Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Catch-Up Consciousness [REV.]

A half-second delay between awareness and
an actual event poses a riddle, what is meant
by ‘the present moment?’ so out you go Wen,
Eternally Surprised in Thief of Time; since the
present is actually already in the past by the

Moment we arrived at it, no marriage to Lady
Time - humanity’s forever behind and neither
Taoist Lao Tse, nor the Prachettian Lu-Tze &
Heideggerian Zen Buddhist would ever solve
time-riddles in eternally blossoming valleys 

The human-cortex-delayed-response allows
‘now’ to recede, conscious-experience-content
we’re aware of AFTER the fact; we always live
in antedated ‘present’ as signals from senses
need time to travel to the cerebrum - it's the

Neurobiological evidence:  body-emotion-mind-
systems do not generate consciousness -& are
just a Space Suit worn by Consciousness while
rhythmic information patterns generated in the
heart sounds consciousness-matter-interaction

The heart is the seat of consciousness -since it
receives intuitive information before brain cells;
mystics know it is soul energy interacting with
light & sound - heart-rhythm-feedback teaches
how we can generate positive emotional states

Through mental discipline to attain happiness;
the body cells have expanded awareness and
know the future a half-second earlier than our
slow, cumbersome catch-up consciousness…

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