Saturday, September 5, 2015

Need To Repeat [REV]

We can do ANYTHING we want a self-help thriller
promises; I feel his accusatory eyes on me, a hot
flush triggered eating sugary things - it forces  me
out into the rain - another aspect of my life to be
mastered by his principles - & once again failed

Don’t even have ideals to reach for with his tricks;
success and wealth is our duty - to serve others in
our prosperity, he says; makes me feel like Wall-E
after being crushed on the Spaceship, dutifully I try
to find a vision that requires Master’s techniques

I’d LOVE to accomplish something but what, as for
beginning a business - I can’t even add or subtract -
as the Mind Power Master instructs - it sounds like
my biggest nightmare; I’m glad John Kehoe is so
successful & happily brags about it in every line

Of his book - but alas, following his example isn’t
possible; a reaching for some things has already
proved unattainable in my life, I could not master
piano playing, sewing or being calm while bored
out of my mind - so I pay him the compliment

To read his brag-book in total - his theories have
no effect on me until a dream appears needing to
repeat his affirmations until I’ve realised my vision;
’til then I shall keep his words ready for the day my
subconscious wants to steer me towards success

For now I shall remain a translator-bum waiting for
inspiration to strike - then I’ll repeat his affirmations
with alacrity - morning, noon and night…

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