Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Love Them So Much

My dear friend Lobsang Rampa calls humans
scruffy, sadistic, selfish and self-seeking - he
left out gluttony; when I decide to lose weight
the first thing I do is buy lots of chocolate be-
fore the self-imposed famine starts

Lobsang’s proof is that every being on earth is
here to learn through suffering since only those
who need teaching can stay here, good spirits
are never sent to earth at all; Lobsang holds out
such a lovely promise: in the life hereafter we

Shall never meet anyone who is incompatible
with us, we shall only meet those who are in
harmony with us, if we did not get on with our
parents, siblings, spouses or kids, we shan’t
meet again after death – this makes me

Determined to polish my relationship with the
Duchess my twin sis and my parents as I love
them and would like to meet them again, I want
us all to be in harmony - surely our differences
can be overcome – I love them so much!

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