try to force others into accepting their theories – but who explain 
their theories in detail and leave me to test-drive them for myself.

28 February 2013

French Class Interrogation (REVISED)

To make us speak, French class was an interrogation, 
we were rigorously questioned on our weekends, with
compulsory revelation of what we did at work – thus
agriculture has not only made my office life difficult,
the odious documents followed me to French class

Tried to steer examination onto my favourite author’s
satirical works but no, painful grilling kept up, describe
translating agriculture and Poverty Reduction Strategy
Plans; I could not leave it at work, I feel effects of reality
oppressing me again tonight

Reality’s a slingshot trampoline for imagination and
since my job entails destroying all feeling and fantasy,
I have nothing to say about it except that it is boring,
I dream deliciously of a new universe where feeling
and creativity will be set free…

27 February 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What And Who I Am

Why on earth do I ever try to tell you
something personal, I suppose because
I like insults, explaining something to
you, feeling thankful and bright - you
change the whole scenario to one of
danger and threat

My being indiscrete, violating codes
at work, violating your fine-tuned
sensibilities, why on earth do I ever
reply when you invite my confidence,
asking me to tell you what I think,
when all I get for it

Is an austere admonition to toe the
line - would that I were dead already
and beyond anybody's reach to tell
me what I should think and how I
should act, already been told off in
my early youth for being

What and who I am, certainly I don't
need to be told my being is all wrong,
I already live in fear that I would be
found out to be a human being with
all the failures it entails

Tuesday 26 February 2013

‘n Heildronk Op My Ma

“This boy’s gonna make it” – ‘n heildronk op
my ma, Annemarie: Dit gaan soms broekskeur
om met familie klaar te kom want "Familiarity
breeds contempt" en ons familie ly aan hierdie
kwaal tot die hoogste graad

Ek sê dankie aan my ma omdat selfs wanneer sy
my verkleineer , sy my sterker maak sodat ek van-
dag ‘n selfstandige en gelukkige mens is wat uit
haar foute leer en altyd my ouers sal respekteer
soos die Tien Gebooie ons leer

Dankie vir die opvoeding wat ma my gegee het,
al het dit somtyds meer soos opfoetering gevoel,
ek verstaan dat ma deur dieselfde pynlike proses
moes gaan en hoop dat ma verder die vreugde
van liefde en geluk sal smaak

Dankie dat ma vir my gesorg het toe ek my pa
verloor het en dankie vir ma se bydrae tot my
lewe sodat ek vandag wyser en verstandiger
kan wees en weet ek het my bes gedoen om
ma trots te maak

Vandag weet ek “This boy made it” - met my
geliefste, my pragtige vroutjie, aan my sy, het
ek finaal die sukses en geluk gevind waarna
ek so lank gestreef het!

[Van Gerhard  Knight - vir Thea, my geliefste,
en vir my ma, wat so hard probeer het om die
familietradisie van irrasionele, onbesonne
woede te oorkom]

The World Seems Enchanted (REVISED)

 I am glad two lonely people are hooking up –
rekindling an old school-years love; hopefully
for you the world seems enchanted since you
found each other after a long circumstantial
separation, may she ever be your Juliette and
you her Romeo, with all the ardent fervor of
young love but without the lack of common
sense that led to the young lovers’ demise

May you take her hand and always keep her
close, talk through each argument without
giving in to a red-hot rage – please mark my
words, you are wise enough to realize that
love thrives in a thousand little favours and
a willingness to assist in everything, love
lives in a million little things, courtesy and
consideration, I trust that you will offer

More than you expect as it is what true
love is: Unconditional, not setting a price
on anything, not waiting for her to serve
before you offer your service – just being
there in friendship and loving care means
everything – I wish for you a love that
grows with the passing years, that you
will work to keep it so!

For Gerhard Knight and Thea his Bride 

26 February 2013

Adagios And Coffin Bearers (REVISED)

 A still growing word-prison, lines of information:
‘detailed description of programs, justification
of priorities under guidelines’ – oh, forgive me –
my heart freezes, I flee seeking romanticism,
the solace of escape

I am weary of being scared, running from a cold
embrace of black despair; while the world burns
and my mind fries forcing myself to read is torture
enough – I’m not growing morally, the appalling
isolation of a text that at best makes readers

Suicidal yet is adamant it is to be treated with
respect, tediously requires exact meanings of
each term researched while really important
things – sweetness of a melody, a warm look
in caring eyes, flowers that will soon die,

Wonder of a new life – are deemed unworthy of
a second glance: at least my headache serves its
purpose – makes it impossible to run away. The
manacles are in my head, I am chained to my
chair and cannot escape in a million years,

No song is heard, no dance commences in this
slow decay of colour and vivacity, only adagios
and coffin bearers sway – the rest is dead

Tuesday 26 Tuesday 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Big Wide Emptiness (REVISED)

Inertia kept me idle as activity seemed useless in the
big wide emptiness of a wasted weekend, only when
you explained on Sunday night you’d received a new
project at five pm Friday did life start to make sense

When you’re distant without explaining why I lose my
footing, fall into an ever-looming chasm of Despair. A
boon was reading Pilgrim’s Progress short version by
John Bunyon. I, too, lost my companions, Hope and

Faithful, in the black Dungeon wherein spirits dwelt,
even excerpts from Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre
did not help, only when you admitted the problem
while we watched the glittering dreams

On Strictly Come Dancing and I chose my queen did
you smile, albeit unwillingly, and the earth tilted
back to stabilise in the sweet meadows of
Common Sense and Calm Rationality…

Diary Sunday 24 February 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Relief, I Can Breathe (REVISED)

Learned that many of my forbears, the
pioneers, had been killed in Natal 1836*
my sister has unpacked magazines on
it her shop at the truck stop for drivers
on their way to Zimbabwe

The books were picked up hungrily, as
if more popular than her meringue cake;
this scared Quasimodo away - and I find
suddenly I am an enthusiast myself for
learning about those pioneers

Entering South Africa and delighted with
the Truck Stop Tuck Shop, André Rieu's
orchestra sparkling in my ears, the hydro-
agricultural document about constructing
dams reaching its apex, the human phase

Where man-hours are calculated, I am not
building the dam anymore, what a relief, I
can breathe - with a weekend ahead, life
suddenly seems quite wonderful - the
dance of love, the tango Olé Guapa

Now taking centre-stage…

1836* There is a new series on Facebook
where the trials and tribulations of the
Pioneers are presented as personal
Facebook accounts under the names
Piet Retief and Dingane, Ulrike my
colleague forwarded the information

[Previous diary entry:]

Oh dear, Quasimodo came to work today,
the hunchback too big for my chair, the
shoulders broad and malformed, the eyes
unfocused and mind scrambled by rambles
through the towers and tops of Notre Dame
and hearing impaired by the bells he has to
keep ringing at all times
Quasimodo didn’t make his presence felt until
he suddenly surfaced as I looked in the mirror
wondering who was this person inhabiting my
mind today, by the way Quasimodo affected
my appearance I recognised him and wished
he would go away, but here he sits in my place,
refusing to talk to anyone

As I insist he must be friendly - he threatens to
crinkle my face if I should bother him anymore
he has already consumed breakfast and lunch
and now he is looking for vengeance because
I have nothing else to feed him and he is bored
with existence as nothing is happening and this
will continue all day…

Diary Notes Friday 22 February 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mental Hell

Punishing myself has no positive result, so
when it is my fault that the allergy gets bad
and depression makes it impossible to see
anything but grey and black, only escapism
offers temporary release
When Mr Holier-Than-Thou, Optimism-
Incarnate, takes me to task for saying how
I feel, I learn to hold my tongue and not to
reveal what is going on
Never having solved the problem of eating
nourishing meals throughout the day, I’m
at the mercy of powers beyond my control,
proving that suffering any punishment for
making mistakes
Never has any influence on life, no amount of
suffering has cured me of the allergy or taught
me how to prevent symptoms from flaring up
again, tonight there is only black behind my
eyes and no ego left
Leave me alone, I can’t play the role of happy
idiot tonight, too ill to put up a show for your  
benefit, tomorrow a gruelling day sitting up
straight while fatigue makes me hate life
Let me prepare to get through the mental hell
that sitting still with an unrelenting headache is 

Change The Paper Music Rolls

 And then at school we did  the cycles, the cycle of the frog in standard 2,
went downstairs to the old library to see the transparencies, later there
was the cycle of the fern which I copied from the book while watching TV
in standard 8, the cycle of water which I explained by means of the life of
a small drop of water who went on a trip from the clouds – the teacher
praised my sarcastic tale in standard 10; life still moves in cycles I, think,
we all have been programmed like the golems with millions of chems in
our heads like those paper rolls of music with perforations that made
pianos play, our heads are run by the perforation patterns which we
received from our culture, society and the world, I wish I could change
the paper music rolls in my head…

Diary 21 February 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

'Der spanische Rosenstock' Werner B (REVISED)

Began reading Der spanische Rosenstock 
quite captivating until the story changed
into The Goose Girl, I put the book down,
angry and deceived, the heroine revealed
her secret to her handmaiden and lo and
behold, all is lost, I refuse to go through
the pain of loss and deceit for uncertain
endings, devious plots are not acceptable

When lovers are star-crossed because a
confidant proves to be disloyal and the
pain of separation is described - I run
away, not another story of Falada slayed,
not another La Traviata of lovers lost, this
kind of plot is out of my life, when I see it
coming, I run faster than Rincewind and
further than Oedipus in the Odyssey...


After initial anger I finished the book –
although to my delight I found that
the Rose bush was replaced by a false
friend; later the heroine found it again
and fell asleep in the bower it formed,
until her beloved found her there –

The storyteller explained how a rose
bush mirrored inner feelings of both
lovers – that he did not know what
could bind him to his love Christine
when he had to move off

But she told him since this rose bush
was formed just so by two faithful
hearts, thus their love would also
grow and be strong … so the story
is vindicated and found a place in
my heart ...

 DER SPANISCHE ROSENSTOCK: WERNER BERGENGRUEN: › Bücher › Belletristik › Klassiker  Ein
märchenhaftes Gleichnis über Trennung und Bewährung,
über Liebe, Treue und Verrat.

The Goose Girl is a German fairy tale collected by the
Brothers Grimm. ... and a horse for each of them; the
princess's horse is named Falada and has the ability…

La traviata is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi
Italian libretto - based on La dame aux Camélias (1852),...

Bizarre Burlesque (REVISED)

French class – 3 colouring pencils &
pens, a sharpener, headphones on
with Carmen & Contes d’Hoffmann
playing, took pencil notes, right ear
tuned to music with the left to hear
L’ Professeur; I managed thus to
contain a problem of wavering
attention, of losing track

Enjoyed Future Proche, then a lesson
on preparing a public speech which I
never want to do again – unless telling
jokes and laughter in burlesque; life
at work is as bizarre as burlesque –
and I love it, even if the merino-sheep
syndrome makes it near impossible to
translate hydro-agricultural texts

Fighting against construction terms in
the trenches of childhood memories of
boring sheep and shock on discovering
erosion – then carrying the guilt until
I was grown…
20 February 2013

Soet Opbeurend – Afrikaans

Aanhaling: ‘Soet opbeurend
prys die lug homself aan
by ons rustige gemoed’

Alles wat ek hoor vergeet ek
dadelik weer, ek het geen
korttermyngeheue meer

Ek is moeg en moet tog steeds
swoeg om woorde op te soek
in sinnelose geskarrel

Ek moet slaap totdat my kop
weer lig en helder is, tot ek
weer kan lag en verstaan

Alles wat in die lewe en die
klas aangaan, lae bloedsuiker
is my kruis, maak my dom

Verhoed my om andere by te
staan en maak my wens vir die
dood om my liggaam

Weg te neem, ek weet my gees is
ewigdurende lewe, deel van die
intelligente energie

Ek is te moeg om om te gee wat
gebeur, ek wil net slaap en droom
tot ek weer my rol kan speel

Vertaling van Macbeth deur L.I. Coertze
Gedruk deur Stewart Drukkers Maatskappy 1948
Aanhaling p. 32

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Electric Pathways All Crossed

Ulrike sent excerpts from Facebook in which the pioneers describe their
wanderings into South Africa and several groups have been attacked and
many have been killed and wagons are covered in blood and corpses are
everywhere. I cried and it was a catharsis and I feel better.

As long as I don’t look at my hydro-agriculture document, the headache and
nausea is gone. I explained to Alet and Dea how this unhappiness started with
learning about the Merino sheep in standard two at school, continued with the
Mali-cow-wagon and was even exacerbated by the Arab influence making me
read clocks in Arabic while I still can’t read clocks in my maternal language.

We laughed until the tears flowed! I wish I could tell you this in person and watch
your reaction as I destroy all holy cows and myself and explain life according to my
inner child – I visualise you bent double with laughter and cramps as tears flow and
you cannot stop laughing!

 The merino sheep – agriculture and livestock – was one of the subjects covered in
the standard 2 curriculum. I was devastated by the existence of the merino sheep
just eating and sleeping and having more sheep, never telling or hearing a story and
therefore bored to death – I could not believe existence could be so barren and
empty. I was deeply unhappy to learn about the sheep.

And then much later I did a course in Arabic and was enchanted by the musical flow –
the Wazir and the Lady Jamillah from the Wizarrah and the Safiir from the Safaarah –
but the old problem of telling the time and reading clocks once again made my life a
misery. So my poor brain got all its connections crossed and all I remember is Sabah–
al-geir and Sabah al-nuur and Salaam-Aleikum and Shubaak and Shariah banaduurah.

So with the merino sheep and Arabic shocks in my psyche, I have no room for a hydro-
agricultural document which feeds sugared facts all pizzicato al fresco to everybody
who might feel called upon to fund such activities. I am so glad for dams and things,
but reading about funding and constructing is more boring than anything that Terry
Pratchett described as boring enough to mush up the brain.

My brain has been mushed several times and the electric pathways are all crossed.

Diary Wednesday 20 February 2013

Time To Savour Everything

An afternoon of sensory experience:
first the water in the pool cradled in
my hands, velvet texture, bulging as
I trailed my hands, then cuddled the
water in rounded forms, afterwards
the rain came down, a sunset in gold
and pink, sun shining while it’s raining,
my heart filled to overflowing, beauty
of it all, my translation pain forgotten,
watched a movie with the kids, all the
mythical figures resurrected, memory
of you in a dream believing me when
I say that I have never seen anything
like this; the dream fills my heart and
gives me power to start again, all the
fantasies safely in my heart, no vision
allowed to depart – I keep them all
because eternity is very long and I
need time to savour everything…

19 February 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Water Babes (rev)



We were water babes, born in the arms
of a sparkling brook that patiently took
us to its heart. At the start we were
never far from its shingly banks, playing
amid ranks of serried wildflowers.

When one of us all but drowned in a
careless encounter the stream buoyed
her up in a swirling embrace; enchanted
by her smile, ingenuously placed a gold
coronet on her tousled head, delivered
a beatified child of the water.

All of us knew who had saved her. She
wears the crown still, the gold faded to
russet in autumn decline, but her love
is as pure as the divine water that gave
her back her life.

In time we grew out of the valley and
flowed into a fractious world beyond
sheltered hills, we learned of wars and
catastrophes, torment and misery, dour
pain of relationships soured; lessons
which challenged our humble origins,
still questions unanswered.

A brook may breach its peaceful banks
and scour a flagrant path with awesome
power, potential might belies the calm
that flowers in gentle times, and gentle
times were all we knew. But beside our
brook the true conscience of peace
shaped our thoughts and romantic beliefs.
© I.D. Carswell 1970

Suffer For My Joy (REVISED)

The Key to Success - a professional interview,
Christophe asked us to recount our experience
of such; I had to laugh, my interview was marked
by the passion in my heart, not a cool mien at all,
my boss said afterwards they should have known
I was more a clown when I talked so emotionally,
other candidates were restrained and grey

For me protocol and etiquette never worked; first
time interpreting I spoke as much as Pollyanna on
arriving at her Aunts, afterwards Irene laughed at
my vehement gesticulation, but fire and all, I still
went to the ball, interpreted for Francophones –
a clutter in my work station reveals my emotional
past, but the privilege of working with industrious,
dedicated smile-hiding translators I love

They toil through the night as I boil with impatience
life is too slow – yet I suffer happily for my joy!

18 February 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well-Meaning Spiritual Souls

If the well-meaning spiritual souls inhabiting the Internet
and offering to take over your life and make a mess at
grand payment, are right, allergy and sugar are the effect
of pinched nerves that can be rectified by confessing the
problem and there’s the rub

I don’t know what the problem is, what caused me to feel
life is worthless at age four, if this can be brought to light,
the pinched nerves and allergy will no longer affect my
freed personality – but should this happen, I would have
to leave the glittering cage

In which I have lived up to now; can I meet the challenge
now I’m as old as the mountains and thinking of life after
death as a wonderful holiday after this?

Unfortunately the so-called “well-meaning spiritual souls”
are mostly busy with scams, the advice is advertised as
free and when you contact them they want a nominal fee
for making your life a misery and convincing you it is what
the stars want for you; beware the payment of money for
nonsense – all true advice that works at all is free – and
delivered by people you trust, not idiots on the street who
claim all other people are nuts and they are the only ones
you can trust – what an utterly nonsensical and stupid
claim they make, especially when they analyse one
totally wrong as they do not know Astrogentics; let’s
hope they never will – because THAT will give them
the edge – a little bit…

18 January 2013

Confession (REVISED)

Explaining the route to me as if I were an idiot made
me very angry; I volunteered to play chauffer on the
route that you’d described, didn’t need a diatribe as
well. Confessed transgressions to Nici on the return
trip after completing the errand – she admitted to
doing the same profane thing – we both laughed,
acknowledging it was not fun, done out of boredom

To escape the strangulation of having no social life at
home – I’m so proud of her innovative spirit, clearly
we’re of the same genes, laughing together sharing a
shooter so I know we’re really friends; she’s free to tell
me everything – maybe I can relate the transgressions
of my youth so she too might learn from them …

16 February 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Survival Techniques

Wearing black to lament the rate of rape in
South Africa, I wear black to lament the lack
of restraint in the media and to commemorate
the sad death of Anene in the Western Cape

What a painful experience dying in this violent
way, feeling sorry for the rapist who killed her,
wondering what pain in him drove him to hand
on the pain to a seventeen-year old girl

Life imprisonment cannot obliterate the crime or
avenge Anene’s death, cannot help the murderer,
living with memories of his own spiritual mutilation
and the scene of his attack on helpless Anene

Her death symbolises the spiral of murder & rape
in our world, the media bewailing her violent fate
advertise ill-clad women to induce sexual tension
in men, driven by high levels of testosterone

Moguls stoke fires causing hormone victim and
psychopath to rape and kill, it is a jungle out there
only extra care for body and child can keep us safe
with artificially stimulated men everywhere

And some women on edge, safety lies in serious pre-
cautions, the disrupted psyche zooms in on every sign
that imply sexual availability, dress to protect otherwise
we offer provocation - potential victim inviting attack

Wilful ignorance of survival techniques in the jungle we
live and have kids in, leads to tragedies, while we cannot
control the media or the monsters created, we can take
charge of our fate – teaching all how to survive happily 

"EU would like to ban sexy ads" 
"lament the lack of restraint in the media"
"advertise ill-clad women to induce sexual tension in men"
 "we cannot control the media or the monsters created"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Air Sizzles With Electricity

Reflecting on the idea the power of our thought de-
termines which people appear in our lives and how
they behave once they are there, at school there was
a lovely English teacher who treated us with respect,
my better half and kids are rather sweet while all my
colleagues are quite a treat

Big brother is courteous & kind, our French teachers
are passionate about their subject, my domestic is a
life-saving heroine - but my twin sis and I live in an
uneasy peace, poised over the chasm of discord, my
mother brings excitement, chaos and danger in her
wake - the phenomenon is explained

By these words:  ‘The experience we have with others
is about what we evoke from them’ I still evoke mixed
emotion from twin sis and mom - friction dating from
early youth has never been solved; sister sees attack in
every remark, mom plans to improve the world, in her
religion we are the lost horde

I believe in integrity while mom thinks only one creed,
her own, is the salvation of man; the air sizzles with
electricity when they are around – I probably need
mom and sis to keep my life interesting!

14 February 2013

Energy Fizzled Out

I jumped up and down giving free advice on what all
should do for their Valentine, joyfully explaining that
expensive chocolate is top of the list, followed by
diamonds and flowers, crowned with champagne

Suspicious eyes told me the advice was unsought, only
Nathi listened with serious mien while Doctor Jokweni
laughed at my plans – my energy fizzled out much too
soon, last night’s bottle of Valentine bubbly was taking

Its toll, trying to sit upright against a tide flowing down,
looking at pictures of bedrooms – amazed at the expanse
some people want, a room in a desert, a room with a
swimming pool, none of those for me,

When I lie down in sweet repose, a simple cabin will do,
small and cosy, a hideaway all private in which to feel
safe and sleep is a dream, oh how I wish
that bedroom was here!

................................"a cabin will do"

............................ "The expanse some people want"

................................."a room with a swimming pool"

14 February 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Heart In Everything

Away from the mundane into a
different dimension, another plane
where all is feeling, feeling emotion
emotion passion - all colours glow
all colours sing and all songs shine
in wonderful forms coloured with
the divine, where all is love and all
love is touch and your love in my
heart and my heart in everything
and the world sings, and your heart
is overall, eternal, infinitely there
living forever in perfect moments
never to be lost, forever bound in
the weaving tapestry of love in my
heart, love for you as you love me

Valentine 14 February 2013

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...