Saturday, January 19, 2013

This Day Has Passed

Everything ready for a visit to mother, the flowers in a wooden container, the
non-slip carpet and box doubling as a chair, Internet material on natural child-
birth at home - everything, except the weather, chances of rain and flooding -
so Hitler decreed we should not leave the house due to threatening weather

And I feel angry and disappointed and rebellious - so off to the library for
bibliotherapy, going to read until my eyes cannot see and my head cannot
think, as for my heart - what with the new medication I do not have real
feelings left - no waves of passion to make me fierce and determined

Accepting the status quo and Hitler's ruling as meek as a lamb, life will go
on and this too shall pass as will everything else...


The day has passed and reading brought no comfort, I discovered that the
Baryschnikov Nutcracker DVD had cut out the Arabian dance, I dislike
the DVD because the Sugar Plum Fairy has also been cut, the role of
Clara should have been danced by a young girl and the twirly bits given
to the Sugar Plum Fairy, the DVD lacks the pomp and ceremony and
luscious costumes - and it is raining - which is GOOD, the heat this
week has been too much for the garden - I'm dithering, what I'd like
to say is that it is time to calm down and accept this day is gone
without accomplishment...

19 January 2013

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Dying Eventually

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