Saturday, August 3, 2013

Reverberating [REVISED]

She angrily explained her car problems, refused to
drive further. I took her to mother and completely
succumbed to her angry vibration; a few faux pas
later I found making Freudian slips revealed my
own anger vibrating on the same wavelength of
her passionate frustration

She stated my remarks hurt her, I fell silent from
her irritation; arriving at the old age home she
decided to play piano – vengefully attacking keys
firstly with furious Chopsticks then a medley
terrifying enough to unnerve Beelzebub

Accompanying left-hand chords reverberating
louder than the right-hand tune, shock waves
coursing through all hapless listeners until my
brain unhinged – becoming a zombie;

The terrible aggression and fury always with
my sister wherever she goes took hold of me,
forming my mind into a tornado, afterwards I
could not concentrate at the office, unsettled
state of mind brought more chaos in its wake
until I ended up in the biggest traffic jam I
ever witnessed –

Today I calmed down again under the coolly
cynical amusement of my clever daughter,
shaking her head, taking me away from all
the noise to inner peace and quiet…

Saturday 3 August 2013

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