Thursday, May 4, 2017

Nothing Important [Rev]

Like me people who haven’t slept & put salt
in their tea (it works beautifully - less sugar
needed to sweeten a bitter brew) can’t think
clearly; my head’s scrunched-up - dried like
a sponge - valves of the transistors in my
old-fashioned mind flickering in emergency
mode, confusing imagery formed in the

Frontal mammalian brain - just like a TV out
of focus: I don’t know what’s going on & life
seems absurd and surreal; I’m ordered down
from my desk where I perch to go sit down in
my immense torture-instrument-chair where
my question Resend? is met with a negative
NO, I’m going to Scan and Send it - to me

That means Resend, but as all remarks are
met with a NO and rephrasing of everything
said, I throw in the towel and look at my dear
document - investigating an ’88 murder case
in France with bureaucracy worse than our
malfunctioning age - each and every page
proves money was spent just to determine

The murderer’s gone & nothing could be
done to untangle intrigue - it is no fun, I
sigh - history’s useless, these pages only
underline spiritual advice to live for today;
& a colleague launches into vibrato-song,
I replace yesterday’s deathly grey & the
garish twang of our wildly gyrating crooner

With Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker dancing in my
head, my earphones pressed deep to shut out
the noise of nothing important going on…

[Thursday 5 May 2017]

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