Saturday, April 26, 2014

I’m Freezing – Diary Notes

Trying to sing the sweetest notes at the beginning of
Ave Maria in a shopping centre right after listening to
Maria Callas is a great disappointment, though sacred
feeling is alive in my heart and seems to follow me like
a misty silver-blue aura while I float down the stalls, it
reaches nobody else and I sound more like dying all
by myself; saw the most beautiful roses you refused
to look at as you are focused on your own mission

Quickly get things then running home, I run after you
like a demented athlete at the local zombie marathon;
now sitting outside a martyr to my hearing as there is
a high, thin staccato voice on sports TV drumming into
my skull, just this morning I got my son to tune out the
heavy bass in his music as it drives me mad and now
this – sitting in the cold with earphones, safe from the
invasive noises of radio & TV while my ankles freeze

The problem is that the new earphones put pressure on
my ears and I dare not complain as I chose these myself
and you bought them as a gift - let me try to wear them
out some, take off my glasses and not breathe a word
of distress; the pressure increasing and I’m freezing…

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