Friday, October 18, 2013

Anchored To The Ground [REVISED]

Glimpsed the reason why spiritual people claim emotion
is just a chemical reaction which ends when physicality
ceases, why it’s irrational trying to be amazed with the
well-known as if a new-born babe, because the familiar
is NOT a surprise, and acting as if it were is just putting
on a show; logically there must be spiritual dimensions
where consciousness will again be really astounded by
the totally unknown, but until then it’s helpful to know

The deflated feeling after elation of infantile emotion is
not an eternal state and the joy of immutability is to be
enjoyed and appreciated; watched an Anime film with
Nici, felt force of heightened emotion slowly abating
afterwards, realised price always paid for excitement;
better to not try and fly with the stars if the fall to the
ground makes you realise it is like chasing the wind to
seek sensation - tonight I just want to be quiet and feel

Delight of a job well done, anchored to the ground…

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