Friday, March 4, 2016

Eats The Heroine

Trusting in the Magical Approach worked! Expecting help
made me investigate - found the form already in English
on the Internet, a kind, helpful soul posted it, I only had to
add the client’s details & check unusual words & phrases
isn’t that amazing? Were I despondent - not expecting
magical assistance, I would never have trawled the ‘net

Mind closed against positive discoveries - it’s true: we
can only see what we expect and believe, it’s FAITH in
the invisible world of conscious awareness that brings
success, I believe in a loving universe – yet my belief
in suffering is deeply rooted, doesn’t matter how easy
the solution to anything, the alien in my head always

Finds mystery, conspiracy & tragedy in everything and
changes routines into difficult feats to be accomplished
by painstaking magnifying-glass work and talking aloud
to myself so the alien can hear what’s going on - either
he can’t see while hanging from the rafters in my head
or he never bothers to take his eyes from his dreams

Without him only part of the crocodile mind engages in
boring texts while he takes the whole reptile mind for
himself leaving me with less than half a mind to work
half-blind without the ability to interpret what little I see -
existing in misery - luckily, comedy always appeals &
when I laugh the alien comes rushing back, keeping

Him home is a challenge - he lives like King Kong who
has to be amused by the physical world, otherwise he
eats the heroine and demands more sacrifices to keep
him happy, allowing the tribes in my mind to take care
of duties - what inner turmoil just to make it through a
day – may life hereinafter be restful after this!

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