Thursday, March 12, 2015

Same Vitality For Evermore [REV.]

There’s evolvement in Madonna’s clothes, it
creates new persona to symbolise her latest
ideas or begin a new pop craze - while dear
Lobsang Rampa says clothing has no other
value than hiding our motives & thoughts

Darling Madonna liberates women through
appearance - clothing, songs & stage antics,
teaching ageing women to be as young and
as fresh as twenty - preserving & enhancing
their physique by exercise & plastic surgery,

hormone-therapy, make-up techniques and
clothes - as lady singers follow her example
there is truth in Madonna’s claims; but ideas
of 20 year-olds don’t interest me any more -
I don’t want relevance as an erotic symbol

Nor to play with boys to prove the appeal of
a botoxed, over-exercised, blonde-bleached
older body; life unrolled and mind unfolded -
in my youth I followed trends & today rejoice
in the liberation from the superficial appeal

Of materialism; I respect Madonna, epitome
of obsession with everlasting youth & erotic
prowess, her right as women’s revolutionary
leader to keep them in the same category
as 20-year olds vying for older men’s heed

The same who’d possibly value sexy older
women for their money, if it’s a victory to make
women see they need never grow up, never
stop the hedonistic race for sensory pleasure
which marks the life of contemporary

Entertainment stars, I applaud, but it sounds
like bondage - maybe Madonna believes she’s
leading women into a physical eternity where
by magic surgery women will indefinitely retain
20 yr old outlooks and emotional levels

They need never die and look at the life they
led, maybe she feels she’ll never die herself,
she’s 20-something in mind and body for all
eternity - leading disciples whose bodies are
preserved by New Age spirituality for eternal

Life in the Age of Aquarius with the sun rising
behind this scene; who knows - I’m at ease
being my age knowing a body switches off as
time passes, preferring Lobsang Rampa’s
ideas to hers - and wishing to learn

About the invisible ethereal body and aura -
maybe Madonna has hers in hand also,
sternly telling them she is a 20-something,
they had better shine with the same vitality
for evermore…

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