Friday, October 19, 2018

Bluebeard In Disguise

I read Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
a million years ago, Peter Pan declared with self-
satisfied delight, boasting he was the only normal
member in a dysfunctional Conan family: From it I
gathered that to tell my idiot sis – - oh yes, it is an
emotional treat to look down on her, you see - she
was evil and I refuse to meet with her again -

Would be the perfect way to start a conversation
convincing her to take my side in a fight against
Snow-White who dared to call me Evil-Peter after
I punched her repeatedly when she behaved like
a moody child on a visit to Neverland; my idiot sis
took my side since I was right about Snow-White,
but I was not content to let is rest and continued

To point out Alice’s failings also, given that I had
read Codes Of Love by Mark Bryan & so I came
to the conclusion that to love me means putting
up with the meanest character in Neverland, I’m
Bluebeard in disguise and slay all I see; & since
my sis claimed she also knew these theories, it
would be a test to see how she applied these

Whether she intended revenge on Snow-White
like me or wanted to forgive as Snow-White’s
emotional scars led to her unique code of love
based on contempt for all Snow-White sees- –

NOW Alice is confused, how could Peter Pan
read about emotional intelligence - yet be full
of hate for family - and his Code of Love is
insistence on insulting all and being mean?

Kind words only make him worse…

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Ice-Cold Neverland [Rev]

Alice tried conversing with Peter Pan in Neverland,
but her attempt was doomed & rejected out of hand;
all Alice said is tainted by the contempt with which
a peppery-tongued Duchess denigrated everything
in Wonderland: You’re just as stupid and worthless
as Tom Thumb, the youngest brother fighting wind-
mills, Peter Pan accused a hapless Alice, whereas
he indicted Tom Thumb of stupidity on the Internet;

Alice had praised a book Tom had published, and
when she admired Peter’s writing, he scorned her
words as worthless because she’d dallied with the
enemy Tom Thumb; Alice told Peter - I don’t read
night & day any more - I was seeking meaning &
now I’ve found that, so I read for pleasure: to find
encouragement - and refine views about infinity -
Peter said Alice is insipid and he doesn’t believe

A word she says - so I cannot be friends with him,
Alice confessed, he just treats me like a forlorn 5
year old without the right to usurp the love with its
nourishment that should have all been his - & my
attempt to support Tom Thumb’s windmill flights
makes me seem stupid in his contemptuous eyes;
but his cynical universe within ice-cold Neverland
is no longer mine - I now live in Wonderland with

The Lord & Master of the Crocodile Castle - and I
need no longer fight for survival against a cynical
Peter Pan whose disdain for Cinderella-Grandma-
Alice & Queen-of-Hearts & Conan the Barbarian,
enabled him to call himself a Mighty Lord so very
elevated far beyond his beginning - amongst the
most plebeian, ignoble creatures imaginable…

[Friday 19 October 2018]

Love Destructive [Revised]

There is no peace, no ‘friendship’ possible; the
opening salvo - “You are disrespectful of other
people’s feelings” showed its author’s abetted
superiority, actually describing his own attitude

Should’ve read “I’m disrespectful” - a brother’s
cold, scornful sarcasm takes me right back to a
home without respect - where I shrivel under its
destructive effect, shrinking into insignificance

To escape being an object of scorn in a house
of shame where daggers were out robbing me
of self-confidence and self-esteem long before
I knew what those concepts meant; the buried

Feeling of burning shame for being whom I am
can still be ignited by scornful rejection of every
word I say, every claim I make - robbing me of
the ability to accept the right to feel and speak

Thank God there is an ocean between me and
the speaker, thank God for my Beloved and the
Crocodile Kids following the lodestar of respect
to guide their steps; without it life is unbearable

For me love, without wisdom - without respect -
is the most destructive experience there is…

[Friday 19 October 2018]

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Alice And Peter Pan

The peppery-tongued Duchess lives within an inner
consciousness of vitriolic excess clouding her view
of reality making it impossible to recognise positive
events; the Duchess’ cold contempt for Wonderland

As a bad place of iniquity wherein dwells the Lord &
Master of the Crocodile Castle as a depraved knave
presiding over bad-behaved reptilians, shows within
terrible chronicles where she calls herself the good

Snow-White Self-righteous among the Peter Pans of
the Neverlands; Alice lost her temper confronting the
Duchess, knowing she could not shame that haughty
dame into acknowledging she delighted in character-

Assassination of the Wonderland creatures: Alice
foolishly requested respect whereupon the Duchess
declared Alice an illegal alien never to be welcomed
at the Duchess’ worthy residence again: Anyone

Intent on offering a lament for the false allegations
made by the Duchess who is furious since no-one
ever treats her with the respect and deference she
feels her rightful due as benefactress of all those

Who suffer in distress; will summarily be subject to
court-martial such as that practiced by the Queen
of Hearts – off with her head, off with his head! –
to me Alice and Peter Pan are both deceased…

[Wednesday 21 October 2018]

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...