Monday, June 27, 2016

Life-Giving Energy [Rev]

We brought Alet chocolate - she is ready to face
death she said, which held no fear, asking for our
forgiveness of this forbidden subject; we assured
her it was perfectly all right to plan life after this
because it would be a rebirth, a new beginning,
a new horizon leading to Shangri-La, El Dorado
of spiritual dreams - she apologised for talking
so much of angels & prayer & God; we loved it

Formed a circle & prayed with our friend, feeling
how much comfort she received from the blessing
of being together addressing a Higher Power and
trusting that all will be well, even if it should mean
her non-physical rebirth; my bravado fled after we
left - & I felt the sadness of her little figure in the
hospital bed with a draining biopsy, fastened to a
cast to keep the broken hip stable, immobile

Then I cried the tears she shall never see as we
strive to send our love as life-giving energy….

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