Friday, November 21, 2014

Shackles I Cannot Face [REV.]

To react emotionally to information in writing
is idiotic; I am such an idiot, I have to ignore
things like the Raelian Movement; although
respecting its right to establish a new creed
based on Sitchin and Von Daniken’s ideas

I keep my distance from sheep following the
original thinkers whose books I enjoy reading
enriching the imagination, but never making
philosophies into rules to enlighten my life,
freedom is more important than new dogma

Where sexualised love’s a norm required as
a way of life - already a distortion of the kind
of love we feel for the world plus everything
in it; reading about the new mind manacles
caused such a headache - a sure sign that

It’s not for me; people with integrity benefit
from whatever they believe even if it means
topless rights for ladies, while I’ll cherish my
freedom to wear layers of clothing allowing
me a sense of security, leaving their overly

Restrictive company, the headache lifted &
even the beautiful-underground-temple of
the Damanhur Federation in Piedmont
represents shackles I cannot face

[21 November 2014]

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