Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Leaves Us Agog [Rev]

Poor Madame La Pompadour is afflicted with
a knotted back & cannot get up and make the
trek to the office as she is stuck - this tangled
spine requires expert injection attack - though
we experience the condescending je-ne-sais-
quoi feeling as our dear Madame’s frequently
bedridden & can only drag herself out of bed
in some extreme situations - and then takes

Charge again with an antagonism against life,
client departments and service providers that
leaves us agog with the desire to see more of
Madame’s amazing brand of unique tact that
seems to be a special knack nobody else has
ever acquired or emulated successfully, & we
really wish our poor Madame well, hoping the
tangled spine will desist & that Madame will

Resist a temptation to stay home for too long;
we’ll miss her strange sense of the ridiculous
too much to continue life without her amazing
contribution to our taking delight in the absurd
events played out in the administrative public
servants’ sacrificial life….

Moiseyev Ballet: Russian Folk Dance

Increasing Circles [Rev]

With happy heart and neutral mien I entered the
office ready to face what life bequeathed to me,
but a 43-page document pitched up to test my
faith in Pilgrim’s Progress on Earth - and Hope
left my heart while poor Faith hung her head &
Wisdom’s stern expression turned to stone -

Only LOVE, love for my colleagues who face the
same dark stream of challenges, remained at my
side - her halo bright and face turned up with the
sweet expression I adore so much: with my spirit
depressed I tackled the job at hand which isn’t all
that difficult - I only need tune my mental radio

To a positive broadcasting station where physical
limitation does not affect hormones and dopamine
doesn’t leave the brain just when the cells need it
most, where the joyful taste of home-made toffee,
caramel and chocolate stays in the mouth forever
and happiness engages the heart regardless; I wish

It were easy to change my energy alignment after
eating so much bread during the weekend, I wish
I could manually reset my brain & ban all allergies
from my body - but let me not waste time, there’s
work to be done and the constriction of muscle &
veins will let up sometime - then the sunshine of

The joy of just being alive, breathing and singing,
will open my eyes to the beauty in everything we
hear and see, the harmony of life spinning in the
increasing circles of eternity…

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Light And Happiness [Rev]

As soon as my son felt the softness of the pink
fluffy fabric I’d draped about me, he agreed he
also wanted such a soft blanket - I bought him
one in turquoise, and saw all soft pastels in his
room, from the bright blue comforter, to a blue
& green-striped small blanket, and the latest in
turquoise - had came from me; the stark greys,
blacks & boring navy blues that used to make it
a dark place are now totally conquered by soft,
new colours of spring: - though he says nobody
but me cares about colour I’m sure he’s starting
to fall under the spell of a charming watercolour-
palette bringing light & happiness into his room…

In The Extreme [Rev]

Appreciation of self, the guru says, is the beginning
of everything, with scratches on arms and headache
from too much sun and imprisoned in the kitchen by
kids usurping my TV & dad using the big TV to play
his cell-phone music while watching images of lions
killing everything from giraffes to baby elephants on
Nat GeoWild, I’m trying to work up appreciation for
myself: the only way to go is to bathe and soak the
headache away, appreciation of creature comforts
is all I can think of; my left arm hurts: its cells know
what to do & I’m supposed to aid them with neck &
back exercise, and thus appreciating life right now
experienced through my mind interpreting life rays
like a prism, is difficult in the extreme…

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

It Should Be [R]

Quiet tears of self-pity, for dinner last
night I had Russian kolbasa sausage,
short, oily-cold - its extracting a price;
I’m stuck, head constricting, muscles,
veins, a thread of thorns turned about

Encasing my head in concrete, a statue
of pain, neck stiffening - feeling ill and
turning into a pillar of salt, a basilisk, a
monument to gourmet disgust: how did
life fall and slot into this dark place of

Culinary pains & aches - with a tantrum-
throwing-little-boy’s angry demand that
I should take full responsibility for all of
this - fine, I do, the load is crushing me
and so it should be…

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Why? Why? Why?

Why are the Arabs so irrational?
Why are they so selfish and why
do they reject morality & integrity?
Why do they lack a sense of ethics?
Why are a people made for love, so
negative and self-destructive? Why
do their leaders in their fiefdoms
reject freedom and liberty? Why
do they hate excellence? Why do
only raw power interest them?
Why? Why? Why?

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Technologically Advanced [R]

Long ago my friend Delien was scared when an
IT specialist asked - ‘Where is the mouse?’ and
she wildly cast about for something to chase the
rodent out; the IT specialist watched her aghast –
and today it’s clear Delien’s cell phone is useless

Technologically-impaired me tried to enable her
to receive phone-calls since it can do everything
from finding lovers to being a radio & surfing the
Internet, yet can’t fulfil its basic mission of being
a phone, no ringtone, directing callers to leave

Voice messages, together we couldn’t see any
contacts: “I must have deleted everything” she
wailed; I tried to upload numbers as the phone
insisted on asking irrelevant, idiotic questions:
Name, nickname, street name, title, business,

Address, email, star sign - confused I asked my
son’s help at home & he asked what kind of cell-
phone it was and I proudly replied [it’s not often
I notice the mundane, it was a special moment]
a Cell C - my son’s eyebrows went up and up

Doing the fandango, he shook his head as Nici
remarked “It’s a tragedy when someone asks
help from the technologically-constrained; Cell
C is the contract, not the make” she haughtily
explained - could this really be their mom -

This other-worldly being - leaving me to further
their vastly superior, technologically-advanced,
rational, elevated, common-sense lives…

No Harm Done [R]

Luckily I married a mighty spirit who explodes
when crossed or frustrated, luckily he’s just like
my dad from whom I fled as his explosions were
loud and odious, luckily I can’t retaliate when the
Boss flares up, and do you know what -

The most wonderful thing is I fell asleep when the
Lord & Master of the Crocodile Castle pointed his
mighty finger at me in wild fireworks, gritted teeth,
demanding to know what I’d done to the car –
nostrils flaring and lightning leaping from

Flaming eyes; this drama centred my spirit in the
eye of the storm as I was shocked not knowing
anything was amiss, then fell asleep & slept the
night through - a great sleeping draught - I really
should partake of it more, I happily thought -

And when the Lord and Master of the Crocodile
Castle’s sleep-inducement was gone, no harm
done, I’m glad to report…

Friday, March 3, 2017

Disposing Of Neo-Socialism

Donald Trump hopes to resolve the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict, the never-ending war,
for humanity’s sake - in an ultimate deal 
that seems impossible at present

Israel desires peace, but Palestinian-Authority's
failed leadership, hatred & violence’d destroy
any peace deal; it’s wishful thinking that the
Palestinians could change - and -

Republicans, appalled by their nominees’s re-
fusal to reveal Obama close-relations pastor
preached hatred for America; noticed that 
their candidates only cared about

Media comments, in 2010 & 2014 Republicans
wanted lawmakers curtail Obama’s excesses -
but Republican leaders denigrated & disparaged
their own voters - without stopping

Obama’s power abuse - so Trump was elected to
presidential nominee because he opposed BOTH
Republican & Democratic Leadership and the
Liberal Elite Establishment

The establishments see him as a threat to their
power & thus have to attack incessantly – and  
he goaded them into a fight they can’t win; he
won without donors & party office-holders

In the biggest Republican Party Victory since the
1920’s because nothing’s more important than
moving away from Obama’s legacy in economy
& foreign policy & anti-Jewish discrimination

Replacing Mubarak with the radical Muslim Brothers,
condoning Islamic State & calling Yemen a counter-
terrorism success though it’s a failed state: Saudi
Arabia & Iran at war - al-Qaeda –

Obama was moving America leftwards; the 2016
election wasn’t about Donald Trump, but stopping
Obama’s Neo-socialism and Middle Eastern policy
making Iran the regional superpower

In the Middle East to the prejudice of America’s
allies, Israel, Egypt & Arab monarchies; Obama’s
transformations have been averted by Trump’s
voters who are disposing of

Barack Obama’s legacy - his Neo-socialism…


Obama’s way has failed: Obama intervention in
Egypt destroyed a government non-threatening
to American interests - while Islamic extremists
threatened Christians and Israel, thank heaven
the Egyptian military got rid of these destroyers
of security and peace

Obama left Libya a failed state & ISIS flooding
Europe with migrants, surrendered Iraq to Iran;
yet all attempts to appease Islamic rage inspired
more hate for America & Iran’s nuclear deal is a
gross misjudgement - putting the world at risk -
Obama supports Islam and

Promoted Iran to the detriment of Israel, Egypt &
Saudi Arabia, demanding Israeli concessions for
“peace talks” without asking the same from - or
holding the Palestinian Authority accountable -
Obama promoted anti-Semitism & as well as the
demand of Palestine to -  

- Hand over Jerusalem JEW-FREE

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Connivance Council

The UN Human Rights Council: an unbalanced,
unproductive and unfair obsession - focused on
Israel & an irrational mandate to debate alleged
Israeli human rights abuses against Palestine at
ALL sessions - under Agenda Item 7 –

It has issued more condemnations against Israel,
a democratic state, than any other country; human
rights abuses of Syria, Iran and all the rest together
are debated under Agenda Item 4, no one else has
an entire item - that’s NOT a sensible priority while

Assad’s regime bombs hospitals in SYRIA while its
people flee to escape ASSAD’s MURDEROUS rule,
in North Korea & Iran, millions are denied all freedom:
NO country should be free from scrutiny - and yet the
Palestinian Authority President Abbas said protecting

Palestinian rights is the only reason for the existence of
the Human Rights Council: a smoke-screen as protecting
local fiefdoms is all that interests Palestinian leaders who
only care about destroying Israel where ALL life, human &
animal, is respected; an ethical principle so irksome that

Palestine’s people are taught to take a life and commit
suicide to massacre everyone to show their contempt &
overt derision for the Universal Right To Life & Respect,
a covert joke in elitist fiefdoms, the UN Council is just a
laughable irony for those killing their own people for fun

It should be called the Palestinian Connivance Council
founded for the amusement and convenience of Assad
and Abbas and the other Palestinian authorities

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...