Sunday, November 18, 2012

Still Love Me Too

Power of communication, reading Sunday newspapers
was so depressing; my beloved sighed - Why are you
so difficult to get along with? – I’m totally overwhelmed
– I cried – I cannot see how our country can survive,
the poorest pay the price for political connivance

Farms burning down, I even feel bad about President
Zuma being attacked by others, don’t have all the facts,
some say our president uses taxpayers’ money to enrich
himself while he cries in public - I did not take your wealth
- Who should I believe and why, how can we ever tell

Who is writing the script, trying to use information on their
own behalf, welfare money directed to Africans only, any
European out on his ears; which is fine, we live in Africa,
but what if the new measures also damage the Africans,
my friends, not just excluded Europeans

At whom these are targeted? - You relented; listened to
my woes with many an exclamation - Stop-Stop! You’re 
driving me insane – And I remembered my existence is
the bane of your life, I apologised - I’m mesmerised by
communication – the Twilight movie

Made me glad about us, then newspaper depression -
I related all my woes - You recommended a purge:
This is constipation of the mind - you said; being the
only doctor at my command since loss of medical
aid benefits - Look to purgatory medicines

For a cure, castor oil is the thing, as to political landscape,
forget about it, farmers are forced to clean house and kids
of poor migratory workers must receive free education to
rise above bad circumstance – I also confessed inability
to accept my problems; you laughed

Next year we can redo the house’s plumbing and
everything else – and I smiled, you still
love me too…

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