Saturday, December 7, 2013

Myth Of Cynicism

The wind is disturbed, the sea madly advancing,
a whirlwind creating waves ruffling their crests
the forces of nature are paying their respects for
the loss of the land, of a saint, a man above men,
Mandela, the prisoner who forgave everyone
who incarcerated him

The wind creates havoc everywhere, chasing us
inside to stare and wonder at this show of such
immense perturbation - of strange events, and I
think it is all caused by the loss of the soul, the
greatest of all – Mandela, our first President, the
prisoner from Robben Island

The freedom fighter who knew when to give up
and bring the universe to its knees with his sweet
humility - the wind and sea are thundering their
praise for Nelson Mandela – the father of our
nation, the leader of our age and the man who
destroyed the myth of cynicism forever!

[Saturday 7 December 2013]

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