Tuesday, June 30, 2015

As It Is In Heaven [REV.]

Israel - a dominion of priests, a Holy nation and
living network of Traditions and Customs - in
rabbinic theology the Torah is revealed by God
from Heaven, Moses ascends to receive it from
angels - in Mishnaic terms the Torah sustains
the world – without it

Heaven and earth would not exist; the Torah as
source of Freedom, Goodness and Life also is
identified with Wisdom & Love: revealed in an
extraterritorial desert, rejection of the message
for all mankind, would mean Israel were not
the chosen, becoming idolatrous

As a nation; in rational theory ethical & intellectual
Torah belief is attainable by human reason as the
prohibition of murder, fornication, theft and lying -
while the commandments with revelation as the
only authority: Sabbath & dietary laws, confer
benefit when performed

YET the Mystery of the Divine Teachings, such as
Sabbath Laws; teaches God’s Omnipotence which
can only be approached by Awe, Love & Joy as the
Torah represents the Essence of Wisdom and the
Will of God to reveal His Kingdom on earth 
 - as it is in heaven -


Israel - a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, a
living network of traditions & customs - in
rabbinic theology the Torah is

Revealed by God from Heaven, Moses ascended
to receive it from angels - in Mishnaic terms the
Torah sustains the world – without it

Heaven and earth would not exist, the Torah is
the source of Freedom, Goodness and Life &
it’s also identified with Wisdom and Love

The Torah message for mankind was revealed in
an extraterritorial desert, if they didn’t accept the
Torah, Israel would not have been chosen and

Would be an idolatrous nation; in rational theory
ethical & intellectual Torah belief is attainable
by human reason: the prohibition of

Murder, fornication, theft and lying – while the
commandments with revelation as the only
authority - Sabbath & dietary laws -

Confer personal or social benefit when performed
YET the Mystery of the Divine Teachings - like
the Laws of Sabbath – teaches 

God’s Omnipotence - which is only approached by
Awe, Love and Joy: the Torah is the Essence of
Wisdom and the Will of God to reveal

His Kingdom on earth - as it is in heaven -

Dancing Blueprint [REV]

Lovely symbolism of The Torah: the Five Books
of Moses, the entire corpus of Jewish law, oral
and text; Dreaming of Torah in heaven prior to
the world’s creation, where it joined the singing
ministering angels –

So how can we depict this, Torah imprinted as
black-fire symbols on a white-fire background -
imagine a dancing blueprint of the new universe
moving to angelic melody - enticing symbolism;
what beauty in Orthodox Rabbinic writing…

Lovely symbolism of the Torah word:
the Five Books of Moses or the entire
corpus of Jewish law - written & oral

Dreaming of Torah in heaven prior to
the world’s creation - where it joined
singing ministering angels – so how

Can we depict this, Torah imprinted as
black fire symbols on a white fire back-
ground - imagine a dancing blueprint

Of the new universe moving to angelic
melody in such enticing symbolism; what
beauty in Orthodox Rabbinic writing…


Torah pre-existence is a metaphoric riddle
as God created the world for the purpose of
revealing the Torah; and as the first thought
is the end also, Torah existed before the world

Want To (Cor)

Will humanity forever nurture its cultural diversity
and will the souls, or fragments of the larger soul
gestalts, who come here, continue to use this as
university to prepare for other forms of existence
while never ever losing consciousness, changing
its direction and way of perception only…

Will Orthodox Talmudic groups forever strive for
the world dominion of Righteousness – which is
forever blind to Love, Wisdom and Forgiveness,
not realising dominion’s impossible because we
value individual differences between nations and
creeds as interesting cultural diversity…

How many people realise that ALL differences are
artificial, created by man-made myths, legends and
thought up by seers, lovely as symbolism - but very
impractical as political tools; how many share relief
knowing that a One World Culture can never come
to be on earth, when one becomes dominant - 

All opposing powers will fight for their freedom, thus
wars are guaranteed - we are forever free to create
our own reality & all individuals live on their specific
wavelength where joy lies in being tuned to a station
broadcasting only goodness - we can learn about
lives lived on other wavelengths –

Through news bulletins which we can switch off when
we want to because - FREEDOM is everything -

Monday, June 29, 2015


Humanity lives in the End of Days forever, every
new war is seen as small and insignificant when
compared to the Greatest War of Wars to end all
other wars and lead to a thousand-year reign of
peace, a new Messiah on the Throne governing
the world from The New Jerusalem &  important

Figures will be revived from the dead, logically all
recognisable from the Old Testament: Noah and
Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Samson and
Elijah, Isaiah: But the question is, where will the
rest of us freedom-loving, human-rights-thinking,
relativist, Hindu, buddhist, Muslim, agnostic, with 

Creeds ad infinitum – people be - perished in the
sea? Will we be reduced to living under the new
Jerusalem’s righteousness which includes right
to slay heathen nations to take their land, as is
backed by Rabbinic literature - determining the
future and interpreting the past? And what about

Cultural diversity when the Great War destroyed
everyone disagreeing with Torah and Talmud –
what Brave New World will this be? A revival of
the Roman Empire or totalitarian regime in which
all disagreeing will be killed by Archangels of the
Holy God? What perception of God is this –

What happened to God Is Love?

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

***   Based on: “Guide for End of Days” *** 

Scripture refers to End Times and coming Mashiach
to rebuild Temple in Jerusalem & revive the dead
– which will happen after yet ANOTHER Great War
and not all will survive it – LOGICALLY…

Accrued Interest [REV]

Taking these theories to their logical conclusion -
was WWII with Himmler’s extermination of race
the only way to discard Phrenology and Racism,
otherwise the pseudo-science could never be
dismantled; yet why did millions have to suffer -

How do killers get freedom when there’s never
defence for Nazism - or apartheid South Africa:
idolising development at the cost of sacrificing
all human rights - the high number of the poor
& uneducated attests to the residual problems

Of racial slavery; a democracy set on unequal
foundations and crumbling in payment for past
racial sacrifice - thus the boon of capitalism is
doomed to benefit only those already wealthy;
discrimination changed from race to wealth;

Money is criterion to classify people while the
masses cannot understand why a free welfare
state is worse than a totalitarian regime - and
why nothing has changed for the illiterate and
disadvantaged - by taking everything from its

Rightful owners, apartheid created a debt and
no development ever disinfects contaminated
nations’ psyches, Revenge wars with Wisdom,
only the extent of Restitution will determine an
outcome of the present conflict; let’s pray

That the Love of former suppressors will make
them willing to pay their long overdue debt’s
accrued interest…

Friday, June 26, 2015

Deep And Tender [REV]

A mollusc clinging to a rock-I let the waves wash
over me; if I can’t ride on them I’ll let the surf ride
me - right hand clinging to a rock and pressing my
right leg against another, left leg wedged in a tight
crevice when rollers try to break me away from 
my new-found  special rock friends

I sing to the sea about the sailor who should stop
roaming, pulling my hat over my face as  waves
break, victory is mine this one time & water can’t
move me from  my rock hold-out, it is a stalemate
- the sea and sun are still my friends and I can still
serenade them as much as I like

But the second day when rolling about in waves I
lose the game, the sea slams me onto sand so hard,
my left leg banged nearly broken, then the breakers
rolled cruelly over little stones, I bled on standing,
another rock-clinging attempt fails as the crashed
me down again; defeated I had to leave

Accepting that the angry, wildly relentless waves
don’t allow for age and gender - so LOVE, game
over - I give up, the sea won its game and I throw
it kisses as we drive off in a silence deep & tender
as I reminisce about my life-long love affair with

the beautiful, tempestuous sea…

Monday, June 22, 2015

Cascade Lace [REV.]

That forlorn figure in the sea and that
forlorn figure on the beach, that’s me,
wishing to bathe in warm waves - but
reduced to watching lattices of white
candy-floss forming cascade lace at
my feet: rocks make it impossible to
risk life & limb & I remain planted on
the beach, perceiving breakers form
candy-floss lattices of cascade lace…

[2nd version:]

That forlorn figure in the sea,
that forlorn figure on the beach –
that is me, wishing to bathe in
the warm waves – but reduced to
watching lattices of white candy-
floss cascade lace forming around
my feet: rocks making it impossible
to risk life and limb and I remain
just planted on the beach, watching
breakers form lattices of white
candy-floss cascade lace…

Friday, June 19, 2015

Shining From Within (Rev)

Twelve o’clock; I’ve already had so much fun - ran
down singing to the basement for more boxes, the
first lot are mysteriously gone, and then explaining
reality TV ‘how the rest of the world lives’ to a work
mate - my joyous discovery, different from cooped
up us in an office; pageant brides dream wedding

Dresses; plastic surgery rectified for narcissist-lips
caught in a perpetual pout; crooned my way softly
through leave authorisation - ran out into sunshine
for more boxes; - my surreal sibling in the magical
realm of clickety-clack poetic expression still to be
sent my poem today - when I’m stopped, giddy in

My tracks, by Katie Piper’s tale of acid thrown into
her face; she’s no beauty addict, a victim restored
by skin transplants, but she interviews beautifully -
even undergoes procedures to support others; my
heart aches for the lovely girl whose inner beauty
fills viewers with sweetest incense conferring

absolution of sin - it is how she spreads her inner
strength - with her light shining from within

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sweet Escape [rev]

You’re enjoying a lovely dinner while I relate a
miscreant’s devilish embezzlement schemes in
perfect English - if such were possible, I doubt
it very much - of my fraudster’s latest venture

Embezzlement as a Cameroonian through the
lampooned buffoon of South Africa’s President;
the schemes are beyond rational understanding -
only a Biblical Psalmist would be able to render

Justice to this vision in which supplicant requests
enough money to repay his conned former clients
and more - a grant to start a new business where
neither client nor business stands a chance of

Seeing such money again: could our government
ever be so forthcoming as rewarding a psychotic
criminal’s planned negligence & running away as
the blackguard’s sweet escape from every play?

Perfection-Performance [3rd]

Listening to the Vienna Boys Choir excellent
though totally bland performance - in perfect
pitch, splendidly rounded, breathing in unison
which is meaningless without feeling - like an
unseasoned recital & Edelweiss lacklustre in
sublime, immaculate tones such as inhuman
perfection: flaws are a sign of emotion and
Unique execution indicates individual existence,
machine-like perfection destroying the life which
makes for vocal vibrato - feeling always changes
frozen faces- which only slightly occlude pain of
lonely existence, alone behind beautiful façades;
though boys’ voices sound more mellifluous than
the shrill register of girls imitating opera singers

They theatrically express deep feeling in their in-
adequate performances which are different with
every appearance as the sound expresses their
deepest being, creating a new experience when-
ever they sing - triumphing over the immutable
perfection-performance of small automatons…

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Inflict My Thoughts(REV.)

In-between a heart-breaking translation, next week’s
holiday at the beach, my son’s law examination, the
obsessive-compulsive cleaners and people living like
pigs, a lady keeping goats in her apartment in town,
various undercover millionaires & our miserable cat
threatening hoarders, keratin fixing my very dry hair
& nail clippers that I cut off too much hair with so
now my hairstyle looks worse than before

Drinking endless cups of tea, reading Reaper Man,
falling asleep over my fiction, watching pretty girls try
on beautiful wedding gowns & people without faces
who undergo surgery which sensitive viewers should
eschew, spoiled divas spending too much but insisting
on their fathers’ paying and their partners’ respect - I
realise being haunted by a small thing like you refusing
to listen when I try to tell you what I think, simply pales

In comparison with really important issues in life; you
love me - though you hate what I say - so I inflict my
thoughts onto this page…

Uneducated Buffoon [rev.]

As a very learned person cleverly said ‘The People get
leaders they deserve’, so apartheid South Africa would
have rated the worst imaginable? Yet - whereas rights
of the majority were ignored & sullied on racial bases
before, under a great new political regime everyone’s
rights are ignored & pillaged on financial bases, & all
irrespective of race: - as only the affluent can protect

Themselves against misuse of power by this leader
we deserve, a most uneducated buffoon leading our
country to wrack & ruin is exactly what South Africa
earned ringing true democracy in: government trying
to limit population to its lowest common denominator -
without the politicians even realising how efficient &
successful they were in destroying a whole spiritual

And political legacy of human rights, capitalism and
democracy, thus redirecting Africa’s Continent to its
primitive roots: survival of the fittest hence enabling
it to slowly grow through all the cycles the Northern
Hemisphere traversed to become the enlightened
democratic thinkers they think they are…

[16 June 2015]

Monday, June 15, 2015

Never-ending Forever [rev]

The only beauty treatment I believe in is an
eye-crinkling smile, no lather of face cream
& lipstick conceals ugly facial expressions;
spying myself frowning reminds me that we
will die with the face we have crafted in the
character we created with those dreams in
our minds and the feelings we cherished -

Memories we’ve treasured - souvenirs that
pray the hope of love will be sustaining like
cash my daughter left in my handbag, she
knows of my credit-card payback project -
and tells me I have good legs; her figure &
face are those of a pixie or beautiful angel,
varying with her quicksilver moods - such

Memories will endure: like my son saying
he likes my self-created hair-style, it can’t
get any better than this yet it did when my
beloved asserted he saw I lost weight and
it feels overpowering - may these dreams
float us through life on a stream of love-
never-ending forever…

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Only The Rhythm

Swingin’ Safari blocks the invasive voice
while words flow in a new motion through
the air as alternative scientists formulate:

The third Earth motion (wobble) does exist
as an observable phenomenon - but not as
axial movement relative to the Sun  - as the

Independent axial movement’s limited to a
nutational nodding and Chandler wobble &
it’s negligible when compared to precession

See line nine, with this rhyme I’m stymied
staring at these things hypnotised by the
way these savants speak: but the lunisolar

Model in an equinoctial year works best for
calculating position of stars, quasars, and
other extra solar system phenomena – this

Rhyme of stars and quasars caught my eye
now I don’t move for a while as the meaning
does not matter, only the rhythm of the line

Interpretations Of Space (3RD)

It’s the second day this magic’s working:
worsening headache while harsh voices
bring eldritch feelings of my just being a
quiet observer on the outside seeking to
leave all feeling behind; reading the sun
forms part of a binary star system - thus
precession means our sun with the earth
is moving against a fixed background of
far-off stars - suddenly the whirlwind

In my mind’s becalmed, as long as I watch
the screen pain’s gone & in the eye of the
storm there is peace in the lovely detailed
theory - I’m enraptured in the escapism of
scientific claims “Our Earth and the Moon
travel 360 degrees around the Sun - yet
move in unequal lines relative to the far-
off immutable stars: so the solar system
moves in curved elliptical patterns” 

A picture as astounding as beautiful  keeps
my mind in momentary suspension so pain
doesn’t intervene - I don’t know where this
glorious feeling comes from or what it could
mean - but for now I’m held in the beauty of
all these new interpretations of space…


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dark Blue (3rd)

Wandering about I see thick, heavy mugs,
already bought a yellow one looking good
against a Delft blue porcelain background

Resembling tiles with mermaid and sailing
ship making my colleague ask whether I’m
become Dutch as of now, I replied - But no

T’s blue of Portuguese fireplace tiles or those
adorning the front view of a house; my desire
for colour destroys a resolve to save money -

I buy a blue mug to add monochrome mystery
augmenting golden light of yellow one, contrast 
is great - there still are other mugs in this style:

Sheer white, brick red and shiny black; I wish to
have them all - next to the tiled mural on my left
while on my right, atop the computer console, is

The new mirror with soft roses in yellow and pink;
my work station is a garden of delight and every
overawed cleaner or official who passes,

Agrees with me…

Ephemeral Thoughts (3)

Are we fully alive, informed, conscious & infinitely
loving? Were we created in this state  which can’t
be changed - are we really One with God in a fun-
filled-illusion which is never done & never wrong?

Seemingly ephemeral inconsequential thoughts,
ideas & dreams already existed before creation
& continue into infinity - as strong intentions last
for eternity & we’ll become aware of our divinity 

If we frequently go within to our own private, holy
sanctuary to feel God’s love as divine Light which
enables us to live lovingly assisting others in their
awakening: our real purpose is to live spiritually

Disharmony, disagreement, disinformation & all
distrust will be left behind as we quiet the mind
to receive response to prayer - discovering that
only love is real: we may forgive ourselves for

Our unworthy, wrong, bad or inadequate deeds;
just letting go to find peace in self-forgiveness –
this is my experience when falling asleep over
the book I read - so this is spiritual experience 

... and I love it...

Friday, June 5, 2015

Love Afterwards

We reject heretics trying to proselytise Judaists
of the Torah, no more prophets sent as we are
righteous already, G-d does not have a human
“son”, we reverently crucify pretenders for their
own good and to save US from the heresy that
not even Judaists should hate their enemies

Deuteronomy says stone missionaries to protect
Judah against unconditional love as it should be
withheld from gentiles & heaping-coals-of-shame-
on-their-heads-heretics helping Israel against the
missile-mad enemies for the wrong reason found
in teachings of Jesus to ensnare us into heeding

Their false creed of sin purged by Redemption, we
respect honest Jihadists and terrorists who end our
physical life only, but fear heretics destroying Jewish
souls eternally should we accept the One-Without-
Sin-throw-the-first-stone-heresy: we have to throw
stones - with or without sin – that’s our legacy

How dare anyone preach to us, the people of the
Covenant - about eternal damnation - against our
Judaic teaching, we should outlaw those contami-
nating Jewish souls with the cross camouflaged in
an international plus sign, we’re already righteous
following the Torah & need no messiah as poor

Un-chosen Gentiles do; missionaries only welcome
to spend while following a Via Dolorosa where their
leader went to be crucified - on condition they don’t
meddle as we peddle Hebrew-letter necklaces - the
ideal of loving Torah and its Enemies at the same
time is anathema, an irrational contradiction –

Our truth is a just G-d executing Deuteronomy 13
verses 7 to 12: no unconditional love allowed in HIS
universe, there’s no dualism as all life’s spiritual while
we’re waiting for a future Messiah, protecting against
heretics with their falsehoods because our G-d is wise
and righteous first - love follows afterwards…

[“Affectionately” shortened]

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Catch-Up Consciousness [REV.]

A half-second delay between awareness and
an actual event poses a riddle, what is meant
by ‘the present moment?’ so out you go Wen,
Eternally Surprised in Thief of Time; since the
present is actually already in the past by the

Moment we arrived at it, no marriage to Lady
Time - humanity’s forever behind and neither
Taoist Lao Tse, nor the Prachettian Lu-Tze &
Heideggerian Zen Buddhist would ever solve
time-riddles in eternally blossoming valleys 

The human-cortex-delayed-response allows
‘now’ to recede, conscious-experience-content
we’re aware of AFTER the fact; we always live
in antedated ‘present’ as signals from senses
need time to travel to the cerebrum - it's the

Neurobiological evidence:  body-emotion-mind-
systems do not generate consciousness -& are
just a Space Suit worn by Consciousness while
rhythmic information patterns generated in the
heart sounds consciousness-matter-interaction

The heart is the seat of consciousness -since it
receives intuitive information before brain cells;
mystics know it is soul energy interacting with
light & sound - heart-rhythm-feedback teaches
how we can generate positive emotional states

Through mental discipline to attain happiness;
the body cells have expanded awareness and
know the future a half-second earlier than our
slow, cumbersome catch-up consciousness…

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Glass-Mountain Princess [REV.]

Never knew I’d pass as a ‘frumka' - Michelin
Man I thought, or from the Harry-Potter clan
- yet here am I - now wearing several layers
of clothing - two headscarves, leaving home
at dawn with hair wet - blow-drier kaput -

Two pairs of leggings, one pair of socks to
keep feet warm, fleecy scarf around me to
keep insides from freezing, sheer sleeve-
less black chiffon top to hide floral blouse
made by mama - & which makes Scorpio

Mad with its formless silhouette - & then,
a fleecy sleeveless jacket - now the coup
de grace; polar-fleece black long-sleeve
jacket desired by my cold-blooded inner
crocodile to survive a cold drive to the

Office as our sedate estate-car’s air-con
remains set to cold - my beloved Scorpio
has inner phoenix-fires to keep him warm -
so I’m pious & modest while dreaming of
being as aloof as a princess on a glass

Mountain; my version of the burqa - with
veiling mask, makes me a frumka and a
member of the Haredi burqa sect – yet I
prefer a vision of being a fairytale glass-
mountain princess…

Inner Beings [REV.]

How to describe wonderful things read on the
Internet - our body cells are World-aware half
a second before the slow-moving mammalian
brain registers anything - training forces us to
ignore & suppress our intuitive & psychic

Experience; severing much of our awareness
of events by which we could save our lives; &
this information explains why I’m blessed with
an inner crocodile, and a prescient little alien
hanging from the rafters in my head

Why crocodile & alien have to interrupt my life
to draw my attention to anything at all: having
been taught to suffocate my true inner being -
a knowledgeable reptilian brain-stem sensitive
alien almost had to kill my strictly controlled

Mammal brain to focus me on really important
things, how glad I am for suffering for so long
under these inner entities wake-up calls; - the
best is, we all have such inner beings!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Money-Mongering [REV]

Free offering unravelled from induced
subscribing to email Hebrew course -
your name in Hebrew letters at king’s
ransom, weekly lessons on the literal
interpretation of Hebrew Bible - pay

Each month, WE righteously ransack
your bag the black-guards say - also
donations required for the Holy Land,
but what about other countries & our
own South African suffering masses

Israel may be a photographic jewel -
but it appears they say everything is
better there; it’s irritating, maybe it’s
the reason why they evoke hostile &
angry reactions all over the world

Insistence on their Israeli superiority,
being the Chosen - dictating others
acknowledge their greatness based
on Bible and holocaust experience -
while we commemorate our own

Concentration camp deaths silently -
without the chutzpah to make such a
rousing hullabaloo as these so-called
holy, money-mongering and religious
course-toting authors manage to…

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...