Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Different Future [R]

One possible solution to Israel’s plight is to embrace
the present within Heideggerian Phenomenological
Zen-Buddhist optimism - leaving the past behind &
where it belongs; love the old stories, but they must
let go of old paradigms and re-craft new ones

Surely after six thousand years they can create new
books extending the Bible instead of trying to relive
every past event; by clinging to an old paradigm they
relive it transposing all detail to today’s events - but
don’t they realise there is only one kind of prophecy:

The self-fulfilling kind? So why not read how quantum
physics explains consciousness affects malleable reality
such it can be directed differently simply by changing
theory & story in our heads? Don’t they understand
that setting expectations is the way humans create –

Ergo we can create a different future by setting new
expectations and doing things in a new way? Do they
see Judah’s God, who obviously is a Foreigner to all
Gentile Christians, as existing in a time capsule where
He eschews novelty, wears ancient sacred robes and

Requires a troop of priests to blow on horns - and don
ancient symbolical clothing while humanity’s fashions
have changed - is the Godhead caught in a vacuum
where old history is repeated ad infinitum, given that
Judah can’t recognise anybody as Messiah because

Laws forbid them to see godliness in humans - thus
they couldn't recognise Jesus Christ as such, therefore
they’ll be waiting forever - right into infinity? Why
not let go of history and live in the love they give in
medical aid to all their enemies, stop hostility against

Righteous Gentiles and create a New Chapter where
everyone who lives with Integrity will be welcomed &
made safe instead of these policies against foreigners
seen as blasphemous in their attempt to adhere to any
religion, ALL weak imitations of their great creation

Through Moses’ revelation regarding the Ten
Commandments as Immutable?

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