Friday, November 28, 2014

Ideals And Ethical Dreams

There goes Lobsang Rampa flying out the door
having failed two spirituality tests: he says the
end justifies the means and extrapolates with an
impossible situation – such as Ayn Rand would
have shown him up claiming such hypothetical
situations never arise in reality, and I believe

The means becomes the end as explained by
Seth and Abraham, then this bright-eyed and
bushy-tailed multiple lifetimes reincarnating –
kind and refined Tibetan gentleman lovingly
informs his followers those taking alcohol and
drugs should be removed from society like

Weeds - they should not be allowed to have
children – said without compassion, without
a nuance of understanding nor any depth of
interpretation, he diverges radically from Seth
as channelled by Jane Roberts, saying no-one 
has the right to infringe on another’s freedom

To make and experience their own choices to
learn in this way, we can respect each other
without bombing another out of existence –
Lobsang enlarged my imagination, banishing
boredom and now he has also taught me how
to detect lack of respect for multidimensional

Reality, how to choose criteria and measure
self-styled spiritual leaders to catalogue them
in their own place far away from high ideals
and ethical dreams…

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