Sunday, May 11, 2014


A fairy crocodile in a kitchen glowing like a
translucent pearl in the slanting autumn sun,
bewitched by the music of Barcarolle - living
in an iridescent crocodile castle where tree-
tops obliterate a bright blue sky - tonight

More magic when I merge with Contestants
on Strictly, dancing with wild delight until my
song joyously irritate the crocodile family al-
ready forbidding Karaoke as too noisy; just
finished reading Terry Pratchett’s Mort -

I’m floating where Listening Monks wait to
hear the first sounds of creation, referring
to astronomers seeking the left-over heat
radiation of the Big Bang Theory thinking
invisible attraction must be dark energy

Representing nine-tenths of creation; on
Mother’s Day one crocodilliken is taking
photos, the other selling frozen yoghurt
& the Lord and Master of the Crocodile
Castle is enjoying the Grand Prix

I’m meeting the anthropomorphic Death
in new dimensions, being so happy now
nothing else exists except my fantasies
lifting me into a new universe where
every dream is fulfilled and

Endowed with eternal existence…


The kitchen glowing liike a pearl, iridescent in the  
slanting autumn sun, the enchantment of Tales of
Hoffman’s Barcarolle filling the translucent space,
I’m alive as a fairy crocodile within a magical place
a pearly castle in a wood where treetops obliterate
a bright blue sky, tonight more sorcery when

I shall merge with dancing contestants on Strictly and
twirl as free as a leaf in the wind, imagination fired so
high I shall there share the experience with wild delight
making me sing - to the exasperation of the rest of my
core family who refuse me the right to sing Karaoke on
the grounds that I make enough noise already

Just finished reading Mort by Terry Pratchett, floating
in a world where Listening Monks are waiting to catch
the first words and chords of creation – a reference to
modern astronomers looking for leftover heat radiation
from the Big Bang they fantasised as means of creation
of the multiverse with non-physical being registered

As dark matter and energy which Pratchett calls the 
Auditors administrating ALL worlds, representing the
nine tenths of everything we feel but cannot see; this
is mother Fairy Crocodile Day, two kids both working,
one crocodilliken taking photographs, the other selling
frozen yoghurt; the Master of the Crocodile Castle

Watching Grand Prix while I’m dreaming about a new
reality: Death - living outside time - befriended by us
fairies finding succour in our fairy arms – and portals
to all dimensions are open; belief in their existence are
creating more alternatives - I’m the happiest dreaming
human being at this moment in time, nothing else

Exists besides this phenomenological now, fantasies
lifting me outside our reality to a new universe where
every dream is fulfilled & allowed eternal existence!

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