Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Have a Good Time [2nd revision]

Stiff-necked, cross-eyed, mind blank;
couldn’t sleep last night, ants crawling
through my joints & elbows kept arms
from resting on the bed, eyes refused

to close, even a pillow neatly pressed
on my head had no ‘siesta’ effect on
fatigue from an afternoon of strong
tea and coffee; trying to understand

The Electric Universe Theory implying
the Big Bang’s redundancy makes me
grow incoherent; trying to tidy my work
station led to a landslide of documents

resulting in greater chaos - if the threat
of security confiscating all illegal things
be carried out I’d lose the two outlawed
floral tops adorning my hat stand which

My reptilian soul,  enamored of bright
pink-hued fabrics, keeps at the office
where appearance does not count as
long as we smile & have a good time…

Monday, March 30, 2015

Violent and Terrifying [REV.]

Plasma scientists can see Electrical Discharge
Formations in Rock Art Images as confirmation
that Ancient People had certainly viewed these
immense Plasma Configurations in the sky

Evolution-of-Unstable-Configurations Studies
in High-Energy Electrical Discharges reveals
a link between Plasma Science & how things
were most likely seen in those ancient skies:

Discharge Formations found in 25,000 rock art
images such as the “Squatter Man” Petroglyph
Pattern, a reproduction of plasma phenomena
as it was seen high in the sky - in space -

The squatter-man is a doughnut torus around a
single discharge column bent by magnetic fields
induced by intense current flows; an observer
sees upper edges forming ‘arms’ while lower

Edges are ‘legs’,’hourglass’ look-alike patterns
or ‘champagne glass’ forms from interruption in
downward curvature or bending outward as a

“squashed bell” - proof that a few thousand

Years ago the heavens above flamed with such
electrical activity - this knowledge changes our
cultural understanding of our roots; wondering
how events like these affected world mythology

& early religion - in connection to the evolution
of Mythical Archetypes - Rock artists recorded &
myth-makers interpreted these Electrical Events
in the sky - Plasma Discharges were pondered,

Studied & interpreted to create legends based on
Majestic Celestial Beauty & the Heaven’s Violent &
Terrifying Plasma Image Formations, making the
awed Ancients tremble & revere simultaneously


First Prize In Literature [REV.]

The post-modern Electric Universe model reveals
that factual cosmology inspired ancient art, myths,
religion and poetry and leaves outdated modern
theories of quantum mechanics & physics with all
accompanying mysteries - affording opportunities
for poetic license – facetiously describing mental
phenomena like forgetfulness as black holes - far
behind, now it’s old-fashioned to think of

99% of the universe as invisible black matter, Terry
Pratchett created the spoof that visible phenomena
required 9-tenths administration which was carried
out by the invisible Auditors; paradigms of science
have a short life until, as Kuhn said, a better-fitting
theory comes along, thus the only lasting aspect of
science is the poetry and narratives to which it gave
rise: faced with the Theory of the Electric Universe

Which explains ancient rock art depicts electrical
discharge formations in the skies of a cosmos in
turmoil when planets caused upheavals on earth;
the inherent logic of electrical plasma rules out the
need for the dramatic posture of black energy that
kept galaxies from flying apart; the explanation of
electrical discharge formations seen in ancient rock
art is less poetic & more basic - Occam’s razor

Indicates it has a better chance to be true; the
ancient myths and legends woven about the
electrical events disturbing earth can already
boast first prize in literature and poetry…

Derided For All Eternity (Corrections)

The logical next step – after having Lobsang
Rampa thrash my self-esteem by correctly
diagnosing my juvenile propensities for the
symbolism and ideals rejected by every self-
respecting embittered, cynical, materialistic
empirical realist; through colour preference

I live in tints of blue, lilac and pink – was to
revisit my other favourite; Velikovsky  – the
adorable, dedicated, courageous psychologist
who refuted the bigoted scientific idiots of his
age and is slandered to this day; reading how
Velikovsky rightly predicted the emission of

Radio waves from Jupiter, high temperature of
Venus surface and the magnetic field surrounding
planet Earth, also that Egyptian history is out by
500 years, yet they reject his words – made me
furious, extrapolated to blow off steam, burning
with anger directed at the pathetic, brain-dead

Modern-day priesthood of “science” that equals
the Medieval church fathers persecuting Galileo
Galilei: Velokovsky will be honoured a hundred
years from now – as happens to those scholars
who bring in innovations upstaging the current
scientific paradigms; after this rant I feel better

Can continue my quest for the predictions and
discoveries Velikovsky gave to an unworthy un-
believing world of jealous zealots who deserve
to be derided for all eternity

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Recommend My Scheme

Read Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear was offered a
job by a Russian TV company to do a motor show
in Russia and I got excited, worked out the whole
scenario in my head:  all 3 Top Gear presenters –

Jeremy, the Hamster and Captain Slow – signing
a contract and moving to Russia, families included,
probably their mums also since they appeared in
several episodes - filmed as a reality show with a –

Jeremy bite; in Russia they will be given interpreters
and personal assistants to liaise between them and
the different culture that is Russia; I imagine Jeremy
working out a show in which he contacts –

Russian motor manufactures and recommends im-
provements - while ridiculing English cars - and the
interpreters are shown running around trying to keep
everybody satisfied – wish I had a line to Jeremy -

And his team - to recommend my scheme!

Excites the Soul [REV.]

Three romantic movies in a row: Cinderella with
Drew Barrymore, a fiery motorbike rider with the
heartthrob from Moonstruck & the fantastic four
against the Silver Surfer - in which a sliver-thin
Jessica Alba with botoxed lips plays a romantic
lead; the movies touched an immature romantic
in me - the idealist enjoying symbolism of love
changing people & aliens alike, that juvenile

Aspect of my character as indicated by Lobsang
Rampa’s colour analysis: loving pink & soft pastels
reserved for kids & teenagers only - indicative of
unwillingness to grow up accepting life as tragedy;
although I like his frequencies theories - that we’ll
only meet souls on the same wavelength in the
after-life - his other views are limited; he doesn’t
know people are free to script & create their own

Lives by giving desired experiences attention only -
he thinks everyone has to be in a tragedy; comedies
the preserve of the young to be destroyed by age &
wisdom - but no need to be sad - Jesus Christ said
we should be as children with a simple trust in the
goodness of God to bring down a heavenly love &
joy wherever we are, so I chose childish trust - it
creates a wonderful life since our point of view

Is a powerful prism which breaks up white light into
delightful colours suffusing everything with a golden
glow which delights the heart & excites the soul...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dancing Digits (Cor.)

Trying to calculate how much I owe on my
credit card, baffled by figures and dancing
digits, can’t determine how much I spent &
how much will be available next month, if
sums are correct it means a credit deficit
which will increase by an X amount

But now my scared mind refuses to say what
deficit means, it's shortfall I think - how much
did I overspend this month versus the previous
one and the one before - when there still was a
deficit of an XX amount; this is killer stuff - I’ll
take refuge in some strong tea so bitter -

It’ll require 3 spoons of sugar to make it potable -
if potable is the right word to use - I’m losing all
ability to concentrate therefore confusion reigns,
the tea tastes of silkworms & mulberry leaves -
I’m scared stiff by the calculations which can’t
explain how much I’ll have next month to pay

All my creditors, first the terrible dentist – with
money borrowed from the bank – this has to
stop, as of today I refuse to use bank credit -
though as the money goes into this account
I can’t access it otherwise; the destruction’s
complete and all accounting is stopped

It simply destroys the remaining brain cells
without accomplishing or solving anything…
and no it isn't potable, I was looking for
palatable - hot chocolate will follow as
life isn't palatable at all...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Not The Final Authority [REV.]

Neither headache nor direct pain, just a heavy
weight in my mind; malaise of food intolerance,
an inability to find joy in anything – so good for
spiritual learning Lobsang Rampa would say  –
though by his colour criteria I’m classed as an
immature and unreliable scatterbrain wasting
precious life force by studying religions instead
of campaigning for just the right religious strain

Liking the wrong kind of ding-dong music and all
the wrong colours, light-blue, shades of pink and
soft yellow indicates childish shortcomings in his
scheme - juxtaposed against the minute world of
ice-cold Judaism with perfect spiritualism based
on irrefutable, irrevocable rules - no exceptions -
& no space for unique situations, so suffocating,
now feeling judged and found wanting by these

Spiritual groups, I yet refuse to remain contained
within the slow-moving ox-wagon discoveries of
painstaking sensory science, I decide the infinite
universe has space for the odd-one-out me, the
black sheep, resembling the Arabic alphabet with
relative letters changing form depending on their
position - I shall remain a student breaking every
rule found to test its meaning and thus showing

A VERY bad disposition declares Lobsang Rampa
but he’s not the final authority, nobody is; it seems
consciousness is so big there are infinite spirals of
eternal knowledge that won’t ever be contained in
only one system of peace

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Bubble Above Reality

Can’t live in black and white – I’ve tried
and failed, fixed up the room with silver
the only intruding colour, impossible to
live this way, had to add pink, can’t live
in blue and white also, regardless of all

Delft porcelain loveliness I need yellow
to bring in the light, wanted to describe
the why, wherefore and what-for to my-
self but my mind is scrambled by some
mysterious food allergy – could be the

noodles with cheese yesterday, it was
the illegal treat I sneaked into Sunday
and today lights in my head are going
mad flickering on and off, every now &
then I touch the earth and feel reality

as real - just to lose it and float about
anchorless, rudderless; a psychopath
in the making, my sensitive eardrums
stopped from driving me crazy by inter-
spersing music between me and my

chatting colleagues: point is, not one
feeling is left, all ideas are gone, and
this is how I felt growing up - only by
living in a bubble above reality could
life be lived; and here I’m falling into

the same pit BUT without the fear of
no return which used to haunt me in
the long ago, today I’m content to be
a budding psychopath, dreaming of
the day when consciousness will be

freed from the authoritarian control
of my allergic system messing up
life with too much adrenaline…

Saturday, March 21, 2015

All-Knowing Author (REV.)

In honour of my favourite author’s demise - Sir Terry
Pratchett having passed away, I read his 1976-book
“Dark Side of the Sun”; - difficult to understand, its a
science fiction genre parody yet meaning nothing to
me; I’m not ‘au fait’, being in high school at the time

& reading nothing outside my study field - unaware
of Pratchett’s existence & the rock-hard integrity of
Granny Weatherwax, the delight of a young Tiffany
Aching; his narrative imperative in Phantom-of-the-
Opera where Christine is anorexic & the Phantom’s

A fool choosing glamour over a girl with superb voice
who’d blow audiences away; he can teach Christine
to sing, but not a fat soprano to glitter in general tone
of modern vocal artistry: The impressive character is
Death’s Gothic grand-daughter Susan confronting

Auditors & Lady Time and explaining why chocolate
blows our brains, how music resonates with everyone
alive; imagine my feelings reading Pratchett when so
young - causing such headaches when called upon to
put books down, do my chores; Captain Carrot would

Have taken my heart - as much as Carrot Top in Love
of Seven Dolls by Paul Gallico - I love writers genius
filling my mind in dreams of their self-created worlds
where we escape being human to become part
of the ubiquitous and all-knowing author….


In honour of my favourite author’s demise - Sir
Terry Pratchett being no longer with us – I read
his 1976-book “Dark Side of the Sun” - difficult
to understand - a parody of the science fiction
genre, meaning nothing to me, I’m not ‘au fait’
having been in high school at that time

Reading nothing outside my study field, unaware
of Sir Terry Pratchett’s existence and the rock-hard
integrity of a Granny Weatherwax & the delight of
the young Tiffany Aching; his use of the narrative
imperative in Phantom-of-the-Opera in which the
Christine is anorexic & the Phantom’s a fool

Choosing glamour above the superb voice of a girl
who could blow audiences away, since he can teach
Christine to sing, but not a fat soprano to glitter in the
general tone of modern vocal artistry: For me the most
impressive character is Death and his Gothic grand-
daughter Susan confronting Auditors & Lady Time

And explaining why chocolate blows our brains and
how music resonates with everyone alive; imagine
how I would have felt on getting to read Pratchett
when I was young - causing such a headache when
called upon to put books down to do my chores;
Captain Carrot would have taken my heart -

As much as Carrot Top in Love of Seven Dolls by
Paul Gallico – I love the genius of these men who
fill my mind with dreams of their self-created worlds
where we escape being human to become part of
the ubiquitous and all-knowing author…

Quantum Miracles [REV.]

Quantum physics says it is true what Jews can do;
by focusing people’s minds on one purpose, using
‘sacred’ as a prism, filtering all of life until it is true
mystery for adoration & treasuring - manifesting

Physical objects to represent abstract ideals; a holy
G-d’s reverence for all life which serves planet earth
and makes it a better place to live, offering selfless
service though clarity of integrity, honesty, diligence,

Clothing the result in holy requirements for a good
life, getting the mind focused through rituals by which
subatomic particles are influenced & thus bring about
miraculous victories since their mind-power focused

Laser-like fulfils their predictions; belief bends all in
one direction until visions come to pass, by setting
people apart to practice ethics and morality of more
evolved beings - showing advantages of idealism &

Unity, proving the world’s created by consciousness
and subatomic particles providing all humans need
to live in glorious peace & harmony; but this bright
godliness is too boring & tame for the adventurous

Wishing to probe a multiverse of infinite possibilities;
the Jewish success of integrity’s confined to Jewish
religion as a way of life where the physical is spiritual,
wonders the Jews create are envy of other Nations

Who fail to see cause & effect in mind power Jews
illustrate; in jealous rage those nations try to destroy
the most spiritual people of all time, attacking Jewish
excellence which shames others by the sparkling

Intelligence & success; instead of learning to applaud,
those who try different principles & fail hate the divine
spark shining brighter than what they can achieve or
accomplish through using infinite alternatives which

Never work: chaos, dishonesty, illogical rationality &
envy - they seek to blame Jews for their failures to
succeed by other means: While the Jew holds all
life as sacred based on what a high authority said

Regarding holy gift of life, rewarded with quantum 
miracles wrought by BELIEF

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Slow And Whimsical Waltz

Great to receive a Hebrew word every day
as words have deeper contextual meaning
in the Torah; Bible Codes have been found
containing information on ancient & modern
history - I believe these words have mantra
value - that is, they influence humanity’s

Collective unconscious à la Jung without our
needing to understand the literal meaning of
the words and symbolism - like the kind guru
Lobsang Rampa explained Eastern religions,
oblique mantras with very specific vibrations
bring forth benefits from the universe

We are blessed without having to understand;
mantras working like international currencies-
esoteric thoughts are exchanged & all peoples
profit spiritually - think of the blessing in letters
b as in bell ب - h as heaven with 3 forms ههه;
Nina ن and No نى; H as heartache in

Two forms – ة ية appearing in Arabic, mantras
that touch my heart-while Hebrew שלום means
shalom, this vibration creates frequencies that
bring peace – hoping inner calm will fill mind &
spirit as the count to which I dream and dance
decreases from a fast, breathless polka

To a slow and whimsical waltz…

Monday, March 16, 2015

Her Golden Aura

When I retire, says colleague Hanlie, I shall
read American history, I replied, Remember
the free offer Learn How To Read Torah In
Hebrew to use my free-time – it’s changed

To a Free Trial and 29% off for the course -
Beware, Hanlie cautioned, they will catch you
in the end - then I remind; BUT you must read
Pratchett’s Discworld series when retired,

Imagine “Good Omens” Adam multiplied to
Captain Carrot, Angua, Tiffany, and brilliant
Death – I can’t, Hanlie replied, It pains my
realistic side when fantasy strays too far

From reality, though I like Death talking in
capitals – At least try “Soul Music” where
Death called Beau Nidle joins the French
Foreign League presented as a Klatchian

League, it’d appeal to your wicked sense
of humour, also “Thief Of Time” where my
guru Lobsang Rampa appears as Newgate
Ludd  & turns prayer-wheel cylinders

To pick up time lost in classes to regenerate
the universe; everything in Sir PTerry books
is parody & satire, especially  where he takes
on poetry, pointing out nobody minds a poet

Praising daffodils or Young Maidens Dancing In
May - as long as they need not read it; Susan,
a Goth Mary Poppins, blanks it out by reading
a book about Parody, Romanticism being the

Stepchild of all realistic translators, you’ll love
the serious Death and Susan - both eschew
everything to do with feelings, yet can’t help
themselves doing good; Hanlie just laughed -

Leaving the office to inadvertently do good,
sharing her cheer & sunshine smile with
everyone, her sunbeam soul causing her
golden aura to glow…


Lobsang claims a mantra is
certain words chosen by the
spiritual Masters for disciples
to repeat without knowing the
meaning though effect is sure

Following his example I listen
to Genesis 1 read in Hebrew,
trusting this long mantra will
be just as effective in my life,
my brain is slow to learn the

Hebrew tongue, but I believe
the Holy Words have power
to penetrate my mind - and
the Jewish ideal of a God
teaching them freedom

And integrity as highest ideal,
makes we wish to join in the
purity of ideal and life, when
the name of God is replaced
with the words Love and Life

Then Godliness is the alpha
and omega of my little life….

Can’t Stand It [REV.]

The little alien at the controls in my head
still reads children’s books as if these are
truth, sharing in characters’ experiences;
such as eating warm, buttered toast and 

Plum pudding - in contrast with the hunger
suffered by the poor like the girl with
bent legs who was fed only flour & water,
no milk, shocking me into craving food

Fearing disaster; reading about poverty in
19th century England with young children
working in noisy cotton mills which made
a sensitive character burst into tears upon

witnessing it, then dying in a nursery fire –
it makes all life seem drab:  - these scary
books should have age restrictions; it can’t
be good for kids to read such awful stories

Real life should be censored also when the
little alien looks at newspaper accounts of
the painful lives of abused children - life is
too harsh for humans, the question is –

How DO we stand it? – The answer lies in
over-crowded prisons & mental Institutions
which prove we can’t stand it at all…

Friday, March 13, 2015

Slid My Own Throat (Cor.)

After carefully studying esoteric advice on
how to obtain a specific amount of money
I felt so elated about my credit account –
immediately took a look at the fabrics in the
shops - lilac velvet for Nici’s bed; black-and-
white off-cut for Tiaan - with words “delicious”
& “scrumptious”, bought with my credit card
I have stated to the universe what I need

Thus no worries - but on reflection laughed
at myself, making a plan is not enough and
getting more credit leaves no hope to reach
my goal - the only one fooled is me, I must
earn the sum – but how when there are so
many glorious things to be bought for my
kids and I have already forgotten to read
my positive affirmation aloud: I believe

The money will come, to brain-wash the
lazy sub-conscious in need of repetition
before it will assist us; all power resides
in Over-soul connected by silver cord -
goodness, where’s the sense in this, it’s
muddled again - as with all my finances,
maybe in the next life I shall be

An accountant or something - and slid my
own throat, I wouldn’t wonder… 

The Afterlife [REV.]

We attract what we concentrate on, good or bad,
with new eyes I read newspapers on what people
do to each other, appreciate my super colleagues,
all wit and grace, kind security guards making the
workplace safe and laughing at my antics

Only the media describe dire aspects of events; of
politicians fighting each other in Cote d’Ivoire; those
in shabby huts stealing power from tax-payers – but
society still works okay - thinking of my Duchess’s
world peopled by dragons, fighting evil sleights

Never listening to me as Alice living in Wonderland,
she lives with goblins hiding cell-phone & keys; dad
Conan the Barbarian lives in blame but as he shares
money with every beggar he’s going to heaven; my
Attilla the Hun-bro lives in sweet contemplation

Playing guitar & staring at the sky; mom Queen of
Hearts seeks spirituality but her choice of afterlife
is unknown, she only does things under pressure
and so leaves death for last - I’m headed for the
Akashic records of all that ever happened

I shall meet Lobsang Rampa - unless he’s too busy
in other dimensions; I shall seek Sir Terry Pratchett
to thank him for rephrasing German philosophers &
providing a place to hide when lost in the allergy –
a blue blanket of the imagination that kept

My soul alive when descending  the pit of despair;
Terry Pratchett will live forever as creator of the
Discworld universe even when he discovers
stranger worlds than those he created…


What an amazing idea, we attract only what we want
to see or concentrate on – whether good or bad, with
new eyes I regard newspaper reports on what people
do to each other, thinking of my wonderful colleagues,
all wit and grace and kind security guards providing a
safe workplace and so willing to laugh at my antics; of
my little family led by my beloved in such a way

There are few argument as we follow his rules, respect
each other and stay out of kids’ rooms, though I invade
to find a bed unmade & add new blankets to beds; as
for strangers, a greeting & smile bring out the best, only
newspapers insist on pointing out dire aspects of every
event; politicians fighting each other in Cote d’Ivoire;
those in shabby huts steal power from tax-payers

In spite of everything society is working; thinking of my
Duchess living in a world peopled by dragons & goblins
with slights in every face which seems good to me, she
fights evil as she stomps away and I pick up the pieces,
explain she has stress in her life and it’s true - seeking
out hostility causes her much pain; she never listens to
me as I’m just Alice living in Wonderland and she

Lives in another country where goblins hide her cell-
phone & keys, my dad-Conan the adorable Barbarian,
lives in a desert of recrimination and blame, always
seeking to explain why he listened to others and lost
everything, yet he shares his money with any beggar
who passes him - he’s going straight to heaven; my
Attilla the Hun-bro lives in a land of contemplative

Soothsaying, playing guitar and staring at the sky; the
Queen of Hearts - mom - always reaches for spiritual
accomplishment - headed for heaven also - though
which I don’t know as she only ever finishes things
under pressure she’ll leave death for last also; and
I’m headed for the Akashic records of all that ever
happened to meet my friend Lobsang Rampa

Unless he’s too busy meeting his followers from
other universes - then I’ll just evaluate my own life –
blaming myself for being a fool - never preparing for
emergencies - an idiot to those who knew how to live
rationally, and with Sir Terry Pratchett in the afterlife
I’ll seek his harmonic frequency to thank him as he
made life worth living with his great rephrasing of

German philosophers; his characters with rock-firm
integrity, Granny Weatherwax, Archchancellor Mustrum
Ridcully,  The Patrician Havelock Vetinari, Death & his
granddaughter Susan, the young Tiffany Aching, also
“Good Omens”, “Soul Music” and “Thief of Time” with
Lady Time roaming sadly through her glass castle, for
the Sound Monks - for everything giving me a place to

Hide when I lost my mind through the allergy – for the
soft blue blanket of the imagination that kept my heart
alive when destroyed by food intolerance, for helping
me to cherish positive thoughts while descending into
the pit of despair – thank you for being YOU – Terry
Pratchett is dead - long live Sir Terry Pratchett in his
own Discworld universe…

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Same Vitality For Evermore [REV.]

There’s evolvement in Madonna’s clothes, it
creates new persona to symbolise her latest
ideas or begin a new pop craze - while dear
Lobsang Rampa says clothing has no other
value than hiding our motives & thoughts

Darling Madonna liberates women through
appearance - clothing, songs & stage antics,
teaching ageing women to be as young and
as fresh as twenty - preserving & enhancing
their physique by exercise & plastic surgery,

hormone-therapy, make-up techniques and
clothes - as lady singers follow her example
there is truth in Madonna’s claims; but ideas
of 20 year-olds don’t interest me any more -
I don’t want relevance as an erotic symbol

Nor to play with boys to prove the appeal of
a botoxed, over-exercised, blonde-bleached
older body; life unrolled and mind unfolded -
in my youth I followed trends & today rejoice
in the liberation from the superficial appeal

Of materialism; I respect Madonna, epitome
of obsession with everlasting youth & erotic
prowess, her right as women’s revolutionary
leader to keep them in the same category
as 20-year olds vying for older men’s heed

The same who’d possibly value sexy older
women for their money, if it’s a victory to make
women see they need never grow up, never
stop the hedonistic race for sensory pleasure
which marks the life of contemporary

Entertainment stars, I applaud, but it sounds
like bondage - maybe Madonna believes she’s
leading women into a physical eternity where
by magic surgery women will indefinitely retain
20 yr old outlooks and emotional levels

They need never die and look at the life they
led, maybe she feels she’ll never die herself,
she’s 20-something in mind and body for all
eternity - leading disciples whose bodies are
preserved by New Age spirituality for eternal

Life in the Age of Aquarius with the sun rising
behind this scene; who knows - I’m at ease
being my age knowing a body switches off as
time passes, preferring Lobsang Rampa’s
ideas to hers - and wishing to learn

About the invisible ethereal body and aura -
maybe Madonna has hers in hand also,
sternly telling them she is a 20-something,
they had better shine with the same vitality
for evermore…

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Eternal Ideal [REV.]

When donning her rose-petal cloak the Snow
Queen loftily declared all shades of pink will
represent flower petals - and the cold inside
will be symbolised by zenith blue and azure
she said - while arranging coloured cloths

I tried to move the lemon yellow one away to
perfect an ice flue but without it my eyes died
so back it came accompanied by yellow post-
note paper to use on the Arabic text as every
word must be isolated to train my brain to

Focus on relevant parts only; the Cold King
of Translation-Land requested I decorate my
colleague’s work station - so I arranged some
pink roses and yellow flowers, pictures in pink
& yellow in her space - and it looks beautiful

The King’s satisfied & she expresses delight;
now to bleach a magenta flower looking so
artificial it spoils the look of Snow-Paradise -
and she dunked the flower in boiling water
with dishwashing liquid - in her devotion to

Continue the dream in Snow-Land; a new silver
crown, a shiny head-band getting acclimatised,
paired with a snow-white posy & prismatic neon
strings, to symbolise the crystal consciousness
which represents the Queen’s eternal ideal…

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Love Them So Much

My dear friend Lobsang Rampa calls humans
scruffy, sadistic, selfish and self-seeking - he
left out gluttony; when I decide to lose weight
the first thing I do is buy lots of chocolate be-
fore the self-imposed famine starts

Lobsang’s proof is that every being on earth is
here to learn through suffering since only those
who need teaching can stay here, good spirits
are never sent to earth at all; Lobsang holds out
such a lovely promise: in the life hereafter we

Shall never meet anyone who is incompatible
with us, we shall only meet those who are in
harmony with us, if we did not get on with our
parents, siblings, spouses or kids, we shan’t
meet again after death – this makes me

Determined to polish my relationship with the
Duchess my twin sis and my parents as I love
them and would like to meet them again, I want
us all to be in harmony - surely our differences
can be overcome – I love them so much!

Little Brat Of A Gadget

Now I have 2 successful relationships with
electric gadgets: magical earphones keep
on working as long as I treat them with the
greatest respect, thanking them as I take
them off reverently before turning around,
but when I impulsively pull on the cord

one earphone goes dead and it takes a day
before it will play again - yesterday I treated
the Wall-E cleaner - happily running on little
wheels through the swimming pool - kindly
also, instead of swimming into it as usual,
I lovingly picked it up like a helpless little

brother, pointing it away so I had clear space,
repeating the same ritual every time Wall-E
came into my trajectory, maybe if I practice
enough in the pool my ethereal body will be
able to take off like a missile as I fall asleep
and go larking about in the night, in the

meantime, making friends with machines
proves very easy - one day I shall win my
cell-phone’s heart also, just let me keep
practicing picking it up without losing the
caller on the other side or switching off
the call-tone by mistake - thus growing

angry at the little brat of a gadget…

Monday, March 9, 2015

Auric Ethereal Crystal Consciousness

Seems as if Babka, the Broommaker, is the  
best disciple of our English Tibetan Lobsang
Rampa; Babka and the Nut-maiden Wanda
has the serene, calm, loving, peaceful, quiet
self-assurance and self-discipline that our
Lobsang appreciates so much

Neither Babka nor Wanda has ever heard of
existential angst, they know exactly why they
are, when and where: Babka lives to be in a
forest taking care of birds, the Nut-maiden is
a dancing free-spirit & their Nemesis the evil
Queen has no redeeming qualities

The heroes have no failings and the villains
are irredeemably lost; I fear such a black-&-
white world and prefer believing in the good
intentions of everyone, even if warped by
experience and society; I’ll just admire the
fortitude, modesty, humility & wisdom of

Babka’s storybook character - wish I could be
more like her, not like Lobsang Rampa; it’d be 
scary to see a person’s auric flame of hatred –
nor do I want to take off like an etheric missile
and leave my physical self behind - the only
connection being the fabled silver cord

There’s the whole of eternity to be a spirit and
such a short time to be a human being studying
the beauty of crystal of consciousness - reading
everything spiritual - studying Arabic letters and
receiving a Hebrew word every day - at least I
can ask where to go for music in a bathtub

Very handy for cleaning the musical note emitted
by my auric ethereal crystal consciousness 

Implement Immediately

A desperate letter from the Cote d’Ivoire,
help me put my country right & an article
explains Africa needs central dictatorship
like China & Korea, for urgent economic
reforms, get rid of sham elections of use-
less government parasites violating laws
and the human rights of all their people

Appoint only self-employed law-makers
3 months a year till economic stability is
reached & one African High Command
to keep the peace in the whole continent,
artificial colonial divisions to be changed
to accommodate races & stop interracial
wars & all countries to demand a bigger

Share in foreign profit and stop signing
contracts with a meagre 10% royalty on
oil exports; Africa to own its resources -
demand 51% share in foreign enterprise,
countries to trade amongst themselves;
at present Ghana trades with Liberia via
Spain & Togo converts currency to euro

And dollar to trade with Nigeria, enriching
foreigners - it has to stop; Africa needs its
own international currency - and although
Africa lacks expertise - its resources are
unique and indispensable - if all African
countries unite in demanding worthwhile
deals; foreign countries would have to

Accept their trade conditions: there’s merit
in this theory since economic success pre-
cedes social stability and democracy; wish
we could implement this idea immediately

Friday, March 6, 2015

Learned A Lot [REV.]

It’s now clear my old lifestyle was driven
by the need to flee from dejection: trying
old survival techniques: intense focus on
fairy-tales to change how I feel, revealed
no need to live that way again; with eyes
unfocused after eating illegal pie &  soup,
with muscle fatigue and lassitude to boot,
there’s no need to return to old habits -

Emotional storms abated and I’m wiser;
Lobsang Rampa says we come here to
learn through physical ailments - allergy
taught me never hurt people deliberately,
everyone’s worthy of respect; also never
tell lies, it feels terrible & painful effects
stay in my mind forever; never make pie-
crust promises I can’t keep - trying my

Best I make a huge mess; never charge
into a strange situation like a whirlwind
as the fragile aspects - of such delicate
compositions are easily broken & such
shards cut deep until everyone bleeds,
never pretend I’m superior as wearing
a mask is just hell; and though I know
wheat & sugar’s effect changes me  -

Sugar’s instant energy helps to me to
overcome the weariness of adrenaline
shock in order to get up & run away

Thursday, March 5, 2015

All In The Etheric

Something wrong with last night’s
salad - cucumbers and tomatoes
lukewarm - not crisp and cool, the
eggs were blue, stale meat strips
camouflaged with sauce; I rolled

Around in bed without any tranquil
thoughts, unable to let the etheric
body leave the physical to gallivant
about at night- although there was
little hope, I wanted to try flying to

The beach, watch the sea, all in the
etheric – travelling faster than light
Lobsang Rampa says - but - by not
sleeping an out-of-body experience
was not vouchsafed me; I planned

My escape today - diving into my
new book called “Fenella Fang” to
find out how a vampire deals with
those who disturb her crypt, this
will set my etheric free - I think -

Or it might complement my crystal
consciousness - symbolised by the
silver mask & prism effect of shining
rainbow strips covering my desk

Unspiritual Brain Waves

Need to escape, but wherever I go my mental
station remains unchanged - yet I need to get
away from myself, my mindset; today I found
six children’s books in the library, tomorrow
I shall use these six portals into other worlds
to get away from my reality: Gran’s Dragon,

Phantom Roundabout, Twilight Ghost, Dial A
Ghost, The Golden Bird and Fenella Fang will
take me into supernatural worlds and thus my
escape from a static life into colourful dreams
is assured, staying in one place isn’t working
and Lobsang Rampa’s recommendations for

Pure thought and a tranquil mind isn’t helping,
I can’t suppress feelings and emotion registers
in flaming cheeks, even medication did not get
rid of the adrenaline-driven fight or flight mode
since overreacting is who I am - wrapped in a
blanket in the cold early mornings with

The air-con monster at full blast, then spraying
my face with water in the warm afternoon when
my colleague’s illegal heater is joined by the sun:
unable to change my being to reach Lobsang’s
ideals for spiritual growth I shall calm my un-
spiritual brain waves with lovely stories of

Ghosts in the attic and peaceful vampires not
wishing their quiet crypts to be disturbed…

Showing Its Beneficence [REV.]

This is true magic, a miracle, something
more wonderful than success: earphones
given to me as a kindness, suffer distress
from sudden movement as I turn my head
from the computer console - as happened
many times before - right ear-phone dies -
regretfully I put a set of new ear-phones in
such a bad sound quality screeching right
to on my very soul and despondently

I put the broken set to my ears to hear the
superior sound – and magically both right
and left ear-phones worked again, smugly
I accepted the miracle - saying nothing to
anybody – but once again I dislodged the
right cord by mistake to lose sound again;
chastised I put it aside - no other choice –
suffer the scratching screech, suffering
a while then tried magic set again - to

My delight the sound’s back - this time I
broadcast the eldritch event, whether the
work of secret goblins or just a random
glitch, I’m happy, the sound keeps the
little alien in my head satisfied so I can
concentrate and translate - maybe this
ear-phone set’s really conscious; after
punishing me it restores its grace,
giving me leave to think -

A supernatural power is showing its
wonderful beneficence…

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Full, Emotional, Enthusiastic Life

Composure and peace, inner calm,
restful, Lobsang Rampa says laying
down & repeating the words “peace,
peace” will bring about a feeling of
quiet and ease – but he obviously
did not address these to me

When my system reacts to allergens,
no amount of breathing & repeating
mantras takes the discomfort away,
it’s a sad fact that telepathy is rather
inaccessible to me since my brain is
the generator of explosive waves

Rampa’s ideas are already calming
me - but he doesn’t know the joy of
speeding in traffic, dodging taxis and
communicating with broad grins, it’s
true that equanimity makes life flow
smoother, yet passionate reactions

Add spice to an otherwise insipid
life, sending the astral body out at
night gadding about does not seem
essential to me, leaving the physical
body to fly around like fairies, would
lead to such shocked reactions

Seeing auras and auric lights around
people while having to keep quiet for
fear of generating hostility, would be
such a burden to me, I would rather
like to be a typical dreamer without
great metaphysical powers which

Would land me in bad confrontations;
it’s interesting to read what Lobsang
thinks of Western civilization - and I
agree, city life is uncivilized, but it’s
great if we have a sense of humour;
living a life of Eastern deprivation

For an afterlife; is superfluous since it
is inevitable, we only get one chance
at physical life in an incarnation, never
again will there be an identical you or
me - even if the mind returns, it’s the
same as a unique snowflake – only

ONCE in all eternity will our persona
live in this situation, let’s concentrate
on living passionately, delighted with
all the challenges life offers us - we
shall soon enough end up in a new
dimension - until then, let’s live

A full, emotional, enthusiastic life!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Phoenix Taking Me High [REV.]

New paving looking better as fear & anxiety
slowly subsides, no longer feel like a beggar
in my own home, gripped by fear from seeing
living grass replaced by dead paving; calmed
by seeing your vision where all seems to be

Returning to normal - you’ve stopped sighing
endlessly - your fear as great as mine, though
you’d never admit it - tonight it is the first time
I’ve felt happy at home ready to tackle life. A
Snow Queen at work where overdrive aircon

Makes me purple & blue, a dreamer at home
who likes being outside with bees, thank you
for bearing with me - I withdrew in angst from
our little world; thank you for holding onto me
too as your fears burned up giving birth

To a new Phoenix taking me high…

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...