Friday, January 4, 2013

An Alien Concept

Mother impressed with physiotherapy, I recommended she
stay in Kosmos Old Age Home to complete the course, NO
mom said, I have appointments with pupils at home – I
called twin sis to organise mother’s stay

Airily sis said she was going to inform mom without pre-
amble she would stay in Kosmos longer than planned-
I sighed, sis pays and does everything for mom except 
treating her with consideration and respect - oh well

According to New Age Gurus this could only happen to
mom - having a dutiful but inconsiderate daughter - if
mom had done something to attract it, so I arranged
that mom cancel her appointments - promising

If mom stayed, my son would get acquainted with his
grandma - but for my meddling, mother and sis would
have been at loggerheads again - for them, clear
communication is an alien concept…

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