Friday, May 2, 2014

Indra's Net

In the god Indra’s celestial abode a wonderful net is stretched
in all directions and there is one glittering jewel at every node
shining brighter than the stars because the polished surface 

of every jewel reflects ALL the other jewels; the reflection con-
tinues indefinitely, a beautiful metaphor for reality

The jewelled net is a hologram every part of which reflects all
the information of every other part; scientists use this analogy
to describe the cosmos and the human brain - touching any
jewel affects ALL the other jewels, all being interconnected,
each node representing a person reflecting the qualities

Of all other people hinting there is no inherent self - all people
are simply reflections of each other lacking one original source
to explain all existence and the reflecting nodes also illustrate
our inherent core of transcendent wisdom, every physical
thing moulds, colours and expresses these infinite

Reflections uniquely, shaping the information flowing through it
and I would like to think reflections of love are also uniquely
shaped, coloured and expressed by every individual as it
would enable me to love the Duchess who expresses
her sisterly love with great impatience but even

Greater gifts….

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