Thursday, February 21, 2013

Change The Paper Music Rolls

 And then at school we did  the cycles, the cycle of the frog in standard 2,
went downstairs to the old library to see the transparencies, later there
was the cycle of the fern which I copied from the book while watching TV
in standard 8, the cycle of water which I explained by means of the life of
a small drop of water who went on a trip from the clouds – the teacher
praised my sarcastic tale in standard 10; life still moves in cycles I, think,
we all have been programmed like the golems with millions of chems in
our heads like those paper rolls of music with perforations that made
pianos play, our heads are run by the perforation patterns which we
received from our culture, society and the world, I wish I could change
the paper music rolls in my head…

Diary 21 February 2013

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