Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Dare To Believe In Dreams [REV.]

Mathematical consultant Harold Gans reviewed Michael
Drosnin’s Bible Code of Witztum-Rips experiment - with
tested scientific protocols specified by reviewers and
strong statistical evidence for Jewish sages names, birth
and death dates encoded in the Hebraic Genesis text

But Drosnin's Torah code use to predict future events
is unfounded & sans scientific mathematical bases as
saying that ‘Encoded words represent potential future
incidents’, is logically flawed; one prediction of Prime
Minister Rabin’s assassination & an infinite number of

Successful predictions, is just anecdotal evidence, not
acceptable proof, the only fact of Genesis codes is that
they exist, the probability of mere coincidence actually
is vanishingly small - with this the careful mathematical
scientist exists, NO conclusions on facts ascertained

An instinct for remaining forever unsung, a founder of
no theory or idea, thus leaving the stage clear for the
Einsteins & Darwins with the courage to conclude the
unthinkable; a new theory - I revel in the mystery of
the Bible text that says so much & nobody knows

What it means - I conclude a consciousness outside
the linear time stream left an advanced technology
legacy from a future time we still have to reach –
what new wonders await - when we dare
to believe in dreams…

[19 November 2014]

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