Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Test-Drive Them For Myself

The day I realised “true belief” is just a decision to believe something
because it suits your fancy, makes you happy, gives you power or gives
you some other advantage; I was rather disappointed and disconcerted.

Then when quantum physics explained why ANY belief can be MADE 
true through mental concentration and time spent on it; I was happy
to realise I can also make true what appeals to me.

And when it became clear that concentrating on something brings it into 
my experience while ignoring it makes it irrelevant in my life, I was delighted, 
knowing exactly what I would concentrate on to bring into my life.

Today I have turned away from other jewels for the pearl that is the 
most precious of them all - a rational voice and staunch integrity.

My happiness with this system – that everybody is free to believe anything
available on the market-place of ideas and our beliefs are as wonderful as
the range of our information, intelligence and imagination – is boundless.

Sadly this is not a theory taught anywhere respectable, but everybody is
free to discover and apply it to see if it works for them. 

Though I hate the agriculture translations, they are necessary as a thorn 
in my flesh to stimulate creativity, therefore they are the required driving 
force and thus it is perfect (à la Candide).

I now know that it is easy to respect any person from any creed as long as
that person has integrity and shows that he follows a consistent system.

This rules out most religious people and churches as they are totally 
inconsistent – teaching God is love and then going on to add the hate-
speech with fire and brimstone for good measure.

I like people who don’t believe anything they have not experienced and
don’t try to force others into accepting their theories – but who explain 
their theories in detail and leave me to test-drive them for myself.

28 February 2013

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