Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Supposed To Be Fun

Planning to help my colleague fight cancer I
read about alternative therapies & medicine,
everything these people say makes sense –
only in the end, it’s impossible to do because
medication’s expensive & I’m so dense, can’t
work out how to obtain expert help & there is
the advice on how to prevent cancer –

It boils down to keel over and die before cancer
strikes, we’re not to eat salt, sugar, wheat, animal
products or chocolate; by this time my eyes were
bulging and I ran off and bought all the foodstuffs
listed as unhealthy before a diagnosis could take
free access to these lovely things away from me,
scared stiff by the fact that everything I love

Is on the no-no list before & after cancer invades,
should that diagnosis ever be given I would hide it
and eat myself into the grave without established
murder and maiming through chemotherapy that
reduces life’s quality to zero and destroys zest for
life, should disfigurement be necessary for survi-
val, I’ll REFUSE as life’s supposed to be fun

Not a judgement putting us in hell! 

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