Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dark Mental Abyss

Definitely have a Nuclear Reactor
in my system, embracing a bottle
of frozen water to cool down after
a power surge marked by purplish
red-skin indicated radiation burns

And this bumbling bureaucratic life
where malicious compliance deems
to be the only survival strategy since
all others rate as irrational - & I turn
to Camille Saint-Saëns, to seek the

Elusive feeling of relevance - mind
lost and far removed from practical
considerations or positive endings,
now the nuclear meltdown is over
and I feel comfortable enough -

But my head’s empty, this moment
offers no redress: only the music in
my earphones swirls in psychedelic
patterns which create a new reality
without meaning - and I’m floating

On waves formed by grey streams
shimmering with occasional rays of
bright sunlight shining through the
inner darkness, thus momentarily
relieving this dark mental abyss…

[Tuesday 25 June 2019]

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