Thursday, January 7, 2016

Consult Scorpio [Rev]

Lord and Master of the Crocodile Castle is so clever
only he knows about the weather; it isn’t hot, he, the
Phoenix who bursts into flames and rises anew from
the ashes daily declares; - it’s just the same as any
other day - he opens the blinds and takes down all

The covers against the heat to allow the sun stream
in, and I agree - of course he knows more than any-
body else, and as I’m just a cold-blooded crocodile
who thinks it’s hot when it isn’t, I accept his dictates
and open everything

Isn’t it wonderful that he as a double sign, Scorpio-
the-Grand and Phoenix-the-Phantasmagorical & is
so much more in charge of his world than anyone
else; the nuclear furnace in the backyard doesn’t
trouble him at all - because, when it rains, he says

As it will real soon, the yard will cool down and it’s
not even warm today; the ignoramus who said it’d
be 42 degrees Celsius today should be stoned -
people are so dense, they should rather consult
with Scorpio to check everything they say…

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