Sunday, October 4, 2015

Young Maiden [Rev]

Africa’s a feckless young maiden - foolish & illogical -
as such she’s ungovernable; benefits of science and
technology, medical progress, political philosophy &
ethics are non-existent. She’s beautiful & admired by
men but like all innocently naive women love is to her
prejudice - senseless without intelligence & wisdom.

Once men in Africa’s South had opportunity to import
Western benefits, but opportunity was lost, pillaged by
greedy wantonness seeing a lovely bounty exploited
for selfish profit, delegating Africa’s people to slavery;
today’s New Africa leaders prevent their rise again by
aping their former colonial masters - oppress their

Own people, create empty bureaucracy destroying
every hope of honest business; down-trodden for so
long, leaders seizing power desire absolute power,
new politics wear higher heels - force their people
deeper into degradation through corrupt institutions
oppressors previously made, believing they’ll be

Freed as cultural remains of former masters are
destroyed - like radiation destroying the bad with
the good yet preserving every evil practice once
turned on them: when will they grow rational, when
will this bewitchingly beautiful continent of Africa
learn what respect and wisdom is, what the terms

Ethics & accountability mean - will they discover
what truth & justice mean - when will Africa rid
herself of criminals prostituting her against her
self, killing her children, plunging her into ruin - will
it ever happen, will it happen soon - probably not
while people follow their former masters, not while

Philosophy & ethics are unknown, not while her
children are gorging themselves swallowing their
very own lives - Africa, beautiful Africa, forget the
image forced upon you and be the Young Maiden
that you are, discover your incorruptible heart is
pure, your ideals unassailable,

Stand proud in your ability to lead your children
rationally, return to the wisdom of your heart, be
honest in all you do, rid yourself of criminal admirers
trying to take your life - you’re just sleeping, wake up,
punish those trying to exploit your innocence and sit
at Wisdom’s feet to learn the truth of LOVE: love

Is only lived by the Rational - only applied by the
Wise, only succeeds through integrity & accepts
responsibility for every loving step you take; this
I dream for Africa, an innocent and naïve young
Maiden honouring herself as a rational, realistic
woman whose dreams & ideals lift her far above

Criminals & detractors to experience the joy of
a freedom-loving nation; Africa’s not free as yet,
bound by the chains of history - but she will be
free once her children study philosophy to find
out how Freedom lives, throwing off the past’s
constricting manacles, free when the evil mark

Of her history is known as temporary and she is
free to start anew, offering her children a new life,
her beauty unblemished for all to see…

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