Monday, August 14, 2017

May God Take Revenge

Rereading Psalms makes me realise without
a Vengeful God to take revenge on those who
disrespect peaceful lives, life is not worthwhile

I’m looking forward to the punishment God will
wreak upon them who insist on fostering gaba-
pentin and Lyrica-pregabalin on those without
protection against exploitation & trust He will
see to it that the unscrupulous medicos suffer
every symptom endured by everyone who took
these drug and suffered trying to come off them

My highest wish is everyone who had a hand in
spreading these toxins be forced to take them in-
definitely, feeling the same pain and despair of
a body wracked by inflammatory cells and fever
and dying cells and muscles destroyed by dis-
integrating enzymes; may every doctor who wrote
a prescription without researching the evil done
by these drugs suffer depression, anxiety and
personal disintegration - my deepest wish is

May Pfizer which refused to withdraw it from the
market suffer bankruptcy, may its directors suffer
with unending itching, may their feet & legs burn
with every step they take, may they grow deaf with
tinnitus and blind with dry, burning eyes; may they
suffer rotting teeth, receding gums and lose their
hair; may they have mouth sores and throat ulcers
& may rotting intestines be cut from their insides

May they have water on the lungs, may they have
trouble breathing, may their hands turn into arthritic
claws and their joints burn with gout ad infinitum,
may they suffer three strokes each at least, may
they have untold hallucinations and black-outs
causing them to crash their cars into each other
and fall in the street and may their unstoppable
temper tantrums cost them their families and jobs

May every problem they forced on every sufferer
devolve on them and keep them busy for an eternity

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