Friday, February 7, 2014

My Wonderful Treasures (REVISED)

Four hats at work should alert the unwary:
hats are important in my life, I love hiding
behind sunglasses and old multifocals, but
topping all that is hiding behind a hat with
the hat worn expressing my mood to boot

A jaunty Fedora with pink flowers for rambling
about with a big smile, for political discussions
with hapless colleagues - then a large-brimmed
straw bonnet and sublime purple scarf for a fast
military march to the library

A plaid Fedora to wear when explaining why I
adore Madiba with his benign smile beaming at
me from several posters in my work station; okay
visitors might be critical of the clutter - a pink
fairy as sentinel on the printer with stickers

Of sailing ships on its side, the silver and white
corner to my right; several pairs of glasses and
a purple pair for fun; a yellow seahorse on my
green box, smiling wooden dolls amongst pink
rosebuds, a group of plastic dolls

My favourite with a sweet, determined facial
expression, wondering eyes and rosy mouth,
reminding me of a steadfast Charlotte Brontë
& long-suffering Jane Austin who fought for
women’s rights through their words

 All things denote a being who couldn’t sit
still all day - hopefully visitors will run away
before finding my mug stained with brown
chocolate I had earlier today - but oh, what
a lovely life when I look at this -

All my wonderful treasures!

[10 February 2014]

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