Thursday, October 18, 2018

Ice-Cold Neverland [Rev]

Alice tried conversing with Peter Pan in Neverland,
but her attempt was doomed & rejected out of hand;
all Alice said is tainted by the contempt with which
a peppery-tongued Duchess denigrated everything
in Wonderland: You’re just as stupid and worthless
as Tom Thumb, the youngest brother fighting wind-
mills, Peter Pan accused a hapless Alice, whereas
he indicted Tom Thumb of stupidity on the Internet;

Alice had praised a book Tom had published, and
when she admired Peter’s writing, he scorned her
words as worthless because she’d dallied with the
enemy Tom Thumb; Alice told Peter - I don’t read
night & day any more - I was seeking meaning &
now I’ve found that, so I read for pleasure: to find
encouragement - and refine views about infinity -
Peter said Alice is insipid and he doesn’t believe

A word she says - so I cannot be friends with him,
Alice confessed, he just treats me like a forlorn 5
year old without the right to usurp the love with its
nourishment that should have all been his - & my
attempt to support Tom Thumb’s windmill flights
makes me seem stupid in his contemptuous eyes;
but his cynical universe within ice-cold Neverland
is no longer mine - I now live in Wonderland with

The Lord & Master of the Crocodile Castle - and I
need no longer fight for survival against a cynical
Peter Pan whose disdain for Cinderella-Grandma-
Alice & Queen-of-Hearts & Conan the Barbarian,
enabled him to call himself a Mighty Lord so very
elevated far beyond his beginning - amongst the
most plebeian, ignoble creatures imaginable…

[Friday 19 October 2018]

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