Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Do Better Tomorrow…[R]

Finally it has happened - I fell asleep on my
desk at work snoring loudly, luckily no work
but today I failed myself, I’m strong enough
normally to walk or go to a restaurant - and
today I was so somnolent, all self-discipline
failed - when falling asleep in French class I
fell forwards and woke up immediately

My positive Internet site says we are free to
dream of things or experiences we want, so
what experience am I dreaming about? Ah,
yes, unconditional love, the ability to give it
& receive – it’s an eternal dream coming in
so many variations, I can dream it forever,
stories about protagonists who find spiritual

And mental growth without gossip as its main
plot ending in fear: my life orbits around all of
the uplifting books & gurus who explain we’re
free to determine how we live our lives - happy
or depressed… this is where I’ll end - & feeling
drowsiness still advancing, I had better start
walking to be happily awake, hoping that I’ll

Do better tomorrow…

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